International Neighboring nations agree to intervene in Liberian cnsis HAN|l I., Cambia {API I ivc West Afrit .in leaders agreed Monday to M ini tri>i>[i> Iiltn Liberia In impost' .ase fire m thill country s c.t\ il war Salim Ahmed Salim stare larv general of I In' I Irganizatinn ol African I nit\ told 1 In' As sot ialial Press lln* leaders were working on! logistii s Iml In gavn no details In Washington. State Depart ment spokeswoman Margaret Tutwilei said retie Is seized M or 1 i foreigners m tin1 Liberian i of Monrovia on Mon day mt hiding one Amenean and moved (hem to an insur ;'.en! he.idquartf-rs outside the i itv She said the t' s KmhasM. reported that fortes ot Prime Johnson, the leader of one ot two rebel fai lions 'have seized hostages Soiiii es who spoke on i ondi lion of nnouvinilv said the lead its ,ii Banjul were i onsidenng sending m troups bv land from neighlroring Sierra l.eone and (luinea .is well as a naval lull e I he (Itnips would impose a i ease fire and install an inlet mi government to organize free elections, according to the sonrt es The task fori e would i Ont prise troops from Nigeria, (.ha na. (iuinea. Sierra l.eone. and (lamina Nigeria .dreads has three ships one armed with missiles and heavy guns off Sierra leone whic.h neighbors Liberia Thousands of rebels and svmpallii/.ers of Liberian rebel leader ( diaries I a\ lor rallied in opposition to the plan I hey gathered in Monrovia and waved banners reading Liber la will be the graveyard of for eign aggressors Taylor told them his lories 'will resist ,mv foreign inter volition to the List man." the British Broadt asting < hup re ported. The intervention plan was agreed at a summit ot the West \frii an l.i inimnii Cnmmunih Gamhiatl President Sir I law da lauara said in his opening ad dress dial the world was look ing to West Afrit an leaders to end the Liberian wai Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 10!. PERSONALS titti r>r \ mrl 41 ' •fonda* Jl a • I tl Jt tr 1 to N \ % W r .lit (1rll< llllll hot plr\ *1% r 1 r s air tilnr Is ohm IMIllr Sur ' Do I oil Ilk < i|Jlt)onfi) hr&7 86S1 PROBLEMS? A • . • 146 4468 PLANNED PARENTHOOD ' • i u 344 9411 no LOST & FOUND Buck p*Ck Red /. " • • too Northf»i «* contain** notebooKs and t>» t'-ift contact Rentn* »>H7 134' Lost, str*»v typa •• ■. fMU iv r.O'Hl >•' Mall a’f.» August t 486 1878 LMF RALD CLASSIFIEDS A gam of a deal* 115 TYPING SERVICES Printed text to computer files. BBtHSSJuOB 7474589 snof'aM* 8W *3 You never know who you might meet through ODE Personals call 346 4343 Count on Us for: ^ Pre-sale Consultation ^ Installation & Orientation ^ Network System Analysis ^ Comprehensive Training ^-Technical Support ^Custom Warrant}- Voice ^On-site Service Contracts -w prompt vo ice Repair M.n Plus Bundle.''299'9 flu powerful. mcnjuvi \\m. Plus. J <« Mb HAM JuMl» drive A tlw IVrsoiul laserPrintcr 11 ill 1 or in uni* lirvjblt pent Back-to-School Sale Knds Au«. 11th t. ' NLicSK I Ik («••«« rfnl c\j*aiuLibl« VU n{ « till dual lk>|i|i> iln»i s ui-4kt s Jit i \tilk nl miUiIhm) t^*r w.<(k Of m Ihx-I Featured Sale Items Mat SE w 30 Mh hard driv e $2199 Taxan 19' monitor with card ... $1099 E-Machine 1 (>" e<>l«>r m*»ninw i.m.1... $2995 GCC PLP LaserPrmier I!. $1399 Apple IIC Plus system. $699 Radius monitor card - Mac Plus $1299 PageMaker 10 $5*9 20 Mb hard drives $399 AO Mh hard drives $529 The Northwest's Largest V Authorized Education Sales Consultant the computer store # 6l West 8th, Eugene 343-1434 vwa i'M- v.: !>» ^ ♦ V{n»K V{u n\l n.K(omr*-> ■ ^ M>f4 ( mnputi-t_ Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinko's the copy center Open 24 Hours J 860 E 13th 344-7894 | Come Give Your Stereo a Tune-up Before You Hit the Road ■ Zapco Amps ■ VSE Security ■ Targa Soundsational FIexib le Sc 7? eduling! 1035 Conger • 686-0580 Hi him! Hur^t r Kini;