Regional Eugene blasted Quarterback Sean Sehlin of the Pierre l'.minty (\ Wish. I Henyels rushes through e tliii k et of defenders from the lilast. Undone's first semi-pro font hell teem in more then JO veers The liengals went on to u in the #mtie 20-0. ple\ed nt Merist High Si hnol on Set urdey. making Hugene's record 0-2 1'hoto by Scan I’ostnn Hanford hydrogen gas tank ‘burps’ (Al‘) Tin; I lanford mu lear reservation radioactive waste storage tank considered most at likeh tn explode lias belched more hydrogen gas. dropping the waste level about a mi lies, ollit iids said Monil.w Scientists had predicted tank 101 -SY would fill with hydro gen .mil then shoot the gas through its ventilation svstem sometime in August Westinghouse Hanford (ho officials said Mondav alternoon the tank vented at 5: it) a m Sunday No environmental contami nation occurred, the company said The gas is released through filters that trap any ra dioac tivitv. i onipativ offit ials have said Westinghouse workers now are preparing to take a sample ol the tank's contents white seeking to eliminate the explo sion risk, said Mike Berrioehon ut U estinghouse "That's why we waited until after the burping so we didn't risk running into a hydrogen bubble.’' Herriochoa said Westinghouse manages the tanks fur the Department ot t.n erg\ The tanks contain wastes from the proilui turn ot plutoni uni for hydrogen bombs Earlier this year. Hanford of fit nils said a buildup ot hydro gen ammonia and nitrous ox ide in JO ot the 177 waste stor age tanks had the potential to i ause ,i fire or explosion Mitigation efforts bate been stymied by a lack ot knowledge about .ill of the complex chemi cal reactions occurring inside the tanks Ron Bliss, Westinghouse vice president tor waste manage menl, saiit last week the com pans planned to insert a probe into tank 101 SY soon to gather waste samples that will take months to analyze Venting has been occurring about every eight weeks and dates from l'lT'l. Uestmghouse said t he last venting occurred in April, when tiie peak inn i entration of gas moving through the ventilation system was t -1 pen ent Idle peak Sunday was 1 1 pen ent, well below the approx imately a pen ent that Knergy Department off it nils have said would he flammable Ihe sample is taken at the venting point however, no! be neath the waste where the In drogen buildup occ urs Venting caused the waste in the tank to drop from a depth ol ■tlti inches to about 111 inches bv Sunday evening lank 101 SY is believed to contains the greatest hydrogen buildup bee ause it has the greatest fluctations in waste depth At Least 25% OFF All Clothing SPECIALIZED SHOES $ Q QOO (Reg. 89.00) 0 Rhode Gear Tool Wedge.$1 5 Rhode Gear Alloy Carrier.(reg. $29.00)s1 9 Rhode Gear 2000 U-Lock.(reg. $32.00)$24 Specialized Water Bottle Cage.(reg. $7.00)s5 Plus Great Specials on Bridgestone & Miyata Bicyles! I nds 8 l"> 40 Paul's Bicycle Shop Paul's Bicycle Way of Life 2480 Alder • 342-6155 152 W. 5th • 344-4105 i I Gina ILLUSIONS 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldq PERMS us: ‘ , .-hurt y s27.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS Mailing at 39-95 HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 I".*.••"illusions • oMb-ibiU lllftilllflMIIIIIHNI I I L. I I - rf'f u ]>' August 1 19'K Summer Sale! Great Discounts on Summer Merchandise. FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CLOTHtNG. JEWELRY & FOLK ART FROM AROUND THE WORLD Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBiToirATiLTER I Who can you depend on (or their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR1 M u % t . i r •. f > j i;. i r t f t ;1 * i»r ; m J MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Te< hmciare. in:.hill premium grade tJi■ ■ p id-, nr brake shoes and resu'f.H e ■! .m- or f toe ASK ABOUI OUR COMPREHENSIVE BRAKE OVERHAUL FEATURING FREE HI PLACEMENT PARTI. AND LABOR l OR A - LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR ( AM plus S I shop lei TUNE-UPS Trained Technicians Solve Over P 000 Eng Problems Every Day ■ V I *•« • AO ,*,! } . * i‘• f i '■.r ; ' | ; nr - . \ . , 1 4 Cylinder $44.99 6 Cylinder $53.99 8 Cylinder $62.99 plus SI simp lit Transvt! • V 6 eng & . _I No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only 345-1593