MOND'W1! IHROl (,H I RIDA'i v Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodle ^3.95 / f •» \r\t tu l ol ( ) Hook'•tor* CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I . ! 5th U S-J8 52 "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 ^ FULL MOON CANOEING Canoe by moonlight! Aug. 4, 5, 6, 7 OPEN UNTIL 11:00 pm Canoe on the mill race price s3.60/hour 346-4386 1 395 Franklin Blvd. Now On Sale Strawberry Shortcake Good Thru August 31st It's strawberry time1 And to celebrate, your participating DAIRYQUEEN stores are featuring their famous strawberry shortcake Red. |uicy strawberries, golden pound cake and creamy DAIRY QUEEN soft serve All for just $1 29 WE TREAT YOU RIGHT Regional Bend residents return to ashes of homes HIM) | A I’) Residents sill i'il through the residin' ol their helnngiiigs Monday .liter .1 tor est fire r.u ed through the sub mbs. destroying .Hi houses I ire 1 lews were .ible to hold the line ,1 round the i. too.lire Awbrev Hall lire lor the second straight da\ leading fire offi i nils to believe they 1 an dm lare the blaze 1 untamed I uesday night and 1 ontrolled on Wednesday The blaze broke out Saturday and rated from treetop to tree top ill a swath 1.' miles long and two miles wide Ihe lire split around the laitrada hodge motel, hut drove through three rural subdivisions just a few miles from downtow n, leveling houses in .1 seemingly random pattern B\ Sunday morning, most of the damage was done S i mil lion worth Oregon Department of forestry spokesman David Morman said S-l million of that was at counted for bv file 21) homes and eight outbuildings destroyed b\ the lire, and the rest w as timber I lie number of houses lie stroved was revised downward after off it nils went through the area Sunday night and t hei ked the ruins against tax rolls Mor man said Department of Forestry spokesman Inn l isher said the destruction of buildings was the worst in the state's history since 10:1(3, when a forest fire le\ eleil the i 11y of Handott "It ends one < hapter and an other chapter starts said Don Moreloi k as he and his wife, lerrie looked tm anything that survived the flames in (he house they leased in the Sun rise Village subdiy tsion Little did "That's the way I like my |iork 1 (tops well done." said Moreloi k’s son Brett, as he pulled looked meat from the inside of a freezer turned into an oven by the flames U'liat urn e had been bottles of wine were puddles of melted glass Nothing was left of a wa ter bed but the concrete piers that had held it up Don Moreloi k found a tin sheriff's star that uni e had been part of a costume held it to his i best then dropped it in the ashes Miireloi k said he and his wife had watched the fire ap proai It the hai k of their home before they fled yvith the fcy\ I,mills |ii< lures ,md other me inentos tiles i mild gather in .1 hurts File \\ ind was ini redible Morrioi k -..lid of the turbulom e i re.itilfl In the lire ' 1 told one tel loss the sound WHS like ,1 thousand horses running In Monnun said mans of the houses that burned had shake roots ninth easily caught fire as the flames roared through the trees standing nearby. At the time we built sis years ago. you had to have a shake root and t he\ didn't want any lawn around the plac e. said Pat Thomas, whose house in Sunrise village burned to the ground lie said the requirements were in the homeowners association In laws Mornian said those are |usl the kinds of tilings the Depart men! of Forestr\ recommends against as more people build houses m the forest, w here thin are vulnerable to forest fires "Shake roofs in a forest envi ronment just don’t cut it.'' Mornian said "I'm sure people here have learned that lesson Mornian said the 2.8(H) peo ple who evacuated from 2.0110 households Satunhn night were allowed bar k to tbeir homes Mond.n morning Au thorities reopened major streets m the fire area, ini ludmg the road leading to the Mount Hat helm ski resort Sightseers will be kept out a couple of days to hold down traffic as firefighters continued to move equipment around. Mornian added l'he i ause of the fire re mauled under investigation, but Mornian said arson had been ruled out The fire began near Shevlin I’aik a popular spot for wed dings three miles west of Head It burned south for 12 miles, jumping the 7a foot width of the Desc hides River liy Monday much of the smoke had cleared, leaving the skv blue again as helicopters continued to ferry huge bin kets of water to dump on hot spots A total of 1.435 people 122 fire engines. 7(1 bulldozers, 12 belie opters and six air tankers were working the fire, said I)e pertinent of Forestry spokes man Don I'erguson Although firefighters seemed to be getting the upper hand on the blaze, a National Weather Service meteorologist warned state ,