RECYCLING Continued from Page 1 A recycling problem would not prove ,i finunc lal burden to the I’niversitv end could even tu.illv even make money lor the Physical Plant. Kaplan said To save on labor costs, the Plant could use work ers who currently get paid to haul garbage as well as hire work stud\ students, she said As landfill costs soar and the prii e ol \ irgin materials in creases, roc vi ling vs ill also save the I'niversitv money Kaplan sa id Me livers himsell pointed out that the Value of ret vcluble ma lerials will ini lease as more mills are built to plot ess ree v i led paper and cardboard, thus driving up demand and the piii e for these materials Ueverhauser announced last week that it will build a $7(1 million plant at its Springfield mill to re proe ess cardboard Another i ont eru i ited b\ ad minislrators earlier this disposing ot confidential mate rial mav not be as mm h 11I a problem as originally feared. \h fivers said ( nnfidential ma terial is not required to be shredded or burned, and be cause the bulk of the ! 1 mversi !\ s confidential dm umeiils consists of ' student acadeinii records documents with al most no financ nil value to pro vide an ini entive for stealing most confidential material tan be simply marked as sui h and rei u led w ith other paper Mi livers said he plans to present his findings to Phvsil al Plant Director C.eorge I lei lit sometime this week Hecht said that the report will in turn lie presented to the I'mversitv’s new Iv formed i omillittee on re i yt.ling, chaired by Assistant Vii e President Muriel |ai kson The Physical Plant hopes to announce its plan tor recycling by the time tall term starts, but "there are lots of issues" to i onsider. I lei lit said Dan Williams, vice president tor administration, said the I'niversitv administration is "very positive" about recyel mg "It s not only part ot being a good employer and a good citizen, yye want to set an ex ample. he said "However, we can't ignore the financial implii ations Meanwhile. I'niversitv lions mg and IMP I noil Servii es plan to introduce reusable plas tu mugs lor hot and i old bevel ages m order to reduc e the number of paper cups used in resident e hall dining aleas and in the liMl ^ir eliminate them entirely Kach dorm resident arriving this fall will be given a mug to UO BOOKSTORE 131 M AND KINC AID I’M >46 4331 MONDAY FRIDAY ft. 30-6.00 usr in tin' dining halls said housing loud service Director I rod Babcock Resident e hall dining areas are also urdoring larger glass tumhlors hi replace iho disposable paper nips pro viouslv supplied hi students "Wo liopo to ohminalo the paper i lips completely by llio time sludonls got hero this tall lialu ink said The same plnstii mugs dis trihutod m residence halls wiil ho sold in I ho KMI and any one who uses them will be able to bti\ hot or cold beverages at a discount said I tennis ( arc KMI tood serve e dirts tor The mugs, whit h should be available on or after ()< t I are part ol ( aii s effort to pro i \ cle, or reduce the amount ot disposable paper and plastics the KMI ’ orders he said We would like to i nine as close as possible to eliminating paper i lips. ' he added ( an said he would also like to gel ml ol portion }on ks tor sugar, i realty ketchup and mustard and replace them with bulk dispensers Both < arr .mil Baht in k s.ini Iiii \ would like In m i- <11 iiini mini tin. cardboard ,m\ usiiiti c oiipmts I rum ~~i -J llii' ()i i'hiiii I).111 \ I inrr.ilil . M l • *>. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I til III11111 Oh God. George! Stop! Stop the car! 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