Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS August Attractions Quick Cash1 iv’s i. S> • • ■ ' ' .v" The Written Word Hr! *• '■ i . ■ . i , ! ■ - -v—i, y - A ", 1 i ('■ v. To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy ’ Sell * Trade Musical Inst rumen I s Stereo Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th us CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS GOVERNMENT SEIZED . Sv> Po'ds Merced..? f Well maintained - . Station Wagon AM F M stereo ra-_.k extras Great family car Good mileage View test drive to appreciate Only $1950 345 9152 1977 604 Peugeot. V6 a ‘. a • AC new brakes very tenable run*; great good body 461 0584 1988 Nissan Sentra •. "»>’ a miles 5 speed cassette bright red beauty. $5750 344-925? 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS Must sell* IBM PS? ?0MBHD Best fer 345-3699 anytime 160 SOUND SYSTEMS CASSETTE DECKS Sony light touch $70; Pioneer dubbing. Dolby C $80 344 1073 165 INSTRUMENTS Guitar Keyboard. Bass lessons John Sharkey 344 5530 ** wo RESALE CLOTHING ~ Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar for Men's and Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING Any time is party time* In the Daily Emerald Persona! Classifieds 195 TRAVEL San Francisco , '• . ' *'■ ; 15 Aug 21 femaie only Eugene depat ture $' 90 68 ’ 9 5> I message Airline ticket ; P • i V. folk VA Leave H.'6 return 8/28 S.'/S-obo 683 ?38 9 210 OPPORTUNITIES MODELS : mas TX 'a ' C' * , • pher needs several female models to test shoot Write call (214} 856 5120 ■ . ,ii4n Nufi Photography it t», Runtn * 201 Dallas Texas 75201 215 HELP WANTED FREE TRAVEL BENEFITS' A $58 240 Details 11 • 602 838 «8n‘ Ext X 12164 ATTN EARN MONEY WATCHING TV $32.00CVyear income potential Details (1)602 8388885 Ext TV 12164 APTS.-DUPLEXES 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE S6-rnn.r while .v- ■ • - ^g heebie das ATTS EASY WORK EXCELLENT PAY' Assemble «duo!s i? fv n«» Det&'is Mi 602 &38 8885 E*t W-1?164 Computer lab • ■ ' a .»•}*• - *.u hool of Journalism SS 00 hour Gx ; t-- f A ! 1 IBM M,». ■:’.! ••• • M'. Word; Page maker preferred Apt • a •sin 201 A u>" Hall Api'i >»• - iea-.i hne Aug It. 1990 DANCE INSTRUCTORS JHL'.r Panel jap and pft» dance instrir tors needed for dance classes starling Sept 24 Zposih. ns Pay rate $7fhour part time Applications available at Wdiamaiane Pa'k and Rec reation Dm t'.Ct 765 North A St ;.p- • 1 '’ - . •• 6 ;• in Mm f - EOF DELIVERY «r . t ny seeks pleasant . .mscientious mdi viduat hr fill 12 hour week deliv er> . >ry ... si's r Mu d have A" vehicle, good driving -e. ord Hourly plus mileage Send cover letter and re suine t. DiStr.it Manage. PO Ro* 383 Eugene OR 97440 EARN $20 CASH for participating m four 26 minute «n terv.ews $6 .• « • E a. - iterv.ew i months at art Must tm > cu"»mt do, , user (other than alcohol and toOa. but not usmg needles Absolute onh ! a! !> Please White Bird Clin ic at 342 and ask lui an app..t «« FREE TRAVEL BENEFITS* Have you a .‘way • c ' a a • terns Res;- -id : >'!*• • . ...de worn , reporting and producing news stones Receive college redit and tie part o* the team at Eugene only ail news a dm -ifat- lnte“’st g s b*s; M --day August 13th and continue through Fail _Eugene Oregon 97440__ OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS nu* ji . willing appiti'-rttiuMS lot tu> Apple at ion dead1 . A.; j ,*jt I 1990 For more information please all 346-5511 or apply by letter • ODE Board P O Bu- 3169 EOE 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW I ism background helpful Av«uiabh : Summer 1 >90 and of Fad 1990 La! ' *3647 APTS.-DUPLEXES U OF O Studios Quads m v\ n>th r.i i t IHth I tW> Ferry 1021 Mill Tit 16th I Bedroom 4 10 1 nth '•Ml 11th (20 I I (III I 14*1 I errs ids High 2 Bedroom 4 (14,1 u I ith 1149 ferry I 140 Mill I i'H) Mill l4M/i Patterson V\«- hast- apartments available to meet ever\one s need furnished unfurnished Pru.es to 111 every budget tor information, or to view any unit please * all ^ Jennings 4 Co I jst 1 Itti Avr l>« 1 4J19 ?25 APTS -DUPLEXES CLUB MILL fireplaces 5 bicxM to DO and down ' A • A »,l ,»bU* ■ ' ■. A " \ i ‘ .-. ■ ■ s 14 ■ . »' n $325 tee $75 ken 345 432* K«*y M >nw Real E State Pn.pnrty Management Furnished 1 r ■ 2 - ‘ CiyM lo campus 485 2823 Furnished unit* • i V 0- : ,; stud ^ t bdrm 2 t>drm 4220$295 Re I e*en>..ea Ridge* ■ I Apa-rniymts ;.,p Scott at 345 03.57 l arge clean mg Jshwi garbage disposal 683 8919 LOOKING HIGH & LOW P.rh 1,131 High St Canniuh |.*mg at its best Deiiotf .tud •» -darling i* $250 ill manager at M3 8132 R. • Mgn.i . -if' ; : .> *;>tM MILL RACE l.)f *•!'< iN YOUR ! IWN SRAi.,1 Spacious 1 * bdrm with moveabie d . )m-, . i. , I hi* V Rat f? Quiet onsite mop >mou|rV Sun ’ ates ; 'NL Y S. . ‘ Jennings & Co Prop Mgmt to... 683 2221 MILL RACE APARTMENTS 1805 Garden Awe nut ’■ nee red . ouftyar .* tus guaranteed Fail S 1/VSJ95 ' an Gary to One bedroom Quads Studios ’ * ' $325 LSE 12tl SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Alder Street Jennings A Co 683 4* The Milyard Apts 5. S. '• $ > O' N ; V . i v C • - 1 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 1 WEST 4th APTS Unique 1 bed flat*; and tolls a pnv»• ■ ■■ ;-•••! . Manage' »»Hb ’ 1 Bonnet! Mgnd -05 Oak *2 Hr.. • 485 6991 1 and 2 BEDROOM APTS 3 turn »s to campus Sterbng $38*. " 345 4155 APTS -DUPLEXES 2?5 APTS.-OUPLEXES $4iX) »-.'U /1*1 riven-* 2 bedroom !'• ; v ■ t f 2 blocks '' •' »> s ••.■■■ ' .*■ 2 U'O S' ODf CLASSlFIfOS 1 STOP SHOPPING ?45 REAL ESTATE STOP PAYING HIGH Rf NT G'oat house 46S 0.106 ip*yetV4fl‘> 6/00 iolltcr*) ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate ne©t1»d ' ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNT SmC»VY\ -< M. \ • n] UNAl SHOWS TONIOM T t 20 » 10 'ik MAHU Dt RAMOH IJ ( AH>H I kKHKJUlT Too Beautiful For You t\NAl SHOA’i Fi»li.HJ ‘ I r or»i rft* , riM1 olll TOPO SANTA SANGRE jlmLK'mjljljubjC riWTSTm PEDRO At MOOUVAR H Tie Me Up! ie Me Down! HENRY: Portrait ot a Serial Killer 4, KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHTS HNAl SHC-W riWA.HT 1 ' » •St AN CONNl MY Al EC HAL 0W1N THE HUNT FOR (>**•] Si TANTS f Hli'A V >rf '• , MAXIMUM THHAilHlit [», ROBOCOP 2 ^ S TAHM. > Hltur % Jf 1, Com«*. my d/oogwi Al*i waiting the Kubrick t lassie return*! ,t aioax won/. 0> HANOI: (t APTS -DUPLEXES V OF O I Bedroom \partments «li| h Mil) ■» . ’ Iiil \«*rd (turmshiMli *h» l Ft?rrv I.ttn«' l lull I'.illtrrsim Klm ms iiigii 1 Hritrnimi \|i,irlmi'iils m , l i >iih \o prls Shownbv appointment Spyglass Associates iii'jt iii>iti 1 14. AlHi'i I I II llish .mi [lurm-diid) 14"i u loth t.ai,-11 in ?6Q ROOMMATES WANTED Itmjmmiia wunltd W-,’ r, ;J».r ! $.')> $ -■ ijfn.’-pn *4 «’t>4» S ■ • , gd" ■ -t!S A miles Uon- . ampus 14tV»S) b«! *.*«•■> . 30 4 30 p«r ?95 MASSAGE & BODYWORK THE RAPfUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE JE ANINE VAN VACTOR t M I Phone 48 S 8927 AfTORDABl t SOLVE THE PUZZLE One f HE E ODE I shut will be given !o the hint person to solve the crossword puzzle every Tuesday and Thursday during the summer* Come to the OOF office l3id floor f MU! to claim your 30b SERVICES Alpha Hornemaking 688 0^98 QUALITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Hales Free l climates Call 683 3408 or 346 2296 SCMOl ARSHIPS ' <• f jhf ,»'Hl Other grant* fc 1‘-i-.h ■ ,i!«« Study ab'OjKl ifl 1 >i 1 •) l ■ 1» A■ TO SHLCIAl Of H H" CAl L 1 OH INf OMMATION ttO Install!1 SAVF'" OROIMNOW" Temporary health insurance i- i »r *• CROSSWORD By EugeruSheffer ACROSS 1 ( ' Stuart 4 VUUes 8 Critique of Pure Mi M*.on author 12 M . MacGr.iv 1 3 Sin >mtK)l spilth 14 !)iri*v ti>r Kazan 15 Mo in 1 7 i iroup in a Rung ft 18 ()ot<;ntuii quiche 34 I aura Peine s 36 fhup for ‘ >herlock 37 1.. ,ct to Douqla-. and C'nvons? 39 No! .« second IcltOf 41 Av.1i tv,.-* Thompson 42 Han into 44 W.ilt-f heater 46 >j1».j{ 60 Vat!<>r. 61 U»iai i -! . panted 62 ' -a jan quantity * 66 Unnamed abbr 67 Hand additive 68 ‘ ioap ' qredtent 69 ke 2 W.ilkii h Of Whitney 3 Montane < «ty 4 l»roup ti i ■.end in 5 I quivo ate 6 Done 1 Walked through, water 8 I taute cuisine no no? 9 f r eternal out fielder 10 Almost perfect9 1 1 Price Is Might* decor Solution time 28 mins. 16 1 all behind 20 Pou< h 21 I alU )W sourco 22 Binge of a sort 23 Corn ■.orving 27 loo* the gold 29 Wallet 30 Duel tool 31 l otter jpencr 33 Whomever 35 ' .mger Dylan 38 1 rape/ist s insurance 40 1 lannot, often 43 Big brass boomers 45 Were a Rich Man' 46 Handsome 47 Who:, the Boss?" role 48 Who.]urn; es'.enlial 49 MX shelter 53 lnade