Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS August Attractions Quick Cash1 Items ,.ndet 1500 ■' ’ ol < Id a ” !* paid issues A'i! fur ' • " she ne>! two issues The Wriilen Word H.r-: A-ite ah, message ic r .■ friend for only Ifvmch Add art' G Cr-L'y To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 FREE! If your birthday is this month, plac e an ad (up to \ lines) for tree! Oregon Daily Emerald Room 300, EMU 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS Tom Kis«» v I -r-rr.iiil PlANNtO PARENTHOOD untxa&ftd counseling ' .» ‘44 *4'' PRIVATE HI l P F ROM FRlf NDS I ter Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT WIT PROBLEMS A • 346 44RH Cindy limn •' CHRIS B jtl ,Ht ANOMUtMOOf ‘ Af’A •• HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY' ns TYPING SERVICES Retiiwd Untv»r*ily Secretary P ' ► up and -Jfii.yery Cu 344 4510 60‘> t I3»h A»« Printed text to computer files Js C A NNjE R ' 5 j 7474589 S1 ?o fw-.< «j l ASf R WORD PROCf SSING ' Rohm 144 07',9 PROF I SSlONAL TYPING TYPING UNLIMITED 5f l 485 0890 HUO’-i THE AT RE Bl-u U'NG 115 TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES ' ,UI C * A- ' U*> 994 7 JO THE TYPING PRO 68 3 6068 • «>M l)' PR< ' i V,!N(i f {)•’ NO paper?; theses dissertations |Th» WORD SPECIALISTS] ;* I t T a tJ U 41 - V )-1 \p}M> "• r d • I* 1)1 • nUIhtriv I Ec 1 a{v-1 * IHM 1 omp*tibk.:'l.M>E ' <>nv'f >• *r* * 1 4 i 1‘tm':? » it4ptil r I dihnp. K ■ -urn# • |C4 WOl l j T| INSTRUCTION Okicon Dkivik Tkaimm . I ns 11 run l i'jrn to ' ! >rlvr Jo Surv ive kkcrUtftl pmonti in4rvn1u>n m preparation lor vour iiornsr 1 »'■ mm tor wnvnrr ««» 342-4339 i?o TUTORING Tutor wanted ' ’ 8 *** . - • ' h’, • ! i M th • A u 8*0 hf$ p#" ’IP* '•■ h»2?' Need help placing an acT’ Call 348 4343 FOR SALE 130 FOR SALE Futon full st/t* A't»' ; .1 t> over md • just 3 months old $169 Cali 34$ $340 Refrigerator small *r ‘‘ $■* 344 8793 Slide viewer A • , 'r.f»de O.ist.r FOR SALE M W B' i Iv'.ar Eugene. Oregon l*?Mj FUTONS & FRAMES l- urnisImiL'v 1 i^’hiun * . * C'h’ihm.’ * Jewcir\ I lit ( omputer store's most important work starts lx Ion \ ou m la I .1 1 omputer We anals/e \our mills .mil rnommenil tin- s\s|fin rivjht tor \ou. Hut we dim t stop then ttr help \ou install \mir s\stun .mil .mswit any ipiestions. I In ( omputer store s Ik i n in business 11 sears, and we base every thini; you'll mid to mt tin- most from sour computer. hist wii k. vu- sponsored a serifs ol seminars and hands on opportunities in Desktop Ihihlisltin^. Uiountins; X Multimedia Presentations. Sow weimiti sou to another Mai experieme. our Macintosh summer sale. \ll computers X related products are on sale, hut don 1 wait, priies are limited to stoek on hand! 8DaySale hi.. Ink \ui>. ith Now \Ln SI I hi cxnjitiLiMt Ma M »itli dual fl**p|*\ s nukt \ in .in i \» i III id volution lor work or v< hool Mac Plus Bundle.s2999 The powerful. mtnpail Mj* PIun JuMh hard drive A iIk lYrvmal lu»cf Primer II all lor an unbr tie whir price' Featured Sale Items \|.k M' \\ Ml> luul 1111\i $2199 T.t\.m I1) muniiui wiilu.uJ $1099 I M.kIiiik' 1 <>’ i'’i'*t , .mi $299$ U( I'll* LiMTl'rinu-i II $1399 \H|ik’ll( l’lu''V9nii $699 K.kIiu' mihiii<>r i.ml VI.u l!!u< $1299 I'.i^VLikn in $$i9 2<> Mli luul Jim - $$99 V.i \|li h.mtiliiw - $S29 The Northwest's Largest W Authorized Education Sales Consultant the computer store • 61 M'est 8th. Eugene 3-t3-H3-t SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE 20%50% 0FF! 100% Cotton Sweat Shirts.$5.00 off 50/50 Sweat Tops & Bottoms.Now $7.95 T Shirts & Tank Tops.$3.50 Selected Printed Sweat Shirts. 50° o off Close out Avia and LA Gear Shoes... 25-50% off Good Through 8/20/90 Next to U of O Bookstore 877 E. 13th 342-6375 ovs GS0 ... V>®'®' **, *-e' 6s ^5 °*veto, st0'"'5,1' These Hair Care Products With This Coupon Thru 8-10-90 The largest selection of professional hair and skin care products in this town. Inside Southside Fitness 27th & Willamette 687 0138 11th & Patterson previously Vogue Hair Salon 343-1637