Daily Emerald A & E Local summer festivals abound I'll huts art' still I in sale Ini the Kugene Blues Festival Sat urdav August 7n in Alton Baker I’ark The festival will leal lire the likes at blues greats Ho Didtllev (airtis Salgado ami the Stilettos, ami Junior Walker and the All Stars The all-day event will also offer heel , wine and a harhei ue to accompanv the sunshine and nuisii Tickets are Sl"> in ad vam e a\ ailahle at .ill Hull t ei; ter outlets or call 687-5000 I'll kets are also still on sale for the August 77 performance of y.iggv Marlev and the Melo d\ Makers I'he son of re now lied leggae legend Hob Marlev. /.iggv and his band will play the Hult Center s Sit va (Concert Hall at 8 p.in Ink els are S|u fit), available at all 1 lull ( entei tit kel outlets l ()\( I K I S • Hlues |am. I hursdav ( loud l imes ( ate and Bar. .(7a I Seventh Ave 2 1 and over • t a aw dads ot Pu re hove ja/.z''country rock. 1 hursdav n p.ni Amazon Park 77110 Mil vard. ! ree • kudana and Rlivthm ,s Hli world beat marimba 1 i idav 0 to pm WOW I lull. 701 W high) Ave Admission is $-1 at the door All ages show ; adult refreshments available • (In i Trouble, t lashuffer anil (lalamitv lane Saturday 'I in p m , WOW Hall \dnnssion is S e all ages well oine • Die 111iu tion ( il\ Iti.iss Quin let Sunday I p m 1 lendri< ks Park Khndoiiendriin Harden Free I IS II \ \l s • I ini' Arts festival present,i turns In local artists. \ugust i I Southtowne Shoppes JHth \\ e and ()ak Si For mti mna tion i all H I Jiia ' • Mainstreet ( lelehr.it ion in Cottage Hrove Dame in the Street with n111 sit tood e\ hibils and games \ugust "> Downtown Cottage drove for information call 'H I i^.i • Scandinavian I . 11\.11, more than I -tit food and < raft booths dam ing. music lours films and pageants \ugust ') C lunction C'itv For more infur iTi.ition call OflH mi II, l’fKt IIKM1SI. \K I S • U Ninel s ot the \ol thw i I I tile Ac I Play w i itilig * Contest will present two one ai t plavs August i 1 to \ I I at Fane Community College’s blue I lour Theatre at H p m I n Pets are St available at all Unit I entei outlets and the Lane Box ()ffn i' l iit information i .til 7Jfi ..'Jn.’ • /Vif k tin..uui I .mti > .it/ rr \ (Until \l,m. (Unitin' /froivrt con tmur .it the I lull ( lenter for the Performing Arts One laigenr (Vntrc through August IH I m times and dales call t-la 0(l.!H tor t it. hot informal urn ..ill tiH 7 >01X) s \ I I KI) \ A M \ K k I I • l*his Saturday thet market will feature I)a\ ul I lelfand harp I eleste Maxwell i hildrens inusit Stephen (when acous 1 ii , anil dam ers hum the St ('lair In dompam and Vi» \ in me I'he market is open on the park him ks between I ighlh Aye and Oak St every Satin day from 111 a m to 5 p m and ai companies hand made i rails fanners market loud and live entertainment ( (>Mi:m • Kill lie Klldel nil I leKome will co headline knw loon s no i ov er comedy night Thursday a! U p m 2222 (lentennial Hlvd J I and iiver • Pal Simpson and opener Mi sail Syyeetzet rx i 11 host no a over comedy I ndex at koxvlootl s Show time is ft p m 21 and over Looking for a good donl ' Read sec tion 130 in the classifieds 'M “ #1 Musique Gourrnet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC 4 OPERA ON CO 4 CASSETTE CD s FROM $5 95 CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC TAPES FROM S2 95 | In the Fitthpearl Building £ !' A-.*" it- 343-9000 iV, _ 50% OFF Selected u of o Sportswear I ill hides Sw oatshi rts, 1-Shirts. Shorts $ and Tanks _ ( ( Wll’t s '■'Si ( * \ t ( l K )\ 344-3439 ♦ 720 E. 13th (nr\t to l)air\ (Jiirrn) "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dal sun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Bivd Eugene, Oregon 97403 Bov Sailboards Eugene's Premiere Surf Shop Now Selling ◄ Surf boards ◄ Sailboards ^ Boogie Boards ◄ Wetsuits & Accessories ◄ Rentals & Lessons BAY sfiifUptii'dz inc 388 W 6th Ave Eugene, OR 97401 345-7589 inouncing The Newest Hair Salon in the Downtown Mall... JAPAN y FULL SERVICE SALON (formerly Favors) 20% off any chemical service Permanent hair care products I ’n 11 line of Matrix hair care products 845 Willamette Open Mon-Sat Ham-Hpm Sun 12-5pm 343.7155