LORAX Continued from Page 1 slit' S.llll Other projei ts include installing .1 14.1s heating system. which will test about SjM.iiOd, ,md lots of reciirpetmg paint mg and hole tilling. Roc said A lot ot it is painting and tilling in holes." sin said. Roe said residents Mill he pleas,inlh surprised when they see how it it e l.orax Manner looks, adding that the refur bished building Mill he the nicest co-op In far. at least lor a little n hilo Mark 1’ankalla. a former resident ot the l.mct Smith 1 o op, and the one in 1 harge ot quality 1 iintrol on the l.orax Manner renovation project, agreed Tin real happy with (the renovation|," lie said "It s going prettv smoothl\ I’.mkalla said the renovation whu It began in March, is still in the tear down stages but the lest u ill go qwii k l\ More than half the renovation is done, he said Hash ally ysliat the renmalion crew is doing is taking an 'extremely over-van dalized building and bringing it hack I’ankalla said In addition In the tire system neyy stairway and repair rvork a ueyv plumb mg system had to be installed, Pankalla said lust try ing to make it (building) film tinnal." is the main focus ot the work I’ankalla said We just want to make the budding tor those who will live in it I’ankalla s.iid contractors will start on thi' new staircase soon A < rew has al reaiiv started setting up the project and will finish the minor details alter the ( untractors liar e lett St \ hopes to save mooes h\ i ailing ill contractors mils tor heavs work hut the renovation has alreadv i osl more than expei ted tss u e as milt h and twit e as Ions- I’ankalla said The pi n e ot living 111 the i o op w ill he i oiiipntitive with the dorms Koe said adding that the pm e of liv ing m a single co-op room is the same or less than that ol ,i double in the dorms f ood is included m the price ol a room al the co op and pavmenl is usiialh made in two installments over the i nurse ot a telm Koe said one bonus co op residents en jo\ is that thev are not alliliated w ith the l msersits St A disaffiliated from the t uusersits alter retiising to abide lis i el lain i ampus polit les 'We i an decide what s best for us Koe said Students run and pas for es ervthmg in the coops do op business is run democrat!! alls and aus student who wishes to express an opinion about c hanging the co-op mas do so borax Manner renovation ssill he tin ished and reads lor 01 c upanls at the he ginning ol tall term. I’ankalia said >1% Sfill I’uslnn Sltiilrnls' (no/innli ir . 4 ss<»< i.ition is iriun.it un; lni.i\ \l.innrr. tnrnirrli I’.in 1'imrr. in tinir In iidi {iiiii' M'Mi/i'/ifs ,il llir lirt;iiiniiiK <>l l.ill trim 1i I s KliVKV)^ | ^58 C iL_ 15th 5« 7975 , I 1 I 10% OFF ANY CD <7 IMJN )CRIAND * ,H! A 1 E OR PAM TilS AND HlHTMOAvS 5cvideo GAMES admission i so SIH STREET PUIIIC MARKET EUGERE *611 8«M FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Larue copies up to 11x17 • 50-100'. enlargement or reduction • Color copies front 35mm slides, negatives, or .3-0 objects. Open 7 Days kinko's the copy center 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344-3555 New Location | “On the Western ' edge of student consciousness" at 1340 Willamette St. Save 40% on “Rad Designs” Shorts & Tights Now ’23.95 Reg $39 95 Mountain Bikes by Fisher, Mongoose & Fat Chance 1340 Willamette St Eugene, Of 97401 687 0288 M F 10am 6pm Sat 10am Spin CYCLEan REPAIRS a CYCLES (j FULL MOON CANOEING Canoe by moonlight! 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