National NY’s Steinbrenner strikes out .STAY YORK (Ar) (ieorge Steinbrenner's turbulent reign .is New York Yankees ownei .ill but ended Monday when commissioner lav Violent frmed him to Hive up control ol the team for pa\ mg a s.mi bier to dig up dirt on Dave Winfield Mi Sleinbrenner will have no further involvement in the management of the New York Yankees or in the day to day operations ol i lub.'' Vincent said in an notinc ing the dec tsion The agreement c nine fol lowing a da\ long meeting in the i nmmissioner's offii e and was the result ol a four-month investigation into Nteinbren nor s $40,000 pavment to I low aid Spira The Ml vear-old Stoinbren ner w ill be allowed to < (insult oil major business dec isions involving tbe Yankees. but cannot part it ipate in plavei deals I le must also ask Vin rent's permission to attend games I in all purposes Mr Steinbrenner agrees that be is to be treated as d be had been ed on the permanent hum igible list." Yini ent said I hope this sad episode is now over Steinbrtmner also agreed not to i ontest the (lei ision in ( (Hill "I will not ( iimment on the (lei ision," Steinhrennei said "I'm very happy it was re solved I'm lets satisfied s\ ilh the resolution, and that's all I m going to sas As one baseball's more fiers charai ters Steilihreimer was famous for Ins hiring and fir ing of managers partk ularlv the late Hills Martin, and lot feuding ssitli Ills players Winfield one of Stein hrennei s mans high pin ed free agents, hut Stemhrenner turned on the stai outfielder •liter he went 1 for in the pm 1 World Series loss to Los Angeles Later. Steinhrennei derided W infield as "Mr Mas ,"’ saving he olds ( ame through when it didn't ( aunt Winfield .mil Stembrenner feuded throughout the PtHtts and after several years of trs ing W infield ss as I malls trad ed to ( sdifornia last Mas Stembrennor is the otm (wimr Id be penalized twice (or major offenses lie was suspended m 1 ‘174 b\ Bowie KnIrn for making illegal earn paign contributions to l’resi dent Nixon I am able to e\ aluale a pat tern of behavior that borders on the fiizarre." Vim ent said It is apparent to me Mr Nteinbrenner does not ap prei late the gray ity of Ills i on dm t, he said In short I must net the at tenlion of this owner He must learn to be more i aretul to listen to Ills advisers, and to i onsuler more i arefulK all the ramifii ations of his con dm t It is im sirx ere hope that the sam lions will have the result 1 intend It thev do not I or mv successor will be i onfronting Mi Steinlirenner oik e again And that cannot be in the best interest of base ball " The new s spread cpni k I\ through Yankee Stadium where New York played De troll and tans greeted the an nouni ement with a 'ill sei ond standing ovation Subcommittee cuts bomber’s $3.8 billion WASHINGTON (A I’) A House Armed Servu es subcom mittee voted Monday to elimi nate all $ i 8 billion in prtx ure ment money President Hush had sought for the H -2 homher The panel on procurement and military nuclear systems adopted the proposal of its i hairman Kep I .es Aspin U U is . to stop buying the stealth airi ratt after the la planes cur rentlv under development are delivered to the Air I on e The Armed Services' sub committee on resean h and de velopment meets Tuesday to take up the president's requests for money for H-2 testing The full committee meets later in the day to put the finishing tom lies on its $28,1 billion de tense bill lor the fiscal year be ginning Oct 1 In other .a tion behind i losed doors, the panel eliminated the Sl.i billion the Pentagon sought for the program to move the MX nuclear missile from fixed silos to railroad i ars and zeroed out the $1 I billion for the AMKAAM anti airi raft mis sile Rejecting Defense Secretary I)i< k Cheney's attempts to kill the Y-22 Osprey, the House panel added $11)5 million for advance procurement of the tilt rotor assault transport that takes off like a helicopter but can fly like a plane. The panel also restrii ted the purchase of the C 17 transport aircraft, requiring Cheney to i ertifv that the plane's first suc cessful flight has been demon strated before some SD50 mil lion can be spent on the two planes sought in the new fiscal year The administration had proposed spending $2.1 billion on the C 17. a heavy transport designed to land on fields that the gigantic C-5 models cannot use The panel slashed $1.2 bil lion from the classified A 12 Navy attack aircraft program The subcommittee's action on the I! 2 reflected the eroding ( ongressional support for the airi raft, which is manufactured by the Northrop Corp makers have expressed sti< ker shoi k over the cost of a single plane nearly $H(e> million Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS August Attractions Quick Cash' items unde' $500 if not sold within tw paid issues will run for free in the next two issues The Written Word Hand Ante any message to your friend lor only $5/mch Add art' Go Crazy To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS UO Bookstore Shipping/Receiving Depl on being the first person to correctly fill out Thursday s crossword puzzle PROBLEMS'* Anonymous phon«- :oun selmg available through UO Crisis Confer Cali us eves nights wknds 346 4466 PLANNED PARENTHOOD for i.if smears infection checks birth control A counseling Days A evenings Call 344 9411 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tasting BIRTHRIGHT 687 66S1 ns TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PRO 68 3 6068 IBM WORD PROCESSING t DIUNG PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 ytais e«perierw e Editing IBM •»»:ht.K)i approved ON i amii ■ Robin 344 07S9 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Aiv *ord processing editing I w pic Nup7deli very Rood a 93*> 189.’ 115 TYPING SERVICES CVA TYPING SERVICES Tigh quality typing i»n ► l-diiiny. 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