Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 31, 1990, Page 9, Image 8

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Log export ban clears
congressional panel
Legislation to holster domes
tic timber supplies In ban
ning the export ol unpro
cessed logs from most state
owned lands in the West
cleared a congressional pan
el Mondnv
I*at ilic Northwest law
makers drafted the measure
to offset logging bans that
have been imposed on an in
creasing amount of public
land to protec t the rare
northern spotted owl and
other wildlife in old growth
Now th.it it has been .1(1
proved In a House Senate
conference committee, the
measure is expected to 1 lear
the full House and Senate as
earlv as this week.
I aider the hill, export ol
raw logs from one fourth of
the state-owned lands in
Washington could c ontinue
but would be banned from
all state lands in Oregon.
California. Idaho. Montana,
Nevada. Wyoming. I tali.
Colorado, Arizona and New
The c onferem e c ommittee
version actually applies west
of the 1 (tilth meridian, 1 in
cling part of the Dakotas.
Nebraska. Kansas Oklaho
ma and Texas, but there is
little' common ml logging in
those states
The measure, included in
the 19<tl) Customs and Trade
At I exempts Masha >ind II.i
vviiii from the st.ite and led
er.il bans It also allows the
president and individual
states to rest ind the ban it it
is determined it is not in the
state or nation's best eco
nomii interest
Hankers of the proposal
s.n it will save tor domestic
markets about ti()0 million
board feet ot timber a year
from being sent to higher
bidders overseas Of the to
lot. about t 0 million board
teet comes from Washington
and about ltltl million board
teet from (tregon
In each ot the last two
years about t 0 billion
board feet of unproc essed
timber has been exported
from the two states, about HO
percent ot the nation's total
About one in four trees i ut
in the I’a i itii \i irthwest is
shipped overseas prim ipal
Iv to lapan
"When we are experiem
mg a tight timber supply , as
we are now m the North
west. it makes absolutely no
sense to be shipping raw
logs overseas. said Sen
Hob i’ai kwood H (lie
Oregon mills need the
logs and our workers need
I tie jobs. " he s.i id (fuel"
the House and Senate ap
prove tins agreement. I will
actively encourage the presi
dent to sign this bill '
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Court ruling does not stop peyote use
SAM' I AM ( i n i \l’l \
C S Supreme Court ruling ili.it
stales ( .in prohibit tin' taking ot
illegal drugs, even as part ul .1
ri'ligimis i eremonv hasn't
stopped many Indians in I tali
and elsewhere from using pe
vote, officials say
I he Navajo \ation will not
ai i ept the I S Supreme ( otirt
decision." said I.eNora Hegav
press oftit er tor the I r I he whose
reservation sprawls across
southeastern I tali New Mevi
i o and Arizona
Ihe Navajii Nation will not
prosecute anyone lor using pe
vote as a s.u lament ill their re
ligiotis i eremoines,'1 she said
The h'gh i our! s April C do
i ision held that states and the
federal government have the
right to Iran use ol controlled
substuni es mu h as marijuana
and peyote, a Itallm inogen. m
religious servii es
rii.il landmark ruling in
volved the i ase ol two people
who were tired from an Oregon
drug rehabilitation < enter he
i arise they used peyote m rites
I he Oregon courts determined
peyote use was not a i oust it n
tionally protected right and
the C S Supreme Court agreed
However, other religious or
g.ini/ations including the Ko
man t i.itholir Church. have ex
pressed i oik ern that the ruling
empowers states to i ontrol reli
glims practices and that gov
ernments I ould use it to prii
(libit certain religions
Among those most directly
altei It'd .ui‘ members of I ho \.i
ti\ e Amerit .in l him h u hii ti
mi luilcs among its pr.utir.es .1
pevote ceremony l Ihurr li
memtxirs m I'l.ili sas they run
time; In pr.u tii e their religion.
1111 lulling pt'vnli' i eremonies
without interruption Irutn statu
or tuilrr.il authorities ami with
thu blessing of thu Navajo Na
A\ ithin thu hotinilarius ol
thu \ava|o Nation wu do not
limit amimu from prai tu ins;
thuir religion said Hegas
As Inns; as thus iru 1111 thu rus
urvation. s\r will prusurvu thuir
right to pr.u tu u thuir religion
\n ust 1 inatud j ,11110 mum
hors ut tin- Native \1t1u111 an
1 Inin h livu un thu Nas a jo Kus
crvat ion
Begay emphasized that the
I S Supreme (imrt dm ision
gave authority tu the states tu
determine whether illegal
drugs ( Ullld he Used III It'll
slums ( urumumus
Ari/ona has told Irdial oili
i nils it will not pruset ulu those
who ingest pevole on the reset
Saturn Bugas would like tu see
t tali make a simdni promise
"Religion vs government is
a sensitive issue said slate
11,111 ut u s 1.1 Das e I tillmei
As a stale sse are not going to
addiess the problem on the res
ersaliuns I hat's a federal proh
State off ii ers has e no |uns
diction over tribal lands hut it
memhei-. ut the Native Ami'll
1 an ( him h pr.u tice the 1 dual
off tin* reservation, ‘then trial’s
,i different ball Kami' bullmei
So far, peyote rituals have
been restrii ted to the reserva
T.ssenliallv. ilia Indians
have been given a i onsiderable
aninunt ul sovcreignty In run
then own aftairs. said I S
Attorney lot 1'lab I tee Denson
He said nn one has i omplained
In Ins I ill ii e aboiil illegal drug
Use nil the reserv at n>11
l’lie i Hurt has been i leal
that where there are laws pm
lubiting illegal use of peyote
that Indians nr anyone else i an
not use it he said And pe
vote is on bided among the
■ nutinlled suhstaw es and
drugs "
Henson said lie would have
to think long and hard about
whether to pursue any colli
plaints or investigations into
peyote use on the reservation
bill lie added that drug abuse
and tratlii king is at the lop nl
the |ustii e 1 lepartment's priori
t lit ii s nl the peyote i dual
point out that peyote was part
ol Nat ive A met ii an ritual only
in in a thei u Ndey.li o and w est
eru Texas where the peyote
plants are loiind
Hut the Native Ainerit an
( hurt h w hit Ii int oiporales
members of all Indian tribes
ai 11 iss the nation, has a pey ole
ritual piai In ed a< t Hiding to In
i al Native American traditions
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