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All computers iN related products arc on sale, hut don t wait, priies an' limited to stix k on hand! 8DaySale Iri.Juh ith Now '!(*» .\tn-tt 1 Ik |K>Hcrfiil. ( xiuiuljhlt M.k ''I w ith dual iiuko is un t vu lli m soIiHh'ii lor u.»rk or m Ik ml Mac Plus Bundle.s2999 Th« jH'wirful ntm|Md Mji Plus .‘u Mb hard dm t .1 the IH rMiiul laser Primer II all for an unheliewble price' Featured Sale Items \|.u M u Sti \ll> li.ml ilnu $2199 I ,i\.m I'l me mill h u ill a .ml $109*) I M.kIhik 1<> $2995 (.(.( I’l l’ Liv il’nnui II $1399 Vppk’lk I’Iun '.vMom $699 RjiIimn nmniloi i.ial M.k I’lia $1299 I’.ijji’M.iki'i i o $$49 2* i Mh li.ml ilnu-' $399 $o Ml> lurcl ilnu-' $$29 The Northwest's Largest ffc Authorized Education Sales Consultant the computer store # 61 West 8th. Eugene 3-*3-1434 _'U l VI VI M HH- -Ui .!> I, ■■ 1 H „k Hmk > ■ * »,>>» 1 ■* , -1 ' Regional Seattle AIDS agencies receives high praises Sj vn I I M’: Thi' i nnperation in Seattle aiming hnmosex u.il. I'tlinii .mil olhei groups in combating the spread of AIDS can la i model for the rest of the i ountr\ mi others of a National (loin mission on AIDS i ommittee said M.in\ times when »t travel around, the communities say Aon bring us hope As we sit here today. I want to sn\ that you brine u s hope i om miss ion member I .arts Kessler told rep resent a toes tone, two AIDS relief organizations on Monday Tile Ke\ Si oil Allen. ( hail man ol the \A( subcaminlttee ill.it took testimony from AIDS groups, health workers and public oifi . i.i: remarked on the region’s i (impassion and spirit o! eoopera t ion ’Seattle has much to be proud of I come from a part ot the i ountry where i ompassion (for v it timsj is in very big demand and has a lai k of existent e said \lleu. who lives in Dallas Allen's group has held similar hearings in Dallas and Boston this summer, preparing to draft a report on AIDS treatment for the lull i ommission The \ A( was i reated by ((engross last August to ret omineiid AIDS polii v to (iongress and the president Northwest \||)S Foundation director Nani v C.amfibell said she was unsure what action would result from the report, but was im pressed bv the colli ern of committee members I he questions here reflet t that this group is interested, she said in an interview ( ampbell dest ribed for the t ommittee her foundation's begin mugs and the services it now oilers, including providing social workers foi AIDS victims, legal assistance, food and shelter, and help in getting medical treatment ( ampbell stressed the cooperation aspect 'Since the earliest days of the epidemic in Washington State the kev players, publii and private have trusted each other We have used collaboration, rather than competition as our operating model to assure th.it serv it e we provide meets critit a I needs with out gaps or duplit alion ot serv it e Sin noted that mortality rates in King County AIDS patients aie iflativ elv low , the result ot early planning and an effii ient t are sv stem We were trirlunali‘ because we vv eren't a front-line r ity. a Sail ! rant tsi a oi I. A slit1 s.mi She Stressed that AIDS has not been controlled in Seattle or am w here and the epufemii mav be approaching a crisis stage "This is the essential part It we don't gel ahead oi this right now ive will tail apart in the next lire years and look no different from those other ( itirx." she said aftei the hearing ( amplHjtl and C‘.ittin lallwood of the People ol dolor Against AIDS Network stressed the need for AIDS prevention as well as treatment for king (anility s 800 AIDS \ u tints and estimated ‘1.000 w tin i arrv the 1 ll\' v irus that onuses AIDS l allwood said her group which has stall in Seattle Tacoma and 'i akinta. distributes All)S edm ation materials and i ondoms .it Win sites (ommittee members were keenlv interested in how needle ex i flange programs in T'ai oma and Seattle are helping to prevent the disease's spread (diarlton (!lav. assistant coordinator of the Seattle needle ex i flange told i ommittee members it "appears to be the most direr t positive and highly appreciated HIV prevention program among people w ho use IV drugs He said not only do drug users avoid the spread of AIDS through shared needles they can also be more easilv reached foi medii al and drug treatment "This is all inexpensive effective method to prevent death." Dave I’urr base of the Tai oma program said Tun base said the exi hange vvliu h gives out sterile needles, condoms, food and i lot lung, has helped i hange drug using prar tires He said pool sexual practices, sm It as failing to use a con dorn w ill lie harder to t hange TAYLOR’S Continued from Page 4 U'nlkei mentioned (ioodtimrs ( kite and Bat BA I ~th .ind 1 lie lluttf Tavern, Jll Washington SI .IS spills likely In lr\ and lake advantage nt tIn■ opportunity (ioodtimes t urrently lias a blurs jam rvrrv Thursday night "On musii nights business has gone up about till) per cent, ' said l Ioodtimes owner |im (enseii '1 I'he bands that were calling Taylor's are i all mg me now Plans for the old laylor's building are currently up in the air. At tile moment Baylor is in control ot the building Howry er. in three years the lease re \erts back to two ol bis sisters and will need to be renegoti.it i'(l .tl (bill time. Taylor said lit' is negotiating with three prospective buvers right mm "1 don't r are too nun It \\ ho rents the plat e he said ’ I just want to get the ties! person in there th.it I ( an Taylor said he is not interest ed in having another tavern in llte building And whoevet he leases the building to w ill have to make repairs and do some re modeling to update the struc ture lie would rather see any new operators use the building as a coflee shop or restaurant He also said he still hasn't heard a word front Dingman. "He hasn't contacted me or any thing l ay lor said "We've always got along, so 1 thought he would at least call or something." ODE ODE ODE Recycle This Paper ODE ODE | ODE •