I Offer only good with i Gina ILLUSIONS— 1511 Lincoln. Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS customised for your hair type s27.95 '- if •:;/ ' f i r rr.jy f-‘- ' >f' a LOOP RODS • SPIRALS sqq qc starting at \J kJ • \J HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 | i.illinium.iimMiHwn111 (J S IOH S * 345-1810 j I I L. , ) thfo., Auyust 51 I'AK: I I .4 New Location \ "On the Western ' edge of student consciousness" at 1340 Willamette St. Save 40% on “Rad Designs” Shorts & Tights Now 23.95 Reg $39.95 Mountain Bikes by Fisher, Mongoose & Fat Chance 1340 Willamette St Eugene, Or 9/401 687-0288 M F 10am 6pm Sat 10am 5pm Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE r TUbIT cTil_&-filtYr~ O i Who can you depend on for their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term arranties9 The Masters of Master art; of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR' MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Technicians mslall premium grade disc pads or tnaho shoes and resurface drums r to lor ASK ABOUT OUR COMPREHENSIVE BRAKf overhaul m atubinu fret re PI AU( Ml NT PAR1' AM) LABOR TOR AS l ONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR1 s59 99 plu** S 1 shop tot TUNE-UPS T;dined Technicians Solve Over 2 000 f ng Problems t vt*r> Oay' ' i . • A T > r ■ ; .. , - f , \ .... . . 4 Cylinder S44.99 6 Cylinder $53.99 8 Cylinder $62.99 SI shop lee L—_ MTTSVITM1 V t) efig .\ .1, : ifltl J No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only 345-1593 ^Scaling the Butte" Spencer Butte summit offers panoramic view By Christopher Blair b ■ : Mv " ; t cl !i ” 1 he view from thi1 top of Spencer Hutli1 tin' most pmini ni'iit natural feature of Kugene s southern skyline is well worth the hour long hike to the sum nut The 2.0t>2 font butte, geologi t it 11 \ k nawn ns .1 1 basalt up lilt," has been known as one of tlie best viewpoints around sun e the 1ugene area was set lied m tin’ Indus Spencer Butm was known as 1 ham o tee or Rattlesnake Mountain by the original \a live American inhabitants of the Willamette Willed (though few rattlesnake^ ale seen there nowadays) file finite was niter named for lfith < enturv Sec re tail of War John Spencer kin' area was made a park by the ( il\ of Kugene in lffHH I he forests around tfie butte have never been logged and tile old growth ecosystem is home to a diverse array ot animals l iving among giant 2(Id year oId Douglas tir tree’s are black tailed deer, racoons rabbits, scpiirrels. and numerous spe i les ot birds, snakes and tree frogs Three-foot wide sword ferns have adapted well to the shady lanilsc ape. as have mam kinds ol wildflowers including or chids and lillies A word ol c aution I’oison oak is also a thriving membei ot the lorest community. so Inkeis should view the plant life ol tin paik from the trail khe hike to the lop ot Spen c er Butte takes anywhere from 1(1 minutes to an hum kite trails i .in he steep, espec inllv near Ihe hh ks at the tup hut hikers of all ages i an reac h the top w ilh little diffn uily I in- view trom tin’ summit is impressive’, but varies from day to dav on ac c mint ot weather or pollution conditions un a clear day. every building in Eu gene is visible In the north, and all of Fern Ridge Reservoir can lie seen to the west. To the east and south, a hiker can see the foothills of the Cascades and down to end of the valley near (aittage ('.rove Red tailed hawks glide above the summit of the butte, i are fully watched from below by Douglas and western gra\ squirrels scurrying on the u i ks The view and the wild life make the summit of the butte a good picnic spot, Spencer Butte’s paths are connected to Eugene’s 11-mile Ridgeline Frail system, and as mu h the top can be reached from a variety of starling points • 1’lie main park 11.g an a oi Spent ei Butte Bark is on U’il lamette .Street, about two miles south of the Fugenc c By limits A picnii area and restrooms are avaiiahle t he trail from here to the top is only about a hall mile long, hut i ail be rather steep in spots • I he trail head on Fox 1 billow Road features a small parking area 1 nun then1 the top is 1 n miles awav and tin- trail is a bit easier to negfitiate • The trail from did Avenue and Willamette Street, which meets the lie Hollow trail half wav and runs a total of l H miles to the top, is long hut not as steep Barking is available To preserve the park environ rnent. hikers should stay on the trail ( hera tight ( am (ling is pro hibited as are mountain bikes tires ol any kind, horses and glass i ontainers I oi more information about the park and the Ridgeline I ru 11 S v st i- m (.ill Hu gene Balks Rc< reatnm and ( ultur.il Sel V II es at 0H7-Vl.i t X»0000000000000000000000000( Photos by Martin |. Thiel DWl> On a dear (lay, hikers In the Spencer ttutte summit can see from fern Ridge Reservoir to the foothills id the (.asi .ides The tr.iil to the summit is ulil growth trut's .inti othei Him. surrounded In lurt'sl i egetu 1'hr n‘lnti\ i‘l\ I1.il summit is .in uti-.il Im .ition tor i>ii mi s .mil sinlitsrriiiu \ id#*' RESTAURANT TUESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT 4 Toppings of your choice $9.75 14” Large Pizza 5:00 pm ’til closing 13th & Alder 343-0681 \!< >\ f > \> S l HK( H (.Hi KID \\ s Luncheon Specials Phad Thai $3.95 l fystjus \t‘\t fn ( nr ( )/>'<>{>k >f» »'r CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT » •'» I I lih i t 1 Jtt (J —— • CLOSE TO CAMPUS • A.S.E. Certified Technician Tune-ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection 1917 Frank lln Blvd KuKrnr, Or 97404 4(Vf-flXZ6 V______/ « writ PA » Mi' '.a f n so umi ji *T^To7T%^TftTifaoT a, .nats u •>&$& > MH t\ *rt*rnwp • mt m s r mow s • rn* <#i s r pw»c < •; ■ « ^ r HNAl WUK‘ 1 .*0 i 10 ■ Sun M*f 4 Uj "WITTY AND DREAMLIKE It'jamar velous meditation on the paradom ot "AN EXCEPTIONALLY RICH ROMAN TIC COMEDY" "I THINK THIS FILM IS GREAT" host i*o s.x»i • » fraKBEHEKik I From A>*t*n* i -«• HALLUCINATORY MADNESS this might be the movie of the fOAQET IVSRYTHINO YOU HAVi EVER SEEN SAROti SAIMg. A Conan Doyle STRESS. TENSION ANXIETY 'gone 'gone ■ ■ gone Let us show you!! With our 11/2 hour full-body massage. For complete relaxation, call today for your appointment with our personal and pro fessional masseuses. • Ultimate surround sound stereo system 539 E. 11th (11th & Patterson) 343-1637 Catherine Mitchell — Linda Brewer (formerly of Downtown Athletic Club) Massage available at 27th & Willamette location August 15th.