Winning by a trunk \ speedy pachyderm edges out .1 tusked competitor .it tin- Cirrus Varies e r.ices held Monday afternoon at the Cateway Mall m Springfield The 1 in us shown again today at 4: >0 and 7AM) p in lephant will he Photo t)\ \ me r Kamiriv L Vandalism at Earth First! protest CAMP M I SON Calif, i API Karth First* demonstrators vandalized equipment .uni >1 road ,is they took iIumi "Kedwood Summer' anti-log ging protest tu Sequoia National Purest uii Muu day None ul the lugging machinery llnil protest ers i laniliered on and decorated with banners and brant lies was destroyed But some ot the estimated 100 people who hiked nearly an hour to reai h the remote site let all the air out ot six tires on a ( alerpillar trat tor parked ai mss the road Other demonstrators wearing bandannas over their faces so they wouldn't be recognized tumid a tliii k cable on the ground and wrapped it around a yarder used to haul logs to the access road t hey stui k one end of the i able inside the machinery near the engine I.ogs and boulders were rolled into the dirt road all along the three mile stretch, creating a cleanup header he for lumber company workers The vandalism drew sharp criticism from the logging industry whir h kept its employees out of the area to avoid a confrontation "Karth First's ai lions today were more about petty vandalism and polite at theater than respon sihle forest management.' said Dave I ogarty of Californians for New Forestry Demonstrators declared their event a y ictory be. ause the lor al logger Sierra Forest Produi ts of Porterville, wasn't doing any harvesting on Mon day "They've shut down all logging sites for miles around in ante ipation of our being here.' said kelpie U ilson, an Karth First! spokeswoman The demonstration went forward even though other environmental groups, mi hiding tin- Sii'rr.i Cluh. re,it hi'il .in agreement with tin ts | orest Si-i v ii i- Ink 19 mi tin- i-xli'iit ot I nit gmg will lit- allowed in tin- Si'i|uni.i forest l it) null's mutInsist ol I ns Angeles W ilson said tin1 Auiltihon Sm ii'l\ .uni l.artli l irsl! ilul not support agreement which she i barged allows JO pun «• nt linin' i ut Hut I'ugarH Ihr agreement whu Ii n't tli'il a lawsuit, ai tualk reduces tin- timber harvest In J5 pen ent lh' added that it also i alls lor a JO pert out ri' ilut lion in i leal i lilting on tin- Sci|Uoia. a ke\ tar gi-t nl K.irth I list' And tin- agreement bans logging ol (mint Sr quoin tri'i's, whii h were not being harvt'sti'il am u .i\ . I ogurt\ said llii' (mint Sequoias ot the southern Sierra \cvail.i an* cousins ot (.alitonua s Ain'tll t .oast redwoods whu h have been the lot us ol a series ol sumun'r protests against clear i.titling Wilson suit! mort' ih'inonslrations are pl.inni'il in thf it'd woods Karth I list' held this I'vnnt in a national lor t'si to urnphasizi' that logging is alluwi'il on puh In as wt'll as privali'lv ovvniid land Till' demonstrators sci'int'd in a hulidu\ mood alter tramping more than three miles to the end ol the logging trail near the 7.000 loot elevation Some hanged out a heat on huge piei es ol equipment Others, ini hiding a woman dressed as a spot ted owl, i hanted slogans sui h as I orest Serv ii e von (.lil t hide we charge von with ecoside or pul hauliers on the equipment, itu lulling one that proclaimed "Sustainable hogging Saves Jobs and I uresis 20% Student discountw/mcard off a pair of prescription glasses (frames & tenses) f • Over 3000 Frames • Friendly service • Vision exams • Satisfaction guaranteed • Sun Glasses — Vuarnet, Rayban, Serengeti 1400 VaNeyTC'ver Center_(503)j)87-2926j Get the word out with an ODE classified * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places S400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES GIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERN 2165 West 11th Bay Sailboards — —.— Eugene s Premiere Surf Shop Now S 'llinq ◄ Surt boards ◄ Sailboards ^ Boogie Boards ^ Wetsuits Sl Accessories ◄ Rentals & Lessons BAY s a i / u r r, r \,t. ; 343-1637 Salons Inc. 27th \ \N illanutU' 6X7-013H