L Bad-news backhand Xiren Lull of I’ortlund mint' in '2nd plucr during thr All-Conwrs luniur Trnnis Chum pionships in Lugnnr lust urnkrnd Photo bv N< oil ( hacl*>k L Additional firefighters hired for summertime By Travis Bishop Emerald Contributor In .m effort to become flutter prepared for the fire season, the (' S f orest Servii e hired .in ad ditional 400 firefighters for the Southern (Jregon region forest Dispatcher Jon .Skeels said Hit) of the firefighters are from the Kugene area "The fining really lias nothing to do with the local area It is based on the firefighting needs of the entire region." fie said Whereas in years pas! the forest Service has waited until the middle of tfit* fire season to do additional hiring, they are trying to become more pro-ac live this year by hiring addi tional workers before they are needed. Skeels said The hiring process consisted mainly of a physical step test th.it simulates the rigors of up hill walking Additionally, ap plicants had to complete the I t) Pre-employment certification that declares them legally tit to work in tfie country, according to a forest Service news re lease. About to t()() people applied for the additional jobs in the Eugene area this year by taking the step test, compared with last year when roughly twice that many applied About 180 people successfully completed the step test and were hired. Applicants passed the step test at nearly twice the rate of last year's applicants. Skeels said. The group that applied this year is generally younger than in the past, which ac counts for the difference, he said. Although he didn't have an exact tally. Skeels said there were a large number of stu dents from both Oregon State and the University of Oregon applying this year. .is well as a large group lust out of high school The newh hired firefighters will hi’ split into two groups and sent to three days ol train ing at the Naval Reserve in Central Point Ore The first group will start training on |ul\ id with the second group tol lowing on August ( While in training, the new firefighters will he students of the basic hour Wildland firefighter Course, Skeels said In that program, the trainees will learn fire behavior, how to dig lire lines, in addition to life in the fire i amp he said During training sessions, crews will not he allowed out side of i amp Shelter, food and recreation will he provided, hut the trainees will tie expected to firing their own belongings such as hoots, jacket, pants, shirt and money for their ow n personal use Upon completion ol the training session, workers could end up virtually anywhere in the continental United States. Skeels saiil It's really hard to tell where they will end up. In years past, we've sent crews to Nevada, California, Washing ton, Oregon. Yellowstone and Montana." he said After they complete the train ing course, the newly-hired firefighters will he on-call until the time of an actual fire dis patch. While training, the new em ployees will be paid $t> HH an hour. After their training, their wages increase to $7.'IH an hour. Still reeling in paper work from a rash of lightning fires earlier this month. Skeels is looking forward to the end of the hiring process Til just he glad when it's finished up." he said. Resort area threatened by forest fires Sl'NKIVKK (AP) A fire burning near the Simmer resort area today ( aused some roads to fir closed, but didn't mime diatelv threaten any homes or other buildings Meanwhile. .1 small tire m logging slash outside Veneta was controlled and the state Department of forestry mobilized in preparation for dry light lling strikes expei led bit ei m the d.iy Fire crews working through the night scr.ili lied a line around the trill acre area on the I)eschutes National f orest w here the Wake Huttr fire yvas burning three to lour miles southwest ot Sunriver. but it wasn't declared 1 untamed, said I’ S Forest Service spokeswoman I .aurie Johnson. Four air tankers and two helicopters joined in the fight with too people Fire crews yvere working to establish .1 hose line around the fire to bolster the fire trail, Johnson said "We re trying to have extensive use of water and fire retardant." she said. The fire was burning through mixed conifer and ponderosa pine and wasn't .m immediate threat to any buildings in tfie Sunriver resort area, she said. A fire camp was being set up at the Fall River airstrip and Forest Ser vice roads -JO. -tl! and 4Ti m tfie Sunriver area yvere blocked. Johnson said me' by the 0» |f Oil Pres** 1 ».i‘e property The unlawful removal ’ use of papers is pr< hlilm A News Managing Edifor ' ■ ' H t Editorial Editor Pob*rt ird Graphics Editor f Night Editor i hnn».»ph«f H *>• Associate Editors Entertainment B* k (P Student Govt'Activities • ’■ " H.ia • , Community Pat M,i t ’ Staff Photographer . • H i Advertising Sales Kathy Produc lion Jim f tru:h ! ;o..i t • -*■!".» M : * - • 1 ’ • I ■ • tp •» I Wh ■ to. K *’1 ‘ * W > '•am General Staff General Manager !y H>**di Assislanf to the Publisher i wnbey Advertising Director • ’’.Classified Sale* PegM . 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