Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 31, 1990, Page 12, Image 11

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Lawsuit filed against school prayer
SALT I.AKH CITY (AIM A federal law
suit (lied Monday against tvvu school districts
in this heavily Mnrmnn st.11»■ seeks In forbid
prayers at everything from graduations to foot
ball games
I'ravers at graduation ceremonies and nth
el st bool sponsored at tivities violate st.ile and
federal guarantees of Ireetlom of religion and
separation of church and state according to
lawsuit I lie suit was filed in I S District
( ourt In the A merit an ( nil Liberties t 'nit in
"Refusal to participate in this school
sponsored praying leaves students and teach
ers vulnerable to ostracism, relit ille and tils
crimination said Michele I’aieli I’ixler
At 1.1 ' stall i■ vet olive tbrei tor It isu'l only at
graduation Ntanv student’- have complained
that students huddle hefuie theatric al perform
anc.es hi in the lot her room II they don t par
lit ipate. there is peer pressure she said
1'he Supreme t our! in t'ttid banned organ
izetl st liool sponsored prayer sessions tor stu
The lawsuit was tiled on behalf ol four
students, a teat bet and a st bool t ounselor in
the t Iranite ami Alpine st bool ilisti it Is I low
ever, if the At I I wins the suit woldtl (one
all ■)() ol the state's school distrit Is to stop
prayers at graduation and other st liool spoil
soil’d activities, saitl At I L attorney Michael
I’alrit h ()'Urleri
The l.iwsuit appears certain to escalate a
long simmering debate in a state where some
7(1 percent of 1.7 million residents are mem
hers of 1 he Church of |esus Christ ol Latter
cl.i\ Saints
llowevei O'Brien said Mormons weren't
the onh target
"I'm ,i C.ithulU .md 1 would bring .i suit
.igainst tin' t atholic s m Huston. tir said
"Ihvenl nun-denominational prayer is still a
religious activitv
Mormon (.hurt li offii mis had no irnmt'di
ati‘ comment Mondav
dm Norm Hangerter a Republic an and a
Mormon, wants the slate Legislature to appro
priale hinds lor the sc hool clistrit ts to fight the
lawsuit said Hudd Scruggs the- governor's
c Itief ot stall
"The districts are in an impossible posi
tion right now bee ause the\ are literally lac ing
lawsuits from both sides Sc ruggs said, refer
img to threatened c cninlcTsuils bv supporters
c cl sc hool prayer
District olhc nils declined to comment
Monday (oanite based in Salt Lake (.minty
has n on students and is the state largest
distric I Alpine based in Ameru an I ink has
PL loj students
I want to he there and see mv seniors
graduate but 1 have tell more and more the in
justice ol being fumed to attend state spon
sored meetings where prayers are said. said
Adrienne Morris, a plaint iff who teaches at
(ire ill High Sc hool in the Alpine distric I
"1 reednru of redigion must also have free
dom from religion, ' she said It is simply un
just to make me pal t Ic ipate
i'ile furor over sc hool prayer erupted here
in PttWi when a student at the Jordan Sc hool
District claimed m a lawsuit that a Mormon
oriented prayer at graduation violated the- stu
dent's c iv d rights
That district eliminated prayer at gradua
t ion
Souter had opposed
medicaid abortions
preme (aiurt nominee David
.Souter. as New Hampshire's .it
torrnw general opposed an or
drr that the state pay for Modi
i aid abortions
In its ll)7l> brief, the state re
ferred to abortion as ' the kill
ing ot unborn i hildren
The brief was filed during a
federal i ourt appeal of a i ase
begun during the tenure of
Smiter's predecessor Warren
Rudman aitd Souter did not
personally argue the ease New
Hampshire's attorney general is
appointed bv the governor and
required b\ law to represent the
governor s i iews in court New
Hampshire's governor at the
time was arch-conservative
Meldrirn I hompson
Souter s name was listed on
the brief but It was signed by
its author. Richard Wiesbusch
then an assistant attorney gen
White House depot v press
sec retary Stephen Hart said he
did not know it Bush had been
told about the l‘i7t> brief
'What's important is the presi
dent supports Ins nominee.'
Hart said There were no spe
i die issues queried about not
was there a litmus test in the
nomination of Souter
What's important is that lit*
(Hush) chose the man based
upon Ins merits, what he
tbought w.is importnnt
Although nothing in the brief
sheds any light on Suuter's per
sonul views on abortion, the
case liheh will provide Senate
|udii iarv (Committee members
eager to learn those views a ve
hide to raise the issue
"( learK the Senate should
ask Judge Souter to address
himself to this document at Ins
confirmation hearings." said
Arthur I Kropp. president of
the liberal ai ti\ isl grou|i People
for the American \\ a\. whit h
toda\ distributed i opies of pa
pers filed in the 1U70 case
Mew Hampshire's brief ac
knowledged the I S Supreme
t ourt s 107;t Koe v Wade dot i
sum legalizing abortion hut ar
gued that nothing in that land
mark ruling required the state
to use tax dollars to pa\ for
abortions sought In Medicaid
recipients lot reasons other
than to preserve a pregnant
woman's life
"Main thousands of New
Hampshire residents find the
use of tax revenues to finance
the killing ol unborn i hildren
morally repugnant," the state's
brief said
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