Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 31, 1990, Image 1

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    Tuesday. July 31. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 13
Oregon Daily
1 iikers exploring the forests
around Spencer Unite south of
luigene can experience firsthand
the beauty of an old-growth forest
environment before being treated
to a panorama view of the south
ern Willamette Valley
See story, Page ti.
On Campus
bn ulental Fee Committee
meets Wednesday at ,t it) p.m in
the i!Ml Hoard Room
A I S Supreme Court ruling
that states can prohibit the taking
of illegal drugs, even .is pari of a
religious ceremom . hasn't
stopped mam Indians in l tali
and elsewhere from using peyote.
offi( ials sav.
(ieorge Steinbrenner was
stripped Monday ol direi t control
of the New York Yankees all but
ending .1 turbulent 18-year reign
that has alienated players and
fans alike.
See story. Page 10.
Partly sunny today after morn
ing clouds with highs reaching
HO. Low clouds will form late to
night before dissipating tomor
row afternoon.
Agate closed between 13th and Franklin
Begins first
of project
By Catherine Hawley
I lie tirst phase ut ( on
slim tion related In the Ki\
erfront Research f’rojet I is
si lioil iiled lo lit■ vii i! next
week. eliminating a parking
loi iind temporarily i losing
Ay,llo Street bet" I't’ii Mill
\\flint' and I ranklin Houle
v aril.
Agate Street vv ill lie i losed
beginning Aug l> so workers
i ail vv iden and realign the
street, whil li eventually will
prm ide the mam ai cess to
the researi ll park I luring
construction, cars, bicycles
and pedestrians entering
i anipus fit>i11 the north will
have to use him aid Street
oil 1 1th Avenue, or Moss
Street. oft f ranklin
Signs alerting motorists
and hit vi lists lo alternate
routes will he posted along
I ranklin boulevard and on
Hast 1 till
Also beginning Aug to
the Silva Orchard parking
lot north ol franklin "ill he
i losed The lot i urrentlv at
commodates about 1 r>() i ars
said (tarla I ev inski I 'nivei
s11 v planning associate
I lurteen parking spai es hv
burger king will be elitni
Hated as well
I'he lust stage ot the Agate
Street realignment vv bit h is
Pholu by Van Pmlun
lern Mart is fright) mu! U ante Masaner. hath City at hui;ene employees. survey the urea
.it the turner at franklin Boulevard anti At;ate Street tar future development at the Bit
erfrant Research I’ark.
tiring financed ti \ si ,| In
transport.ition funds is its
ported to lie completed ti\
Sept LM. I evinskisaid "U r
hope to have the street open
again In the time ( lasses
start this tall.' she said
During the fust stage \g
ate Street will be u idened
between last I ttIt .mil the
Millrai e, turn lanes at the
franklin Boulevard intrrsri
I urn will he record Iglll ed
and trallii signals will lie
upgraded Also, fiber optic
conduits will he inst.illed
lii'iir.ilh tin- rii.uKv.iv iin An
.ill' Slri'i't
['hr median strip mi Agate
h\ Oregon I (.ill will hr re
moved, but the trees on the
strip ,imi mi tlie west side ul
the si rent will lie replai ei I
w ith in eipi.il nuuilier nl led
in.piles .1 mi si ,ii let n.iks
I ,ev iiiski s.iid
Kventuallv a formal i.am
fills entrain e like till' \\ est
gate entrain e at I Ith and
h nil aid may he I inistl 111 ted
<>! Agate Street. I.cvinski
said '' I hilt's something tile
east i iimpus planning ( inn
Illittee has hern looking ill
lor a while, " she said
All lanes ol Iraflii on
Franklin Houlevard will be
open during i onslnn turn
rM ept loi a levs' days w hllo
n ndergrotind utility ion
doits are laid I >i11111vt th.it
time one lane ol tialln in
ea< h dnei lion W ill lie i losed
Turn to AGATE, Page 4
Tavern closing leaves hole in blues scene
Local club owners hope
to make up the slack
By Pat Malach
£ met aid Associate Editor
When the door of Taylor's Inver n swung closed earliei this
month it h'lt many people standing outside wondering whul
will happen to the local blues scene and the building that
used to be its home
7 had a good time tlwre.lt was a tun
six years, but it was time to move on.
Someone can make a living there, but
they're not going to get rich.'
— Dave Dingman
The well-used building at the corner uf tilth Avenue and
kim aid Street has been ser\ ing loud, beer and the tow n's best
known blues to University students since the early seventies
The bar had attracted nationally known blues at Is including
(•rummy Award winner Robert Cray
After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the beginning ot
June, tavern owner Dave Dmgman turned out the lights lor
the last time on July, 10
"I didn't really know I was going to ( lose it until a couple
of days before it happened." Dmgman said I bad an inves
tor interested in coming in. but the deal tell through
The locked doors of the tavern took Rodney l'avlor. the man
whose family has owned the building since licit). t>\ surprise
as well
"I didn’t know until Tuesdayhe said "I i nmc bai k from
the ( oast and heard the plat e was ( losing Taylor said he got
the news from one of his sons who had been at the tavern and
heard the announcement "They kept annoum mg (at the ta\
ern) that it was closing. I guess they had a real ball in there
IMinlu In Sran Huston
The owner ol the building which held Taylor's Tavern,
one ol the hid I am pus musii s/rofs since the l!)7t) s. is not
interested in renting the building as a tavern in the fu
It was always busy .it night.'' hr said, reflecting on vvhv
the business inav have failed "(Dingman) is a nice guv lie
lust wasn't making ends meet so he walked away.”
Dingman i ited several reasons lor his dec ision to leave the
business He said he felt the building owners did not want to
re lease the structure as a tavern and with the lease coming up
soon he thought it was time to get out
Dingman also said the building's size and lac k of potential
for growth limited Ills opportunities to cover Ins debts
"Viiii kilo vs how big the building vs as There was no vs as to
grow and I had a lot of contrai Is to pay." he said It was a
job I wasn't making any headway or moving forward
"I had a good time there." Dingman said It vsas a fun six
Turn to TAYLOR'S, Page 4