Regional Group says Energy Department robbing cleanup funds SEATTI.K (AP) Tlif I)«• partment of Kneruv's proposed 1 l>mli;rt lor i leanup of no clear wastes includes ,i! least $250 million that will actually lie spent for nut weapons produition a i itizeus ipoop said Wednesday "The IM)1 is robbing the i on^rcssiunal .11 1 omit for cleanup of nuclear weapons silcs and rising fin* money in stead for nut weapons pro dm lions costs." said (lerald I’ollel e\ei ulive (iirei lor of the lie000 member Heart of Ameri i .i Northwest In a 16-page report on its studs of the department's pro posed budget the group said inappropriate items iiu hided as "( leanup" included $ U mill.oil for operation of the I'lutonium t ranmin I Altai lion Plant (I’l'KKXl .it the Man ford nut reservation and Si 1 million for treatment of dist harges at the plant S44 i. million tor < onstrur turn of a i ooling tower at the h Keai tor at Savannah River in South < urolina. and $44 mil JAPAN MlLSIRVil! SALON Grand Opening! Come Celebrate With Us. hugene's newest Ful. Service Salon JAPAN ■ (formerly / avors) Join us today July 27th llam-9pm tor our Celebration Party in our newly redesigned salon Meet our team of professionals who will be offering you a whole new concept in service. ^ Total Hair Design Natural & Sculptured Nails & Pedicures F:acial &. Body Massage Image Computer System Make-up Design Enjoy delicious foods and beverages, and chances to win great prizes all day with us and two participating radio stations! Open 7 days a week. Mon.-Sat. ham-8pm Sun 12-5pm 343.7155 lion for replat rmcnl of ,i waste evaporator .il the same plant $45 million for constructior of buildings in operations at Hanford and the Idaho National engineering halwratorv .it Ida ho Falls Nearh Sltl million for (on strut lion of a laundry for con laminated clothing and materi als at Hanford Heart of America Northwest disclosed its report at news conterem es in Washington. DC. and Seattle The report accused DOF of deliberated distorting nuclear weapons production costs downward, and shifting those iostv to cleanup, whit h is more politic allv defensible in Con gress Font Olson, spokesman foi the Knorgy Department in Washington. lit: denied the group s ac cusdtions Ihe money budgeted for i leamip is used pret isel\ for that and it’s preposterous to sa\ it s used for anything else ' ()l son said Regarding (.barging opera turns ( lists in the I’l K(•'X plant Olson said the plant might be started up to process nuclear wastes as a wa\ of evenlualU getting rid of them " I’hat's not a defense production effort." he said The 1)01, lias requested 8 billion for environmental resto ration and vv.isle management tor tis< a 1 Ill‘) 1. said I leart of America. ()l that, the group said, about S'JII million will go toward at dial i leamip with much of the remainder being spent for such tilings as mom hiring wastes in bolding tanks While sin b ( osis rightlv be long in the category ol "clean up' costs said i’ollet, the\ do little toward restoring the envi moment The money would he the first installment for cleaning up 17 mu tear waste production sites in 12 stair's The eventual price tag is expeeted to rise to $17UI trillion to $2()() billion over U) \ ears I’ollet said Heart of America Northwest wants ( ougress to require the Knergv Department to be more ai i ouiltable on how its funds are spent, including producing an annual report on i leanup spending — Yogurt — ( Get a medium yogurt for the price of a small — s1.20 Not valid with any other discounts or coupons One coupon per customer Good through July 30. 1990 345-2434 1225 Alder St. Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434 GET SOME COLOR FAST! $ 1 0*00 OFF Current Prices (limited to IO or more sessions) Summer Moun ' r • Sc n V Wt* :1 s 8pm A Thur% 8 H jm A 36pm SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 87-1 E 13lh Ave • Upslatis by Kmko s • 485 2323 Good thru August 7, 1990 SunShower Tanning Center i v\e .in- uir sum s.iioii most corncnieniiy rocaieu tor siuueiux rarutiv unci stall i unch study break between classes whenever you have a little extra trnrr you t .nr take a JO minute vacation and relax in our deeply soothing I sunbeds I njoy tin warmth and your < hoic e ol music as you regain that luxe ious \ summer color 874 E 13th Ave. • Upstairs by Ktnko's • 485-2323 V\0| |-1 V Air conditioned MnVM WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS •"•s‘ '