Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS July Attractions Quick Cash1 It.. „ndei $600 it ai!*'- 'a paid ssues anil fur fci tree m the ne«t two issues Business Card Special S.. " ' id” ' ” S22;ins wdh 2 ad nimimur’ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy * Soil * Trade Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th M5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS GOVEmNMFNT SEIZED VX ‘ V.- .-:- ' • Surplus You* area It 805--687 6000 E*t S96*. Honda Passport. ’ w ; S3 SO 485 7332 1977 604 Peugeot. V h ; .v a 1 a AC new brakes very '*•' .itue • groat, good t»;>•.!y 461 G584 1979 Subaru Ri. •• Nee t a »k. Wag on S speed Stereo J350/obo 484 4444 Marty 1987 Peugeot 505 .• t 1 autOM" power dr windows.sue roof »*« fllent. factory warranty $9250 687 8702 484 4733 You Daily Emerald 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS Musi sell1 IBM PS2. 20MBMD B.-M 1 fe» 345 3699 anytime 165 INSTRUMENTS Go 'ar Keyboard Bass John Sharkey 344 5530 I/O RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar for Men's and Women's clothing 1111 Willametle 343 6179 NOW BUYING 200 RIDES & RIDERS Heading lor Iowa m find August Would like to share moving truck and e*penju?s 683 3774 205 WEEKEND GETAWAY'S BEND CABIN Fully furnished country setting 135*ruym ■I $30 two plus nights 38? 3050 2io OPPORTUNITIES - MODELS Danas TX fashion ph. t gra pher needs several female models to lest shoot Write call (214i 865 5120 •: Juhan No«l Photography 3136 R -uth * 201 Dallas Texas 75201 TU'.'/.TITf' ATTN EARN MONEY READING BOORS’ $32 000 year uu ome potential Details j 11602 838 8885 i *f BK12164 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE : The U o' O TfMefund you E *< n $6.hou' whit* worh--g »te*»bu» Uiiv stop by ?OOJ Franklin Bivd today DECISION RESEARCH S10 CASH For SO 75 minutes of tasks First com* firs! served 830 am 4 30 pm Wednesday August 1. EMU Walnut room (across Irom the Post Office! Ad ditional inquires at 485 2400. EARN S20 CASH for participating m four 25 minute in tervmws ($b each) Each mierviB* 3 rn .-iihs ap-.i't Must be a • <.f,«‘n? !• use' uither than a-- ohoi and toba but not using n«H*du»s Absolut* .m? tc : ii‘ty ' ■ .1 White Bird Clin ic at 34.? 8255. and ash fo' an appoint ment wvith Jeff Have you always -beamed v ' a chance A - al rad-o station s seek mg enthusiastic aggressive, news toms Responsibdihes mt lude writing Re< etve college credit arid be 'part o? dio sUborU Internships begin Monday term Send resumes rapes and wnti ■ } Nr* as Department PO Bo* 1123 It's easier r a . n h t , », ’ your college education work mg at Jrg gi«s Excellent money fi»**>bte hours . -a 342 2723 OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS r a at epting appb a!ions for an j at large board position This is a , non paid three year commitment i Appi. at'on tleadHne August 5 1990 For more informal-.>n please ail 346 ‘>511 O' apply by letter to ODE Board P O Bo * 3159 Eugene. OR 97403 [ EOF Temporary Office a •, . e 1 - . ! immediately through Sept 7 20 40 hr-, week CWSP preferred $5 W* > Must have mu e-iient typing shins Ma -ut.-sh Sf Xerw* MurtlolyAiilfr a-' Pearl Hill Upward Bound Program (346 3501! 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW Requires .impute' e»p«n*?n-. e ■Word PerttK t and ,1 Lotus) Journal i : ism ba< hground helpful Available i Summer 1990 and o' Fall 1990 v. 11 I .184,' 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES Furnished t and 2 bedm-m unds Close fo campus 485 2823 Furnished units • i M . B - i '•' J studi - 1 bdrm 2 bdrm J22Q/$295 Ref e'eni es Ridgew-a. >d Apartme'ds • an Sc • >i! at 345 0337 APTS.-DUPLEXES IJ OF O it.l I 14th 'iV’ Hilyani (furnished) •rt» t Fi^rry l-am* 1 ititJ l\itU*fsuii 1 lit-droum ApartmiMils mm I ihiIi ifutiiishedi tHHt High 1 I4.’ AM. I 13711 High in . High 1H44 Knu .mi ilmnndu-di ’ Hedroom Xpartments S; . I l'lth 11(44 Kiri' .oil llurimhodl \n pels shown In j[)polnlim-ot Spyglass Associates 345 VV. 10th «»««>-11 :*0 2?5 APTS -DUPLEXES LOOKING HIGH & LOW M ;r- > t". ') • * : >.»*• *?<*' MILL RACE 01 SuiN v Otin OWN ' > P A t 1 R*.e Quiet <>n stir- - up mu ... ' »?.-• * ONI Y $.\ • 19.’ 5 (A . * Je- A < .• P<. Mgr* 1 488 E nth M3 2271 MILL RACE APARTMENTS 180S Garden Ave S'ijntKl to? Shared ideal ! ’ : ; •«.», A-' . I. 1. at •• i-r .> m fMls Each unit has itn own private has .ii'd howered vHiftyan! fjummtv 'em gi,ar.irMw»>#• J4‘. U?‘> CLUB WASH APTS. • .• i.SO*-. ; • On® bedroom • ! S Quads Studio* ' ■' ‘ ■ ■ ' 343 4109 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor l»60 Aide/ Sl/eel d«oi 1 ami 2 be«1< ->ms Don? t>n Jennings & Co t>8J 4219 Th® Milyerd Apts ' t*d- • ’ . ' ■ S:-.S t Ai) N , M i - )7S m v ax! * i 342 2303 1 t»edioom >, r 1 • ' i» » »’ • A (just 1 2 bio. h-. '*• .! ,MT»pU‘« $320 !'• ■ includes u'■1 t.f . 4H4 ® ' • 1' . BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS $2S0-:*n<.n!h. 484 / 393 1 BLOCK FROM U OF 0 Furnished 2 bedroom apt tor i months only $300 484 2569 APTS.-DUPLEXES 225 APTS -DUPLEXES 1 WEST 4th APTS ' . 485 699’ «’ block* from U of O 1 235 HOUSES Furnished house ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNT SHOWN - U . 4 T T A- It ~ • • un * ■ TiE HAND 01 PAMOUiU ■ C A ROC l •OUQUt'T Too Beautiful For You ru< •> r t ho s * w. , , • uj c I rom ttva c» *« tor ol E l TOPO SANTA SANGRE . Aim tH'.«V4 5*>W"l 'J-D nsAt '**' >. «*.*>.nt •< • THE COOK. THE THIEF ms WIFE & HEK LOVER No u«i« undo* til adovlNxT .... I • sr.r! "MAN » U- *A MAO', N ftdm Th-Sn 13 Su WtoU.90 SI AN CONNt HY THE HUNT FOR [*•' .RED OCTOBER rv i umi v i. 4 i ■ ' STARTS f WIT AT F* af I, t . » \i . *>y Stdprwn lung 4 Cooao Doyta TALES FROM Eg THE DARKSIDE APTS.-DUPLEXES U Oh CJ Studios Quads h!V\ It,ll) ,111 IHth I IHt, terry 1021 Mill MSI If,til I Bedroom 410 1 11th ‘•’>4 1 Nth 120 1 Hill 1140 Ferry III, High 2 Bedroom III 4,1 U I III, I 140 terry I 140 Mill 1100 Mill !**♦, , |\|tf« • s. Ml V\t• have apartments available to meet everyone s needs lurnisht (1 unfurnished I’m es to tit evei\ budget lor information or to view any unit, please « all Jennings > Co Idtt i t-d I Ilh \v REAL ESTATE_ REAL ESTATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING An essential part of your college survival. Let me help you through this difficult, but rewarding process. ACT NOW ON BEHALF OF YOUR FUTURE Brian M. Heater 345 4082 485 6200 240 ROOMS Poking people - 245 REAL ESTATE COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE WS.000 93S 4040 260 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate wanted • West Sponyheld % U« SOLVE THE PUZZLE One TRE i ODE » shot will be given to the hist person to solve Ihe crossword pu/fle every Tuesday arid Thursday during the summer1 Come to the ODE oltice (3rd Moor E MUl to claim your p.ue‘ ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED Summer discount S'-' • , .► -• ’’ • 1 Vi M II 2S5 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGl «**qii»*i!« RX U ■ < H>ns* muuifs J1ANINE VAN VACTOR t.M T Phone 48S 8927 AFFORDABit 305 SERVICES Loving professional >.i- * r.t • • ' i 1 '.tfi. • j 'A1"1' ,i i hi id f »«mfu 41*» V*0 Attorney v)tv©d OUAl ITY WINDOW WASHING Alfordable Ralas f • • CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 I eillVO occasion 5 do deu* 8 Rabbit s tail 12 On 13 Pub quaff 1 4 (ireek liqueur 15 Pathetic 16 By way of 17 Cup edge 18 Realm 20 60s rock musical 22 C.intun korous fellow 26 Bl 1 in gredient 29 Mm Bill* 30 Compass Pt 31 Neighbor 32 (Ommand tea I i do 33 Good poker holdings 34 Postal Creed word 35 Corral 36 Rende/ VQUS 37 Shapely 40 Mr. behavin' 4 1 l isbon peninsula 45 Hakery products 4/ Pussy cat s pal 49 ‘ ihuws agree merit 50 Start the |X)t 51 Caviar 52 I renzied 53 Fling 54 Turt 55 Minus DOWN 1 Stare m dis belief 2 Physic s concern 3 Chicago district 4 l ight orange 5 Road worker 6 Actress MacGraw 7 Old Lloyd Bridges series 0 I dna Ferber novel 9 Marks and francs 0 I errorist . weapon 1 Dick Smothers brother Solution time 22 mins 19 \ low 21 ! ag on 23 Down I 35!" 24 Change* lor a live 25 I lumming bird home 26 Placo to save francs 27 Pan of many Arabic names 28 Raisins 32 Regions 33 Weapons store 35 S< athmg review 36 V it 38 ' .hop holders 39 l ubn cated 42 ( uropean capital 43 Wedding vows 44 Invites 45 Cave resident 46 No men.) 48 art Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Gift Socks Dress Socks Fun Socks & Run Socks See Our Wide Selection Shoppe Lh*tiiw..v« SA Hou«ry Oakway Center 345-2916 10-6 Mon-Sat Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson PtOiYi. DOHY \ Vaj uWt UH«.5E>TANDVt ' M W51 ■HCH DOW BtAUlt k,~ r ; VM Ck CARO j "HWaij Giwu*> OH AffXAOTtU / (to*. «X) j Stv IT ‘..MS WMt \ I • CALVIN iCtKT.tAATlI ClKTlUtD ' , » &utws: / -M , f C* f MU., NOT / PRCTT1 1 REAUM BUT SMART / NO ONE. EVER Y CM ... S rtWSE Y^’3 ntiNGs i ./ ,, *■ jyST SAS >• ■. ^ ' M Vrti rWAM’t A, A\ t*w4 DIO "too tMBOSS rH'S CARO-’ w.ru i R VtR' 7fis