Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS July Attractions Quick Cash1 s / $f- ' r 1 Businc-si Card Special Si a " ' To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 335 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICES 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK or call 346 4343 100 CONNECTIONS OANNA GREECE - ihrun .»nrl Turk**-, m May I a r , in toncjoo and Pa' •• (» .*■ me .i call Bob 1 7S8 8/96 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS Joy Dunn on being the first parson lo correctly fill oul Tuesday * crossword puzzle Hr* the first pe'V • to bong thr \ snHnf Cfosr>wof(J puzzle t I bo Ore yon Daily Emerald Office Room w# 1 MU a'lru 6 a m \ wm <* f ME E ODE T sh.rt A V , redd ’■ ' * ias9if»ed .*1 i y«rUsing1 (1 wm per ****?► ple.f.r 105 PERSONALS Mcme Mart tlMe-T tt>v . « «•’* • » (.ut < iub Wa»h A? t ;ilh A Patt«*'*> • There '-i « open til 1 .1 m i»'>d u *-» hav# ib tiavoi'. ice comm™ «'■'.? 'm;#n , ■ g.ifl hear if *. awesome Mov«» an t Eddie be be the ’'«'•»? We d» g«-’ r *v I! - •,» H ft’ :b Wfcta< Blond Marilyn m*#l • .»* H.t Wi*.' ' >«' an for of fee a d pant*'<»•. *h.!p :,|kc a spin toijpti'*’' Thu*i a« .i" jrat v . » C Hib Wash •, • .«!»;* gtHfj- '-.anda i hr- and bead ' >» the W'.wxjy PLANNED PARENTHOOD '■■.« nan y tent I ha? ■■#** . .» day after .t missed period- Include* unbiased counseling i U' lp#r col no LOST A FOUND L os I July 5th ■> ,11'ifM ’ • *t whito'gray sho?! hftif with bl#c ► Slope ..n tmdtaii «f WARD US 622 3 ns TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES High quality typing and editing FAST J>4 r *><»rv* •• Calf A . u*. ‘ Printed text to computer files BBDtSClaOB 747 4S89 suoifaM* n m TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED 485 0890 Barbara i and TMf ATRf BUILOING WORD PROCESSING „ fr1,i.-y IBM K>! «PP?OV«d ON CAM Pi. c Robin 344 07S9 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Aiv. *!>rd pro. i-,vng ftiMmg F T#rm pap*'* ■ • He,,', • - ait". ah* 48SE ; • ■ .« lTh« wono specialists! ► Graduate School Approved * ► DiwertalKinv l hc^> - l'a|v-r * IhM ( ompaliblr,Disk < on' ci "► i ► l Aset hinimy. < tiaphus * l tillingKc'ume CA ROL HlJO’J LASER 19 n‘*'.s < ns TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM vVi )RD PPOOt SSiNG-ClJiTiNG PAPER*, THESES DISSERTATIONS 344 4510 60S E 13th Av* FOR SALE 130 FOR SALE Fof Sale 5 ; v^on Fu! t'ame * Futon and slip • over Like new J11 S'Obo Can Trent, 484-0887 Oak desk ISO. B<*' !a ’ ■ »<•' S.1 mist usehold items 34? 24 7? ut>o ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING FOR SALE :t>4 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 '.03, -4* 362/ FUTONS & FRAMES urnisltint!' * I ightini: * Pinters * Cloihim.’ * Jewclrs I lu ( omputer store's must important work st.irts Indore mu select a computer. \\( jimIv/c tour needs and recommend the ststem ri^ht (or ton. Hut, tte don't stop tin re. We help toil install tour st stem, and answer ant questions. Hie ( omputer store's Iktii in business 11 tears, and tte hate etertthin^ tou ll need to j»et the most from tour computer. List week, tte sponsored a sc ries ol seminars and hands on opjiorlunities in Desktop Publishing. Ucounting X Multimedia Presentations. Nott tte invite ton to another Mac experience, our Macintosh summer Sale. \ll computers X related products are on sale, hut don t wait, prices are limited to sunk on hand! Mjl Plus Kuiulk*.s2999 li t powerful n impact Mai Plus JoMb hard driist A tlu Pcrvuul laserPrtnur II all lor .»u unbrltoablr prior* 8DaySak lii.JuK rih-Sat.,Aug. ith Now S1(W \tn’ Sr. 1 lx jx»wcrlul. expandable M.h M with dual n»*pp>s makes in .hi c\t client solution for work or sehonl Featured Sale Items \|,u M u if \|i> li.ml Jnu S2199 ! .i\.m I') nit mil. .1 unlit .ml $ 1099 I M.kIiiik' h' S2995 U ( I'l l* Lisol’mm i II Sl.VW \ppk IK I'lii' Mi in $699 K.iJni'men doors to important career opportunities • work woft a team of 21 students taught b\ internationally known and respected conservation biologists • enjoy the learning adventure of a lifetime Lor information on 12 w eek programs in Kern a. Mexico. Australia and the C aribbean. call or w rite: mi: sc hool iok i h i i> s i ruins 11> Broadway, Beverly . M \ t> 1 ft 1 5-29fMi (508) 927-7777 EMPLOYERS ARE TALKING ABOUT US. Herr is what just one business leader had to say about civilian carrot opportunities fot Army alumni: Military experience provides many benefits for. .graduates that ultimately makes them worthwhile candidates for industry. I encourage employers to seriously considn and to employ these young people as we do at Honeywell. I )r. James J. Renter Chairman and Chief executive Officer Honeywell Today, more than ever before, employers are looking for the skills and personal qualities brought to the mar ketplace by Army-trained individuals. So, let the Army help you put power in your resume. For more information, see your local Army Recruiter today SSG McCarty, 345-3877