Daily Emerald A. & E Crazy 8’s and Mona Lisa Overdrive Friday night at WOW WISTEC opens its first bubble festival Saturday and Sunday 1 In- only U illamottc Valley appearance of the ('razv H's happens Fridas night .it the WOW Hall. 291 U Hth Ave beginning .it 9 'itt Mon.i l.isa Overdrive. featuring several members of the defunct lot al hand Agrosoul, opens the show Tit bets are St> m advent e and $7 at the door available al the 1 Alt Main Desk. Record Car den House of Records. Ballad eet Mush and the W ( )W I lall ( Mill e I he show is open to all ages and adult refreshments are a\ ailable Mona 1 isa t )\ erdris e w ill also pla\ the t .implied I Huh ( limpetalive 10711 Aldei Satin day m a benefit show lor i am pus radio KRMA. Showtime is H p m and tickets are S i at the door. I lie show is aci essihle to the disahleii. (DM I K I S I,title Women and guest Nine I ),i\* Wonder. rhiirsdas 9 to p 111 . \V( )\\ I l.lll Til kets are St * in advatu r and S ’ .it tin1 dm il \ll ages vs i'll lime • Hllll'S l.flll I'll 111 S11.1 \ ( .nni I Tillies lidle and Har (7 I K 'III Ave 21 .iiid over • Market I lari is tnlk 54u1l.11 plas s I 1 iilav noun to 7 p in at the Kit til Street I’ublit Market 71 iti \ ith Ave Free • N.it ion.ills retiovs ned envi rn111uent.il singer songwritei Hill ()livet and guest l’atrii k I Judd will pi.«\ the West more land Student Kamils Housing (loniniunitv Room, 20 on U loth Was Saturdas at 'I p ill In kits are Si tu S 1 and St lur 1 hildren. a\ailable at the door • ( hris Sorenson jazz das noon to 2 p 111 tilth Street I’ublii Market I ree • 1 Tavvdads 1 it I’m e I .on i\ ith guest Kd .Si I he Boats Satin dav. 0 tl 1 p m . W t )\V I tail Ad mission is si at the door MI ages sllOVs • Intern.ition.dK n i I.umed banjo virtuoso torn Inst like. Wednesday \ngust 1. o to it )> in . Uestmoreland I’.irk Ijim inuuitv < enter !>1. U .!.’ml Avi- I i • Slimmer t uni n ts m the I',irks continue through \ugust Umlni'Sil.ivs from t> to H p in .it \\ estmorolumi ( imiiiiu ■ 111v (tenter. Ihursdavs Irom n to H p ill .it Amazon ( tomimim t\ t rntei '00 Mils .ml St .mil Sundaes Irom ! to > p m ,it lli'iiilru ks I '.irk Rhododendron tl.intim Summit .mil Skvline |)i t ree, mfornt.il outdoor i on i oils v\ ith tin ,il rnu.su i.ins per tin ming .i v.ir 11• t\ ot musii ,tl styles Spollsoreil by tile 111 gene I’,irks Kerre.ition .mil ( til tur.il Services Division 1 I S l'l\ \l S • Willamette Si ieiu e .mil I ei h nologv i enter\ hist .inmi.il Hubble I-'estiv.il runs Saturday .uni Suml.n with performers contests, displays, videos, r\ hibits and lei tores th.it will e\ plore the plrysn s .mil fnm lions ol bubbles \dmission is s I lor adults. S ’ 'll tin students seniors