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Pays 5 places S400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERN 2165 West 11th ■ specific rules < ibtarned at cto u Hot Summer Styles Sale *5 Off • I he Works" Shampoo. Condition. Cut iV Blow Dr\ s' * \ ' \u .! 1 '*'* 1 11 111 X PalUrsun 27th X W illaim lti 343-163’ 6N~ (ICS DISORDERS Continued from Page 1 ( hrrvl rememtiers feeling ! 1 k<• .in atconotir during licr binging period* "1 always si,tried the day feeling so b.id that 1 told myself I wasn't going to do it again and then I d go right ahead and do the same tiling she said (bowing up in a family w hit !i she desi rihes as food oriented Cheryl said her family used food for everything from celebrating to comfort mg someone when the\ were upset M\ family showed love with food. ’ Cheryl said I wasn't taught what to do with feelings so I ended up eating over them 1 didn't know you ( mild ha\e feelings and express them fating disorders ran usually be traced to some life transition often or i urring in i hiltlhood like the parents dtvort v. death, r lironii illness nr mniiex i mu enis. said Kubel l.ating disorders are one wax people have developed to cope with the i i isis she said The issues (tor people with different eating disorders) .ire all very similar power control comfort safety Kubel said ' When people trust us enough to tell us about their eating disorder. Kubel said, thex usuallx also tell us thex re lonely She said worn cm tcdl bet that food is their best Iriend. it's al x\ ax s there to turn to. it gives them comfort and is never farther aw ax than the nearest 7 Klevcn store Kubel uses an iceberg an as analogy to ex plain all the different fat tors that support eating disorders The tip of the u eherg is the eating, or dieting behaviol, but the majority of the iceberg hi" underneath Hiologir.il. psychological, and soi so . ultima! lac tors help i reate tin1 unhealthy behavior hereditx and relationships max also j i ontribute While the mix of factors is different in differ ent people the cultural factor is usually present to some degree in most women "We live m a i ulliire that glorifies thinness" Kubel said 'When I xxas growing up xxe all wanted to look like Marilyn Monroe and Ax a Cat dimer Thex would he i onsidererl tat today Thir t\ to id \ ears later soi letx has shifted the image ol women from sob voluptuous and gentle to muse iil.it hard and thin Kubel said when women feel had about them selves they go the the television m magazines u iiu h tell them thin x\ ill make x mi hettei Kubel said 'at pert ent of all fourth grade girls in this country are on a diet because thex think thex are too hit < Tronic dieting is one lesidt of our i iilture s emphasis on thinness "( hronu dieting is sut h a xxax ot lite tot ■ o iijaiix prop < it's a xxax to give meaning to life, Kubel said. One of Kubel s patients told hot that she had thought if she were thinner she'd have xx orth or he a good person Sara said that she liked being obese in one sense hei arise she felt lug and strong She said mm* w.js intnmi^ un imi ii mm in 'muc i hi1 valuable. she hud to he little W hile eating disorders have been thought of as .1 women's problem. the\ are Irecoming more i ommon among men. espei ially in the guv com munity where men are valued for their appear am e just as women are. Rebel said Male athletes who have to be at a certain weight to compute in their sport are also vulner able to eating disorders said Murphy Sports like w resiling, i reu and ai ti\ dies like dam e all emphasize bodv size and weight as do traternities and sororities. Murphv said Hubei estimates lh.it five to 10 percent of American men have eating disorders Although men occasionally attend her tree Wednesday night information session on eating disorder, none have ever attended the hospital's eating dis orders program rhev're just so terrified They i an t seem to get past their feelings of shame and embarrass meld .' Rebel said Recovery is possible. Rebel said She defines recovery bv signs such as being at a normal weight no binging, no laxative abuse, no exces sive even ising. weighing only one e a year at the dor tor's office feeling reasonably comfortable w it It your body three meals a day. a mi.ii k il nei essarv . uni being ritualistic about what you eat Rebel ( hecks up on former program portic i pants and ( hums that two years after Sai red Heart's JO week group. 8(1 pen rid ot the women are fulls recovered or to a point where they II keep on going ( )t the remaining JO percent, she said either then patents dragged them III ot they did d to please someone else Some ot the JO pen eid who don't recover will eventually come back into treatment and do pretty well. Rebel said Research done at otllei plar es indicates that some will stuv somewhat impaired able to live life and him turn, but still be obsessed with diet weight and food The rest will sta\ chronic Those are the sail ones. Ruhr! said both Sara and Arlene found help in Overeat ers Anonymous, a nonprofit group modeled altei Ah oholii s Anonymous Sara now at normal weight said it’s still hard tin her to he objective about how she looks 1 get .1 more ac (.mate perspec tive of wdial 1 look like from pholographs. she said I look at them ver\ hard and just tins! l ire fact that I we.u really small < lollies tells me that I'm not obese Sara attributes the i Images in her life to the support of (here,ders Anonymous and the Higher Row ei that is the basis ot the \iionvmous pro grams The I'mversitv Counseling cetdei also has a support gioup tiir eating disorders (ailed "Stop the weighting game Murphy said the group doesn't emphasize weight, hut looks at feelings, thoughts and behavioi Oregon West -F I T.N ESS 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles i iVJIftJ B\ Runr ip .ill) 8'Xf’ TV.i /.s "S?" BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES —~ 6am ttpm 485' 1475 Franklin Blvd 7 Days a Week 1624 Across trom Campus Looking tor a good deal? Road section 130 in the classifieds.