EDUCATION Continued from Page 1 rent lit os in t-tiut .ilion, how to learn the best in any field .mil where the I S stands internat innally The ronferem e will close Saturday .itternoon with a pan el discussion featuring. among others. University Associate Vii e President (lari Iloslit k,i and l.C.t: President Jerry Moskus Pile cost ol the contereni e is $85 for students and Silo for members of l ane (Monty I’ublit St hool ami l.ugene School Dis trit t employees l.ane Conunu nit\ College employees and t 'ni vers it v employees Ihe t ost to all others is S 1 -a Those interested in attending t an pre-register at the I hiiversi tv's Continuation Center at 1 r.r>( Moss St. or register An gust It I it 1 m the KMC lleli her advised pre-registration, how ever, because spat e is limited University students who at tend can ret five one graduate t redit from the department of Curriculum and Instruction in the ('.ollege of Kdui ation The following is a list of the speakers and topit s to be pre sented throughout the :t day conference in the KMI • Thursday \ 1 10 3 -1 i p. m (fpiening Ad dress Teaching and Learn ing Through Many Kinds of In telligence 1 1 i i JO p m Spoti.ii Inter est Sessions .util their speakers ! Lngaging the Seven Human Intelligent es in the t lassrunm Lateral Thinking I \tetaphorn Flunking 1 Hem Our Brain Prot esses ( omple\it\. Continuilv anti (Context Learning Stvles: Apple atitin and Implit ations t. ( .imperative I earning Integrative Currie uluni ft Autonomous Learning Mod el tl I iiderstunding One s Life Patterns: exploring Vuur In terprises and Interests HI Inlerat tiv e Session , mi p m Ke\ note Address New World New Mind » / r/i/.n \iifttixt .1 H to 1(1 (hi a m Si hool as home tor the Mind 111 45 a in 12 (Ml p in Trends in l earning tor a Rap idlv ( hanging World 1 (III 2 tl) a m Where Do W e t.o From Mere' Panel Disius sum Masses will be held at Newman Center Weekend Masses will he lielii .it the following times at the Newman (lenter, lHntl Km erald St Saturday. lt p ni , Sunday, ti and 11 a in and 7 .to p. m Et als Dr.itllinr for submitting f't ,ils to thr Kmerald front drsk. UO BOOKSTORE 111 H AND KINCAID l*H MU Ml MONDAY IRIDAY » JO 6 00 * tMlNDERlANP * GRtAT f OR PARTUS AND BIRTHDAYS 50VIDEO *«“*«“r GAMES ADMISSION M 50 bIH SIRIIT PUILIC MMIfT iUGf Ni # (13-14(4 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu j CAPTURE § those fun times l on film. | Get yours at the UO Bookstore. I \ll .suite Kid. is noon (nr tl.n bet ore inibl notion lit ols run Ihr dov of the e( rut unless the m eat hikes fil.ii e beturr noun Satires at events with .1 do notion or admission 1 /unite u ill mil Dr ,ii i rfilnl ( iim/HJ.* ci c/Jfs .mi/ llliisr si hrtliilrtl nr.irrst thr puhlu .ilhin thilr will hr i’/wn /inur/fi /Vic Km ••raid rrsrrvrs thr right Id rtlit until rs fnr gr.imiiuii .mil sfi /r tts—n* l Mi >\l> M ■> I HK< H ( ,MI KID V> >• Luncheon Specials Chicken satay $3.95 l fist.uts \t‘\t to l uf (> tUtokstnri CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7l) l . I 5th 5-4 5 28 52 -«€ 4 < < < < Sizzling Summer Sales! Tanning Packages S' S’ S’ S’ S' S' c = 5 for $ I 3 5 lO for $23 r 15 for $33 Hot Cuts i Only S' S' S' S' S'- S' ¥ V V ¥ AND TANNING r “SPECIALISTS IN CUTTING HAIR” ft 13th & Hilyard • 484-3143 ft In the Sacred Heart Parking Structure ft ON CAMPUS 9am 8pm Mon Fn ft 9am 7pm Sat PnEcisioN L^uts K>'» S*- >'» FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 1 lxl” • sO-lOCr enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-11 objects Open 7 Days kinko's the copy center 860 E 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344 3555 RECORDS ;58 l 13th 54;-79Tb s 5 RECORDS TAPES, CD'S MAGAZINES ACCESSORIES 12" and 45's Mew And Used Tru'v i .1 .tv« rt.‘ Open Till 6 Days A Week I } j ’ OicDoii Daily I m«*ral WELCOME BACK LAW STUDENTS EDITION! MON DAN MU,DM /\ hrsl only Wri. .'ITU- P».n i. 1 ill! • n ,|KHifua'!y f‘M Ln‘. 0 < -ukvttiMj vmt pr- ni»h I-. and •*-r«. u »■ . U -i flu* l.m school sludr’tii market Dus w«ll tv only 1 study ills v.dI s*v when they rclurn to < nmpus and ;t s just for them’ 01)1 HI N DAD Ancpis! 20 tlS All IIIN>I| '.II IMI