Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 26, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday. July 26. 1990 Eugene, Oregon Volume 92. Issue 12
Oregon Daily
Tin- oiilv Willamette Valiev ap
pearance id the (!ra/\ H s hap
pens I'riday night at the WOW
I tall. J‘l 1 \\ Hth Ave . beginning
at <>: U)
Sec calendar. Page 5
[,()N(; BEACH. Calif. (AP)
'I’ll** ('oast (iu.ird dismissed
charges of drunkenness and mis
conduct against Exxon Valdez
skipper foseph Hazelwood on
Wednesday hut suspended his
licensi’ as a ship's master
At an admimstrati\ e he.u mg.
Hazelwood pleaded no contest to
two allegations stemming from
the w re< k of the tanker u hi( h
unleashed the nation's worst oil
spill in Alaska's Prim e William
The plea that resulted in a
nine-month license suspension
i ovored two allegations that he
violated Const Guard pul it \ by
drinking liquor less than four
hours before taking t omnium! of
the Exxon Valdez, and that he
improperh left the vessel's
bridge while it was headed tor
jagged Bligh Reef
dent Bush pleaded with law
makers Wednesday to spare the
defense budget from t uts even
deeper than the S I ft billion al
ready targeted by the Senate
Armed Serve es (Committee
Bush urged ke\ lawmakers on
both congressional armed ser
v ices committees to press ahead
with produt lion of the B 7 bomb
er and other major new weapons
The House is considering halting
produc turn of radar-evading lets,
which i ost more than $H()() mil
lion apiec e
The defense session i ame ns
Bush administration officials and
Kepuhlir an congressional leaders
agreed to .1 defii it 1 utting pro
posal the\ plan to present to
Demur rats at budget negoti
I'he package consists of slight
ly more than Sat) billion in say
digs, split roughly evenly be
tween new taxes and spending
i uts. act ording to Sen. Boh Par k
wood. R-()re and others It
would save more than $500 bil
lion over five years, reiving heav
iiv on cuts in benefit programs
sm h as Medicare, said one par
ticipant who asked to not he
Low clouds and patchy tog to
day with afternoon 1.tearing.
Highs mid-upper 70s Northwest
w ind to 15 mph l air Thursday
night with patcln low clouds or
tog Lows 50s Mostly sunny Eri
dav after patchy morning fog or
low clouds. Warmer with highs
low to mid-HOs.
Finishing touches
.Simon Hanson, sophomore in the tine arts prop ram.
'.pends .in afternoon silk si reeninp .it the l.\tl ( raft < Tn
ter The craft ( enter is npeii \liiinla\ tn I'hnrsil.n W
a.in tu h 4T p in I riilav It).i in tn I 111 p in
Photo hv Snail Poston
“Education 2000”
conference topic
By Daralyn Trappe
t mt'-.ik) Contributor
The future of <*<itic .ilton both lot «ill\ .mil natinnalK
will be the subjei t of a conference at the I mversitv
\ugust I
Kdueatkm /non \ Visionnrvf )il\ssev " v\ 111 pm
vide a Inrmn loi edui ators ami authors to present tlit*ii
v ieu s on what t hr v believe I lit* future buhls ur shun hi
huh I m learning ami h’ai hnfg
I "lit • i onfereni e is the lirst ut it's hind in this ansi
ami is a jumt **ttort of the I uiversitv ■ ( ollege ut lain
cation, lane t nmmumlv < ollege l am- I dm atiou Nei
\ i« e I )ist i 11 t ami I .a nr ( mini \ Pubiu Si I tun Is
la I mat ion .’non Coordinator Hrouke Itch bet said
the luntereme pertains tn edui atiou at all stages, nut
Mist College
"One ut the mam things of sigmlit auee is that it’s
presented |umtl\ Hell hei said It’s being presented
hv J.( ( the i imersUs Eugene • ij Distric t
a< ius-, the board
t he i nutrient e vv ill tni us on f urreut i han^es in ed
uc atiun and what the I lilted States must do in the
field tn remain t ompetitivr intern.itionallv
We re hoping tn pinvide people with leadiru; edge
information about what s possible* m edm atiun to
dav Heh hei said We want to inspire people and
provide a foundation lot people to work togethei
As the conference progresses the topics will move
horn current trends and the latest research in edui a
turn iThursilav and l riilav) to a final analvsis ut what
it all means for bane ( ountv |Satimhi\ )
Several speakers and workshops will be presented
on Thursilav ami I i idav
Among those si heduled to appeal I hursdav is Rii h
ai d^ t frnslein. i o-author "t Veil World \ru Mind
Ornstem will dismiss Ins belief that the human brain
has evolved to re< ngiii/e rapid i hange and ignoie oi
meielv iiiomtiii slow i hange (Jrnstem w rites that this
is dangerous m situations involving gradual (flange
sik h as global w ai mmg
Ornstein argues that educators must develop a cm
rii ulum to enable students to r«*< ogmze and respond to
all tv pes of slower i hallges
Dee Du hiiison President and founder of New Hon
/ons will also speak on I hursdav
New I tor r/o ns is an internal imia I education net wink
m Seattle Du kmson will provide an overview nf < nr
Turn to EDUCATION. Page* 3
Eating disorders are a problem for many
College-age women make up majority
of compulsive eaters, chronic dieters
By Virginia Sliman
t mer.i J c i'ntnt uto.'
luhtui s note I hr /lames iit /)ru>;r.i/n i>.irtH ipunts h.tvr hern
changril to prolrt I thru .mom init\
Sara remembers going on one ot her first diets when she
v\ as H years old Stic w .is a third grader when tier mother used
to tiring .1 sper nil diet turn h to school lor her and tin s would
hoth sit out in the i ar and eat
Seventeen years later. Sara was carrying 2 10 pounds
around on a five foot frame A vicious cycle ot hinge eating
and ( hronii dieting tiad brought tier to this extreme
In tlie worst ot tier overeating days Sara would sit in trout
of die television with the < urtains drawn and telephone uii
plugged, surrounded try ( nokies II e i ream and i hips she had
just bought w ith a bad i her k In the dieting part ot the i yi le
she tried various things from not eating to fad diets to speed
to vomiting always to return to binging
Although her obesity is unusual, some form ot Sam's expe
riem e w itli overeating and < bronii dieting is i onimon among
young women in the t'nited States today Most compulsive
eaters and chronu dieters are either college students or worn
en m their early 2(ls said Dr lean Kubel head ot Sacred
11 earl's Hating Disorders Program and a Pli D in theology
Hating disorders or i ur on .1 sper trum w illi .ill degrees ot all
different types ot behaviors trom wh.it most ot 11 s do on
Thanksgiving Day to always being on a diet, Kubel said Most
compulsive eaters and chmnii dieters are normal yveight to
slightly overweight
While the medical profession rer ogniz.es only anorexia nei
vosa and bulimia as medical problems Kubel said d people
are eating lor any reason other than hunger there is some ele
ment ol eating disorder
Kxcessive or r hronic dieters are people v\ itb a diet mentali
tv, said Mary tail Murphy ol the t'niversity ( ounseling t'en
"They spend .1 Int i)t (iiiit' trying 11ru diets .mil worrying
.11HiuI food ,iml weight.'' Murphy said ( liromi dieters (fid
good about tlit*msclvfs wlifn they arc (lifting successfully
and Ifid bad about thfniseives wlifn diets don't work
(aiinpulstve eaters use (nod for reasons other than hungei
espei tally m leal lion to feelings, and feel guilty aftei overeat
mg Murpln said hike < hronii dieters, ((impulsive eaters
worry about weight and food most of the day
Kubel said it s typical tor one person to have both eating
disorders and alternate between binging and dieting ( liromi
dieters often make themselves so hungry that they go out and
binge while compulsive eaters may periodn ally liy to diet to
lose yyelgflt
lust iioyy widespread ( ouipu I si ve eat i ng and i liionii diet
ing are is unkituyvu. but Murphy said they are very common
among college students adding that the I’fliyersity f ounsel
mg f enter miglit do a study next veai to determine the ,K tual
percentage oi eating disorders in l’diversity students
To get an idea of the prevalent e ol the chronii diet
ing compulsive eating i yi le. Hubei i onipares the niimliei ot
people yvlio attend S.n red Heart's program to the large num
her of weight loss plat es available m the ( (immunity
It you folloyy a dieter tor five years she said OH per
i out ot them gain all their weight bat k and a little evlra so ,i
repeal population is built right in
( beryl fits tin- profile ot the < liromi dieter ( (impulsive eat
ei 1 rum grade si bool lliiougli high si bool. ( liery 1 alternately
dieted and hinged, never allowing herself to get more than 20
pounds overweight
As an adult ( liery I yyeni through phases when she i nuldn't
diet and gained large amounts of weight She tried three (lit
lerent weight loss programs m Eugene but gained I'ill pounds
m nine months
Whether hinging or dieting or both these women all have
one thing in common I hey use food or dieting as a (oping
met h.inism Kubel said
Turn to DISORDERS. Pago 4