Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 24, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    UNLV players may
sue to defend title
I 'Nl.V basketball pi,ivits
m,tv Mir the NI'AA over its
lirrision to bun tbr Kumiiii'
Krbrls (rum defending thru
national titlr, .1 luwyei for
tbr (il.tvi'iN said Mondar
Stephen Sirin s.inl In Inis
lirrn ashed b\ sevnal plar
ns In represent llirm m .in
Hint in blink oi. orrrlurn
I hr \( A A (Incision
"The ours I vr s|nikrli In
•in' ipiilr hurt iiiul lhr\ rrant
ai Ii>in. Stein s.ik) The \
fret tliev slliilllil lint br |ir
nnlized (ur something that
m i urrnd when thrr vverr li
oi rears old
Sirin, who inis rrprrsrnl
nl I I A plavn s in inlrr
views with NCAA mrrstiga
bus probing recruiting viola
tunis ,il tbr tmir rrsilr. b• I■ i
kVIll I\ that tlir pr<il>
,tbilitv is i|uilr high' tli.it lit*
W ill stir till' \< A A nil In'll.lit
nl I In- players
Am soil hr s.iul \%<milii
br separate from am mm rr
sits ai lion in appealing tbr
ban on post season pl.tr for
the upi oming m'usiin Sinn
was paid br l 'Nl A In rrprr
sent plarrrs during ipies
tinning br the \( A \ but
said tbr univrrsitr lias no
part ut .1 possible players'
Stem (let lined til (list liss
.HU grounds lot the suit
which he said would lie the
first nl its kind bv pi,iters
against the \< AA lie -.aid
he was contacted bv several
platers hut declined to
ideutifv them
I \1A president Robert
Masson met tor I 1 hums
\\ ilh ( out h |errv I arkain.m
and Athletic Director Brad
Rothermel on Monday to
[dan an appeal of the
\( A A s dot isioii to ban the
Rebels Irom defending their
national championship
Masson said earlier how
over that the university
would not instigate any le
gal action and would work
\\ ithtii the \f AA guidelines
m its appeal to the orgam/a
I he \( A A annoimi ed
I riiiay that the Rebels could
not defend the title they u on
in April siiii e the university
had nut suspended talk.mi
an as it was ordered to do m
1077 Iarkaman sued the
\< AA over Ins suspension
and v\ on a i ourt order pro
\ out mg the suspension
Magnetic field satellite launch delayed
(AIM An electrical prubltmi
delayed Monday's launch <»f an
Alias nil ket with a government
satellite that's supposed to i 11 u
mi naif larths invisible mag
ilflii field lines l)V releasing
( hflllii ills 111 spill e
Two I.iutn li altempls Mon
da v were i ailed alter i omputers
failed lo indicate whether the
Atlas had sw iti lied over to m
lern.il power
I hev re just going to iron
hleshoot it and see w hat the
pn ihlem w as -.aid )ai k Isabel
spokesman for rocket huildor
(funeral Dynamics "Obvious
K its always disappointing
when you i ant latini h. hut one
ol these days everything w ill go
right and we’ll have a sue
i ess
Isabel said .1 new liftoff date
w ould be nnnouiii ed after
trews determined the cause ol
the problem
Throughout the morning
(here had been concern about
thunderstorms but the weather
improved and would have been
fine tor the scheduled I >
P m liftoff Sunda\ s lauru h
attempt was postponed b\
threatening thunderstorms
The first launch attempt on
I rida\ was called off because
ot ,i helium leak i ansed by a
loose vent ({lif t The entire set
ot four liquid helium vent
<iu< Is was rvpl.it ed S.iturdav
The cummer. ml Atlas 1 ro< k
et was to boost the t omhined
Helens, and Radiation I tie. Is
Satellite into an elliptical orbit
2 17 miles b\ 22.2.it. miles
high Ihe StH'i million satellite
is a joint program ol the \a
tion.il Aeronautirs and Space
Administration and the Defense
Starting this tall the .' ton
satellite is to e|e. t 2 1 canisters
filled with barium, lithium and
other . helm, als I he released
( liemii als w ill be ioni/ed b\
the sun's ultraviolet ravs. i real
mg huge glow mg . hinds
l'lie clouds w ill spread along
faith's magneti. held lines, il
lumiiiating them in an arras of
t olors \ isible to the naked eye
Some ol the releases will re
semble the aurora borealis in
the northern lights
1 lie first canisters will he re
leased in September via ground
signals ovei American Samoa
in the South I'a. ifi< People in
North America will get their
lost glimpse of the releases in
Januan 1‘itil
Additional releases un
planned next summer over the
( nribbenn I lorida and the
southern portions ol Alabama
and Georgia are expet led to lie
w ilhin sight range
The satellite originally was to
have been deployed h\ astro
nauts aboard spat e shuttle
(lhallenger in 1‘I87. lint the
HtBti ( hulienger disaster result
ed in a leugthv delay and
NASA and the Air 1'orce had
the satellite redesigned to til
into the eommen lal Atlas 1
rot ket
l iie liiunt h will mark the
first ol a eommen ml Atlas and
the eighth eommen ial rot ket
launt h bv an Amerii an rampa
nv The San 1 Jingo based (inn
eral Dynamics Spare S\stems
Division provided the Sn , mil
lion rot ket ami launt.h services
under it barter agreement with
NASA, whit h gave the t onipa
nv spare Atlas parts and
ground support equipment
NASA tisetl earliei versions
ot the Atlas to boost planetary
probes and other midsize pa\
(ieneral Dy namit s w ill join
Mt Donnell Douglas and Martin
Marietta (Ti p as Amerit a's
onh t onuneri ial launt h pro
viders Mi Ifonnell Itouglas
launt lietl the nation's lust t tnn
men ial rot ket a I )elta, last All
gust Martin Marietta followed
foui months later u ith its I i
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