Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS July Attractions Quick Cash' te>—. . SSk ' ’ • a " tw paid issues wi run t free •• the next two issues Business Card Special a "h ' id $22 ins with 2 ad minimum To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS DANNA GREECE * *.-• there and Turkey i*' May I w r ; mg fo London and Par-s Give me a j; Bob 1 758 8296 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS Norm Waddell on being the first person to correctly fill out Thursday s crossword puzzle I Be the firs! person to bnng the l solved crossword puzzle to the Ore } gon Daily Emerald Office Room 300 j j E MU A wm a FREE ODE T shirt A a 1 $5 credit for classified advertising; it entry per person C'ease1* Movie Man .iMm the ; >.’ • ■ out Club Wash at 13th A Pat!®1 son There now open t«I 1 am rid they have.16 flavors of > •• mam ai d frozen yogurt I hear its awesome V . •• Mama Eddie, be : ,72 \ be the heat We don t have to roast in the old laundro mat we ve been going to Club Ward at 13th A Patterson has air conditioning, a big screen TV a del' and video games It's radical dude Be there Fn day afternoon The Boss Muscleman forget ! u; . . .m i . this weekend Drop u3r 344-4510 605 E 13th Ave Printed text to computer files EBDEZIBOB 747 4589 mofioniineitj *J CYA TYPING SERVICES High quality typing and editing FAST 24 hour service Cat* Ann 345 994 7 JO. THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS [The WORO SPECIALISTS! ► (riaduatc V hool Approved * * IhtycrUtionv I hrvcv}’*pci> ► IBM Compatible.Disk Convergin' ► 1 -Asci Hunting Graphics ► I ditingKesume' CAROLYN CINDY LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years esperier *• Editing IBM Grad school approved ONCAMPL' Robin 344 0759 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free pickup/del' very Rond a 935 1892 Teim papers, all typing needs met Reasonable rates 484 4856 Donna TYPING UNLIMITED & 485 0890 Barbara Land BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 E 13th N ’ ' I.infl the U o» O area ?aru.e t9r 130 FOR SALE F or Sale r ftr; : , Hitachi 13 'V * desk $50. 8«mtwood roc 135 BUY OR TRADE THE 8UV & SFLL CENTER Buy * Sail * Trad** 361 W. 5th H5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS Can you buy Jeep-. -i''■ 4> i i*H>/ed tn drug raids ’nr under $100’ Call f»” facts today 805844 9*113 Dept 135 GOVERNMENT SEIZED %' • ■ : . v- ,- v. Honda Passport. ’ 980 ! i $350 485 7332 H5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS MUST SELL 80 Chevy * tat ■ m At,t main AM F M .ism !t© -MOHliin' ditutn Huns tong distam e $1050 ne gotiabU* i45 3458 1977 604 Peugeot. Vfi ; •*< n a great good body 4610584 1987 Peugeot 505 »rV. Min-nt Vi. tory warranty $9250 687 8702 484 4733 150 BICYCLES Biancht Strada LX . ’ t. .pe.-o wer'biue excellent condition $195 343 7170 165 INSTRUMENTS Guitar Keyboard Bass i«sm John Shartley 344 5530 200 RIDES & RIDERS Heading for w.i •-,< Would like tu share moving tnu * and expenses 683 3774 205 WEEKEND GETAWAYS BEND CABIN FuMy furnished country setting $35'night Of $30 two plus nights 382 3050 2io OPPORTUNITIES - MODELS Dallas T X fashu m phot. .i ph®r needs sever.ii female models to test shoot Write i all i2f4i 855 5120 or Julian Noel Photography it Houth • 201 Dallas. Texas 75201 215 HELP WANTED - AMAZ’NG SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE ! Ttie U of O Telefund needs you Earn $6/hour while working flexible day i and evening hours Call 346 3433 or 1 -.top by 2001 Franklin Blvd Uxlay ATTN EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME $32 000/yr income potential Details (1) 602 838 8885 Ext T 12164 ATTN EARN MONEY READING BOOKS' $32 000-year income potential Deta i)602fl • • t ■ DECISION RESEARCH $10 CASH For 1 full hour of tasks First com# first served 8 30 am 430 pm Wednesday August 1 EMU Walnut room (across from the Post Office) Ad ditionel inquires at 485 2400. 9am 5pm It's easier than yuu think to pay ' • your college ©du< ati m work ng at Jig gies Excellent money flexible hours Call Jim or Conna for personal inter . ew 342 2 72 3 _ MASTER THt POTf NTIAL WOK U00K ANNUALLY Placing credit card displays Commission on applicants Override on monthly payments Cali Monday Wednesday ,713) 468 6440 9 a rn to5pm CST ?ib HELP WANTED AT ?N GOVERNMENT JOBS TOUR AREA $1 7 B4(1 $69 486 OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS a* largo board position This • Appli a!- n deadline n August OOf Board P O Bo* 3169 f-ajt.nii. OH 9/40.3 Temporary Office a . i • j.a?e y th -ugh Sept 4; hr-, *p.'» CWSP preferred $6 1S.h' Must >•* lyp-”j s* • ' Min ■ • -d •;* Mr— i A ''! " i! Pearl Hill Upward Bound Progran tJ46 JS01) 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW 1 iWonl)Pijrf»ct m-iWe. lolusi Journal | am |J.|. aground nelplul A. . ot.1 •• 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES Furmshed 1 and ?.<♦•<*• • ' Ci—,t' ! am pus 486 2823 Furnished units • r M H ' Studio 1 txlrrn 2 fHJrm $220H$296 He* ©fences Ridgewood Apartments Call Sr oM at 346 o:o/ LOOKING HIGH & LOW Ph * 1331 High ‘if (..ampul Uving at it s txtst Deluxe stud'ns starting at $260 Call manager at 342 839,’ Be<> • •!! Mg--.! '116 ■ - if ».';«• MILL RACE l)C SIGN vi )IJR ()WN SPACt Si .1 • w-i 1 bdrrr with ■■ .eatHe M»-»»rts'divt;iefn • >*».r'.ij th*- M - Race Quiet, on site . oin op laundry Summer rates -f ONI Y 132 3 Garden A,»• Jennmgs A C* Prop Mijinl in 488 E 11th 683 2271 MILL RACE APARTMENTS 1806 Garden Awe 2 story 2 bedroom townhouseri de signed for shared living ideal for 3 people Also available are 2 bedroom flats Each unit has its own private tiai i -n» o* patio On Sde awndry parhmg and flowered ourtyard Summer rent ers guaranteed Fail o«:cupan.,:y $376/$396 Can Gary to see 148 7276 Jennmgs » Co 883 2271 Quads Studios ; ■ . bed rooms, no pels available now 34 3 4109 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Alder Street . a- now for summer avaiiatehly dios 1 and 2 bedrooms Don • tw ( aught " the annual F af cry-’ h1 344 6696. Jennings & Co 683 4219 APTS.-DUPLEXES 225 APTS -DUPLEXES CLUB WASH APTS. 1 !'<■'!■ • S."K. I- •( Or»e btdfoom . ' ■ ‘ S The Halyard Apt* ■ $; ■■ t VV N . V . 1 bedioom 1 1 810CKS F ROM CAMPUS t BLOCK FROM U OF O • . M»hs only I KK) 4H4 /**>■) 1 WEST 4th APTS pat.- % f n.imo t -a*-'# r.w* t\ PAfK at y.'ur t».». - horr. $38$ Pi.-.r •• . M,i i u Be- .-!• M ; • MS i* .. ■ * • . 4HS6W1 2 blocks from UolO * •oom apAfiments Surnmui iatp S C'S • HOUSES 235 Furnished hous* WOO* IT ROOMS 240 Seeking people ’ 245 REAL ESTATE COUNTRY HOME FOR SAl i S7S.OOO Socloded rt»‘’.thet.c h. ,.n 6 • a«. res ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT tKSCOUMT SHOWS u S ) !..A«U v> [,/ N./I, ? 20 i 10 t -ii RARO DIPAADiCu ■ CAROL fc •OOCiUtT Uoo Beautiful For Youj >•./■«, 7 oo « from ihe omim ol C l TOPO SANTA SANGRE k.yatel urxul v«m(kv« **i4.l*» . „m*.a t If Mt i.JPl ’ :i Mf IX W».i . Mw:«r^wV* i a ?i r«r;i H Y AdmTtvSeU 5*> W«(t1 'j-D® 0 S#«ff«v»g*r\/* etefTlng Jc#in HTtte* ,■ *•* t tm IN met bond yi*^ !) mr. COok.’ THE THIEF. his WIFE A heh LOVER Ho one unite itt • dmrned1 Car". 4I*> T E MM AN I f¥ ** MAKS APTSDUPLEXES -r I! OF O 1 Bedroom Apartments if»1 !\ 14th ' R ?»•> FOOD & DRINK rticiar ' "lufmd I- r I ngene s o**m k «- •. and F ro/en V»kjuM HOT FUDGE SUNDAES S1 25 Every Tuesday 1911) 4 Again J44 441B Op«n daily 1' pm W.U.kmpMp 14 J 262* ?95 MASSAGE & BODYWORK THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE Jt ANINt VAN VACTOR L M T Phone 48S 892 7 At IORDAHLl 305 SERVICES QUALITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Rales f ree l stimates Call 68.1 3408 or 34*. *’.’98 SCHOLARSHIPS 1 rrnar .! f uibf.jh! .vuJ ->th«r vjraota h>« gradi *fft -ifijdv 4t>f -III 1 > T99t 9T 4VA> at;,»n Fels.og Inlmiition. Temporary health insurance ». t Mamly Rd..lKt» 4*S OEW1 H a <* pm SOLVE THE PUZZLE One FREE ODE I shirl will be given lo; the first person lo solve the crossword' puzzle every Tuesday and Thursday during Ihe summer' Come lo Ihe ODE office (3rd floor f MUl fo claim your CROSSWORD By EugeneSheffer XWT".-T T . .T- --1 ACROSS 1 Mario netto maker 5 Wheel part 8 ' iamtly symbol 12 Skunk s delonse 13 Spanish gold 14 Privy to 15 Italian tour city 16 Resist change 18 Remain tuned m 20 Mersey s t>ell town 21 Doll or top 22 It Hap pened Night" 23 Heat h its highest levol 26 Star s sub 30 Umpire s call 31 Make lac* 32 t omon follower 33 Kind of comic 36 Dogma 38 Swiss canton J9 Mower 40 Invisible omana lions 43 SRO ticket holder7 47 Have dis tinction 49 Gam as profit 50 l evantine ketch 51 Anger 52 Skirl feature 53 Old timo slave 54 Malay gibbon 55 Fork’s prong DOWN 1 Bribes 2 Mine opening 3 Painter tlonheur 4 l oe and Cary 5 T V s Dr I lux tabic 6 Having artistic pretensions 7 Flight less bird 8 Concealed 9 Publishers org 10 Hanks business 11 Aware of 17 /ola heroine 19 Polka 22 Baseball great 23 Salad plant 24 Worn groove ,(.-C Solution tlm©: 28 mins. 25 Airport inlo 26 Mapto syrup base 27 Actor Aykroyd 28 Food tisti 29 lake pay J1 Parson bird 34 Shade ol differ oriiai 35 ■ Scotl 36 Shinto temple 37 Homingway 39 Weasel s cousin 10 South African tox t1 Octavo ol church least 12 'Singin in the 13 Koran chapter 14 Spanish painter 15 Actress Moran 16 Grafted Her 18 Artist S medium Advertise' HERE FOR $18°° Call 686-3712 For information Butcher Block Deli Free Delivery 484-9867 new summer hours: Mon-Sat 11am-10pm Sun 12-10pm 500 Off a Sandwich on Sat & Sun expires 8/31/90 Where Franklin meets E 13th Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HI DAO 1 not SUPPOSt W8t ) SEM11 VOHOtRmS HOK \ foU'Rt DOING IN IMt POUS I TMlWt lOuU. F1H0 ms CHART Qum RLVfcAUNG TWIS UHE BtPCESEWS Wt ' •MiifGL m warn raumg' : Of 701 THIS OKIRlM SHOWS low MttSWM RATI*', ' AT JUST OWfft 10 X' W3EH0U) SW TEAR OLDS *ttt OUEP ON THElft f AVOttUE SEDTIMES. WATCH ON THESE AlCCESSWf. OVEREATS HON OOC SWING WOJEP impvcwe uni each news later.' see, M NVDHlGWT. WRE (LIGHT UP TO NORMAL' ! TML5L nKOiHi'sA *.Jr\ to sgs&ESr a 1 ioj ytss> lOWOJL ccwest MMUX& “ac>i Cf AC now / CWARTS’