CommunitN 7 ntirtn by Hwrtf VUlthfM 1 re< enl st.ih* lori'stn department stud\ showed m.m\ homes in nir.d I .me < mmh .ire ,it risk trnm wildfires Rural homes at risk from wildfire Prevention steps outlined By Wendy Fisher I'hc Willamette Valley is .1 high risk area for homede stroving wildfires smiihir to those that hurned >1)0 homes in ( alitornia earlier this summer aitording to a recent stuck hv the Oregon Forestry Depart merit I he stuck showed more than •4. till) homes and buildings in east I ( anility and about <),H00 m the west part ot the uiuiih located in what forestry personnel call 1 oral forest 111 terlac ing areas" wooded and brush tilled areas The forestry department wants to use- the study ot high risk areas as a tool to encourage home and building owners to make the surrounding land less vulnerable to tire said Doug I let her the forestry depart men! s public affairs direc tor \\ : e asking folks to take tins seriously Decker said. it's sobering to sec1 tile shots ot the Santa Barbara homes People need to take this into Looking for work? Graphics RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 346-4381 i>() f r b M< iinor Ml Union • TYPESETTING • PASTEUP LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION i nnsidoratiou (Inc problem iorestrs do partmunts l,nc is the mi roasing mmibor ill humrs being built in 11iHh lisk. nri'iis Aeeordmg tu thf forestry department .mil I hi' I S i wrest Sors ii e. Ibis utli’ii tori os firelighters tu relinquish i uiitrul ul .1 ni.iiii tim in lort’sl lim in nrili’i' to light .1 strui turi' Ini' Nrithfi thr stall' iorestrs ilr part merit not tin- l un-si Servile trams ils Itmtighli’rs tu light strut turi’ liivs and tin’s du nut liavt’ thr ri’simiii’s tu du su l lii’ii only responsibilities am furi’st in wildland tiros. Hoi koi said it a rural prnportv owner s home hi building were to < ati h tiro. Ins or hoi only linpo to savo it is tho loi al tim station \ tiro station s first rosponsi liilitv is to savo a burning strui turo said linn o l.amb. i hint ot tho Collage drove I no Hopart mold In mans rural areas, hovsos’or. thoro aro no tin* sta tions It stato n estis department firefighters won* coidroutod IT u ith ,1 burning strut tun ami no fire station svete itearbs dies ssntild divert thnir attention to tin? strm turn lirt'. I)ei ket said !hmevet Forest Sers it e tire fighters are authorized to vv.itoi How n a burning house m build illg only it it threatens to spread to a national forest Ihes are not allowed to entel tile strut tore We have no authorits to tight strui tine tires It s kind ol a tone liv situation. said 1 lu berl \lupes forest Serviie as sistant fire stall ollii el Mapes added that the proh I**iii ot homes in forested or brushy areas is less common in the W illamette National Forest I lei ii it is east ot die i list ade Range lu mails i ases tlie I-orest Service, the state torestrv de partmeiit and local fire depart incuts work together to light tires Ka( li has tin nothin its to retpiest help Iron! the other oi gani/ations t he I-orest Service lias pub lished a booklet titled Ptotei ! ue: sour 1 loiue from U ildtue tor owners ol homes and build ! urn to WILDFIRES. P.uje b Bay Sailboards Eugene's Premiere Surf Shop Now Selling ◄ Surf boards ◄ Sailboards ^ Boogie Boards ◄ Wetsuits & Accessories ^ Rentals & Lessons BAY s fi / /6 r si r rf ; inc. 388 W 6th Ave Eugene. OR 97401 345-7589 M()\n\Ns IHKOI (,M ik’!l>\\ Luncheon Specials Chicken Satay $3.95 ( \f\t to i i >t()fh>( >k Sti >f« CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT li'-'i I ! Hh VH-.’BiJ Oregon West -FITNESS 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 no Initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Eiicycles Located By Running unci Bikt> 7r,nh. BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Franklin Blvd Across from Campus J Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE I"UBi7cTlI-&_FILTER 'V plus S I shop Ire Who (,an you depend on for their in depth training, computerized equip meet and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR' M *5 qu.irt !!;,!* I Ml I iff. A MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Technicians install premium grade disc pads or brake shoes and resud.H e drums or ro lots ASK ABOUT OUR COMPREHENSIVE BRAKE OVERHAUL FEATURING FREE RE PLACEMENT PARTS AND LABOR EOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR' s59" plus S I shop lee TUNE-UPS Trained Technicians Solve Over 2 000 Eng Problems Every Day1 r resistor plugs • Adjust tcli** tptifl > S»t fiminfl ThI *. . n.*rg g s»st»*t» • inspe 1 -«*y .♦ s.sfern•. * . .»•»«. 4 Cylinder $44.99 6 Cylinder $53.99 8 Cylinder $62.99 pills $1 shop tee M< f i" j ’ Mo-. nterferer No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene — East 11th store only 345-1593