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Certified Technician REPAIR Tune -ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection 1917 Krjnh lln Blvd Kugfnr.Or 97401 48SdtIfc V_' Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinko's the copy center Open 24 Hours 860 E 13th 344-7894 Community rnuio ns si nil i n.iiii k / hr i it\ m ill dr\rlop .1 i>I.iii In hit .ilr its puhlit lihrun in thv tormnr Sr.irs Iniiltlim’ dou nttm n .is u rll .is snlii il i ommnnih opinion on thr propos.tl Sears focus of library site search By Pat Malach f mp'.na A..- i.v u/e ftor Tin- 1 ugene Planning and Development Depart incut lias been granted the rnoni'V tn tunic up with a plan to lot ate the city's public libtvuy in the former Sears building at the corner of 10th Avenue and ( harnellon Street I he t it\ t (Him it has allot ated $ 1 OS.000 to tie vt'lop a t tint eptual design ,uiil to edm .lie the public about the proposed site said t mint il member Ruth Hast tun I he i outic il hopes to submit a site design and linant ing proposal tor the new libiarv to voters in time for next year s Mart li .’(> elec lion Ue are proceeding solely with (the Sears building) option Hast uin said It is the least expensive option w e have looked at Phe council had considered two other options int hiding renovating and expanding the t uncut hbran . loi all'll at 100 W 1 itll Ave oi construe t ing a new linildjtig "II. during the edm alton proi ess in the tall, it doesn't look good and there is m> community support tot the proposal, we will hat k oil lias com sanl She added that in a ret cut survey ot Kugene t it i/.ens oH percent said the\ believed the current library needs to be expanded I here is .I real consensus that something needs to he dulle hut there is no t oltsensiis on how or where the improvements should he made, liascom said it the proposal makes it to the ballot but is re jet ted h\ voters next spring, she said the t mint il wimid look lor other options "We will t at( h our breath again and in a year ot two we ll see what else we t ould propose she said rite most important issue now concerning the proposal is how to tund the project, said council memltei Shawn Holes He said the tount iI has asked the planning and development department In tiring bat k three ot tom tunding options to in■ t onsidered I’hose options could include using urli.in re newul funds monev from the sain ot the t urrent liluar\ strut lure nr developing the Sears build ing as a mixed use strut lure that would inr lude apartment housing as well its the librarv Holes said raising propertv taxes is an option, although he favors .1 a pert ent restaurant tax \\ ith a sunset ilate I he tax would be in plate for ten years and voters would have to he reap proved it at that time Hast 0111 saitl the best idea lor luniling she has heard so tai is the usual bond measure (propertv tax) method "The 1 11x has a lot of bonding cap.it itv that t an still be iiseil she said "We are tank using about HU pert ent of out bonding 1 apat itv now 1 lie biggest problem f.it mg the proposal 1 mild he paving the 11 it reused operating expenses of a larger librarv Hast om saitl The increase in per sonnel and maintenance of a larger building t mild double the operating i osls of the lihi.uv I he conceptual designs for the Seals building should he ready In September, said Kugenet’om mu nit v Relations Direr tin Ifarb Hellamv Hellamv said the intensive publit information campaign would begin alter designs and tunding proposals are t ompleted We will work from mid-Septembei to midOi toiler to try and get some publit feedback Delia nn saitl The information campaign will include publit forums, meeting witft neighborhood groups arid a possible displav .it the current librarv \ dispiav will also be 101 hided during the I ngene Ceiebre 11011 Sept I _M Hellamv said h>*r olfic e hopes to get a g idea ->i 1 ommunitv support tor the proposed , : :v site "Hv mu! ()t ti iher we will know whether m slimilti move on (with the Sears proposal) m 4 toi .1 diflerent option," Hellamv said FAMILY Continued from Page 1 Brand. however defended the e\r fusion l he f hiiversitv is not. nor should it be. in the business of looking into rein tionships between two peo pie." Brand said If unmarried c hildless cou ples were considered eligible for housing, "then nn\ two people could he considered." Brand said "It would not fie possible to s.n who would be eligible We hac e .1 si art e re source and we need to ma\i mize the use of it Bills s.iid she believes .1 poll ( \ dial eve ludi's sui h couples is contrary In the Pniversitvs anti-disc rimination puiic v M,triune Rame\. director ol I'niversity Housing, s.tid tin new policy will not affect cur rent priority arrangements tor family housing (iraduate stu dents either married with or without i hildren or unmarried with ( hildren w ill still have top priority All others will he considered "on a first come, first served basis Kainey said Hrand. who made his an nonnc emenl I'ridav at a state Hoard of Higher Education meeting in Portland, called the decision "precedent setting lie said other c olleges and uni sersities in tin' stale arc cur renth rethinking their family housing polii ics, hut added he was not sure wliether the I ni varsity's new polii \ would at lei I their dei isions \S1 () ( in president Sheila Stii kel said she was pleased with Brand s dei ision hut still had some concerns about the status ol unmarried couples and guv and lesbian couples without children "We're really pleased to see him taking a stand and setting a precedent," she said "We would like to see (the policy) broadened, hut we assume they're taking tilings one step .it a time.'' Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds.