University Academic star seeks world vision She mixes music, science. politics By Daralyn Trappe University junior Dawn Ring is ont> of 2:5 students in tlm country who will rec eive a two year $14.'000 Harry Nl Hold water scholarship, an award given annually to juniors who excel in science or mathemat ics The sc holarship is the latest in .i series of honors lor Ring, who is a double' major in c hem istr\ and music Karlier this year, she was ini tiated into the Alpha of Oregon chapter of I’hi Beta Kappa, the national liberal arts honor sex i etv and was s u bsequ e nt I v named one of its Ditto Oregon Six. initiates who are recog nized for exceptional quality and breadth of their academic work She is also a I 'niversilv f’resi dential Scholar, a Centurion Award winner, and a member of Druids honor society and Or egon Ac hievers among other groups. King said she' apprec iates the honors and awards, but they are not her goal or motivation "It feels good to got recogni tion, although it's b\ tar not the most important thing in my life.” she said "That's a part of me. but only one part I’m working to build a world view for myself, and that’s equally as important as academic hon ors." Ring expects to spend at least two more years at the l Iniversi t\ as an undergraduate She plans to eventually obtain a I’ll I) in bioc hemisty and posse til\ a medic al degree as well She she will probably pur sue ,c career in research and teac hing As a c urrent membei of the rescan h team of Cniversity c hemist I’etei vun Hipped. Ring is already making impressive strides She is studying the chemical energy involved in copying UNA. the genetic: cod ing material in c ells lieu work with nnothei researcher in the Mil k UO BOOKSTORE 131 H A NO KINC All) HI 34b 4331 MONDAY I RIDAV H.30 • b.00 '* MJNKRUND *' GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5^1/intn ALU GAMES WORK £VIUCU with NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION ‘1 so 5TH STHIIT PUIIIC MARKIT iUSfME • M3-84W V I'hithi b> Mat k N Irn f ’niversity junior Dawn Hint; is interestetl in working in < 'en tral America and reforming A merit a’s health tare system. field is the subjec I ol an «irti< lt> to he published in the |ournal o! Hiological (Iheunstry "She's verv bright she'll heroine an excellent si ientist. von Hippel said "I'm very pleased with the recognition she’s gotten She deserves it She's doing excellent work in the lab. and we think very highly of her King's work in science is just one aspect of her life She is also very involved in music and polite s After attending the t 'mvetsi tv ol Aberdeen in Scotland last veur as part of the University's exchange program, her aware ness of world events and poli tic s iih reused "It changed my life." King said "I began to question a lot of things When she returned to Ku gene, she det lared a minor in peace studies "because ol my realization that there were so main human issues that I want ed to learn about King has been working with the Student Campaign for His armament and tht■ Pniversitv id ('ll Salvador Sister I'niversitv I’rojec t since her return, and in |anuary she represented the t htiversitv at a meeting id the (lomnuttee in Snlfdaritv with the People id 111 Salvador in Washington. I) < Someday she hopes to work in t lentrai Americ a. she said King is also < oni.erned ahout Amerii a s health i are system and would like to tin us some id her attention on national re forms Aside from si itini e and poll tus. King is also pursuing her love for music her second mu |or. She started learning to plav the violin at age 1 1 the tollovv mg year her parents began i hauffeuring her to Mugene from her hometown id (lend toi lessons with I 'niversitv music professor Lawrence Staves She is also an accomplished pia ms! Music has been a pat I id ms life sim e I was ' and I didn't want to give it up. she said Oregon Daily I im*r«ild PresHils U of O Law School WELCOME BACK LAW STUDENTS EDITION! MONDAY. AlKil SI 21 best onlv w*fk 'in*' B«l‘- k I •:•!:• s|H't .f'.caii’. •- >• school students' This a perfect opportune. t>; advertise v ur products and service** for the law school student m.itkd IhK tv only • students wall see when thee return ?• nmpus and t s just for them’ 01)1 RUN DAT! August 20 os mi mason mi ihm*h cm mi *i i k < -t r< Space Copy 1)1 ADI.INI August 9th at 1 pm PRESS RUN 8.000 C OPII S CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY AT 346-3712 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Frl. 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