Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 24, 1990, Image 1

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    Tuesday. July 24, 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 11
Oregon Daily
The Eugene (!it\ (fount il lias
allot alt’ll S mr>.()()() to study llit>
feasibilitv o( moving th«* t:it\ 's
public library to the former Sears
Set; story, Page 4.
With the recent house-claiming
wildland fires in California cap
turing headlines, the forest ser
vit e is looking at the danger to
rural homes in (fregon
See story . Page 5.
CIIEMCl/i Ore lAl’l |err\
and Sarah Madsen snv thev teel
peat e in finalK knowing the late
ol theii son and the\ teel pain
tliiit Nathan won't be coming
the n \ear-ohl bin s saddle
and i lothing i\ ere positively
identified Smulav. nine months
to the da\ alter he disappeared
into the south i entral Oregon
v\ i lderness
See stun . Page t>.
basketball plavers ma\ sue the
\( AA oxer its dei isilill to hail
the Kunnin’ Rebels from defend
ing their national title, a lawver
tor the plavers said Mondav
Stephen Stein said he has been
asked In several plavers to repre
sent them in an effort to him k or
overturn the N( !AA dei ision.
"The ones I've spoken to are
quite hurt and the\ want action
Stein said "Thev feel thin
should not he penalized for
something that occurred when
thev were t> or 7 vears old
See story . Page H.
Mostly cloudy today u itli a
< bailee of showers and highs in
the lower 70s Cloudy tonight,
and with partial i tearing and
highs in tlie upper 70s Wednes
There is a finish line
Kudu of tin: lei feu lets outpaces Klariu \rgurta ot
the St Koudrunners to win the HiUlmeter run in the
I t-14 age group during the Truck (aty <dussit held at Hay
ward f ield I rid,;i through Sunday
Photo I>v Scan Poston
Board approves
law school plan
By Catherine Hawley
\ Sin million plan In improve the law m IiduI
shoo III dispel the \merii in Bar \smk latino s ai i red it
ation concerns. law si hi ml I lean Mauri) e 1 lolland said
At a Friday meeting of tin tieam State Board of
llly'.hei lailu.itKill, I'diversity' President VIvies Brand
outlined ills pmposal to tnereuse law ta< ullv salaries
hire more law professors, library stall and suppoit
stall remodel part of the l aw ( entei and expand li
brats at (positions
I he law school has reeeivetl several lettiis from the
ABA in the last veal threatening to withdraw as t redil
ation d the si hool's binding were not improved In its
letteis, the MIA i ited low tat ult\ salaries, madeipiate
librars resourt es and a high student hit u 11v ratio as its
primary concerns
Idle problems identified In the AHA are signtli
t ant." Brand saitl in .1 press ride.ise tin I ridas " I hese
criticisms, which are tisi al rathei 111.111 qualitative,
must be taken seriously anti a plan ol at lion dev ised to
meet them, or the t laitus of quality in legal edui ation
and serv 11 e to t Begun 1 annul he made lor unit h long
Holland said he believed the ABA would he satisfied
with the improvements when members ol its At. 1 redil
alum ( aiuimiltee meet with law school representatives
I )rt 1 a
Ihe proposal doesn't entirely address the spate
problem m the library he said But the annual op
elating budget proposed in tile spending is very ade
cpiate to meet out needs
\ plan to remodel the law school library mav he
considered in another biennium. Holland said A
1.(UK) square foot addition to the law library that
wotlld double Us 1 urrent si/e was estimated ill lamiarv
Iutt'l to cost S t million
l i aha the pioposaI, the itumhei ol legulur teat long
tat idly positions would he i I it leased h\ five It) a total
of a anti two law librarian positions would he added
at a total cost of about S In 1 >11 I'll is would bring the
student-fur.ultv ratio into compliance with ABA stan
Ihe law library's hook .icquisilnm hutlgel would be
IIH leased by S Still IKK) to allow il to keep up w ith new
scholarly publications ami update its existing relei
Ihe school would spent! StOU.Itlllt 011 reinodeloig
the third tlooi o| the Law ( a-ntei to constiucl lour or
live tat ulty olfices
\ 1 st>. salaries and benefits would be ini reused tor
I urn to ABA, Page 6
Brand changes housing eligibility policy
Unmarried couples with
children now permitted
By Daralyn Trappe
Single parents will be al
lowed 111 live w itll .lliotllel
adult in .fy.mil v housing.
1 niversitv President Mvles
Brand amioutu ed 1 iidav
The new put it v w ill in
i lude iinmarried couples
and gav or lesbian couples
w ith c hildren 1 bider i ui
rent rules, only married i on
pies with or w ithout i hil
dren, and single parents liv
ing alone are eligible tot
Brand said a change in
polii \ t ante out of i oncern
for "one ol the most at risk
groups single parents We
want to help fai ilitate their
education. ' lie said
l ire I ’niversitv began con
sidering a < hange in policv
last vear when the tenant
councils ol Amazon and
VV estmoreland housing two
nt I hr l ’ iii vers11 v s three
I•<iniIv housing .msis ii'
quested .1 rev is.h>ii
The eligibility issue lie
came the tin us tm the tenant
councils alter Natasha Hrailv
anil Hubert l uehlei two stu
dents In ing together w ith
Hradv's son in a Wcslmore
land apartment, were served
w ith an evil tion noth e In
the t 'Diversity bei ause tlie\
were not married
Itraiiv and Fuehrer were
then told tlii'% i mild remain
in the apartment until a de
i ision was reai lied
I think it's a fan del i
sion." l uehrer said Mon
dav "It's long overdue I'm
glad tInn did implement
this poll! \ We wet e
wrapped up m it for awhile
situ e last (Ictoher. and I'm
‘The l Ini varsity
is not. nor should
it ha. in tha husi
nass of looking
i n to ralntionsh i f)s
hatwaan two pao
pla. ... Wc have a
sea rea rasourea
and need to
maximise the use
of it. ’
— Mvles Brand
54l.nl it was (mails settled
'll s a (not lit the ilunr Inr
gays and lesbians, said |en
inter Hills of the I niversits s
( las and Lesbian Allium e
"I'm glad that (llrand| final
ly took a stand
Hut Hills also expressed
i.nni.cm th.it Brand's der.i
sum excludes untnarriod
.uni g.u .mil lesliian c ciuples
u itliout ( hildren
Turn to FAMILY. Page 4