Regional ()St r«‘a< i red itrd ('()K\ ’A LI .IS (AP) Oregon State I Diversity lias gained lull real < reditatinn li\ the Northwest Assnt ta lion nl Si hinds and ( ad leges Major universities are reviewed for art reditatinn at least nine everv III vears ( nnlinuation is (rased on inslilutional self-studies and on site reviews h\ an at i reditatinn team In its review of Oregon Slate, the assoi iation gave tlie university high marks loi its faculty the eni our egement of resean h. its graduate programs overall ()(HM)() 111 funding Renewal of a grant to study the Russian wheat aphid, S t50.000 A In state miti.ilivc in Oregon. Washington .mil Id.iho to develop ,i srua 11 fruits researi h i entet for the Northwest. S25I) 000 Keseun fi on e.istern filbert blight .it Oregon Slate t niversitv S'.O 000 I’he appropriations full now will be i onsidered by the t S Senate too firefighters added lil.NI) (A I’I The I )esi liutes National ! will hire and train an additional 100 t all-w hen needed lire fighters to w ork in (entral (Jregon this smnniei The (fregon State Kmployment ( Ufa e in bend w ill ai i ept applu aliens tin the jobs through I nda\ Tile firefighters will be paid loi three days of training July 24Site and then will go on < all l ire fighters who were trained last year will need to sign up but must attend only the last day of training Applicants must be in good health, able to pass a live minute phvsii al step test, lie drug free and not have a felony i riminal rei ortl Handgun urdinant e approved l’( )K I I .AN I) | Al ’I l lie ( it y t mini 11 on Wednes day approved an ordinam e to reijuire handgun pin i hasers to pav a Si . fee to defray the i nst of investigal lug their bai kgrounds llie ordinal a e is subjei I to a set ond ( mini il vote but is expei led to pass and then take effei I in about a month A new state law reipiires polii e agent les to < lift k the criminal and mental health bat kgrounds o! pro sper live gun buyers Multnomah ( ounty in April passed an identical requirement foi residents in unincorporated areas of the i ounty (Tinmen e brant h opening WASHINGTON |.M’| The t S < Tinmen e 1 )e parlment s Bureau of fxport Administration will open a bra m h offii e in fort la nil. Ore on Monday file Portland office, located in the World Trade ( enter, will provide consultations and guidance on obtaining i ommoditv i lassifii ations. hold seminars on export regulations, and distribute technical publica linns on export < ontrol laws "Kstablishnmnt of this 'export assist,mi e offii.e gives companies in the Northwest easier an ess to li reusing experts counseling and other assistance.' Dennis Kloske under sei retary for export administra tion said in a news release Wednesday The Bureau of Kxport Administration annually li lenses Amerir an exports of high teohnokigv products valued at an estimated $175 billion, ini luding $10 bil lion from the Northwest Meetings set POKTI \NI) lAI’l Three federal ageru ies have set meetings in August to take public comments on the si ope ot an environmental studv of the (lolumbia Ki\ er's svsletn of federal dams The agent ies are the Bonneville Power All minis tration. Bureau of Reclamation and l’ S \rmy Dorps ot Kngincers The meetings, si heduled between Aug. (i and \ug 2> will ini.lude two in Oregon and 12 in Wash ington. Idaho and Montana Two agreements governing operation ot I t I o lutnbia River federal dams are expiring The agent ies need an environmental impel I statement before they i an renew the agreements The meetings include one in Pendleton Aug 20. and one in Portland Aug 2 1 Festival rei eivex grants P( )KT! ANI) (API The (Iregun Shakespeare Ies tival Portland has rei eived four grants worth a total of S.1.1H 500 The awards ini hide a $2011.000 i hallenge grant hv the M | Murdoi k Dharitable 'Trust; a $25,000 grant trom the l.orene Sails Higgins (iharitable Trust, an $M. at III grant from the Rose P Tin ker (. Ii.tra table Trust: and a $5 000 grant from the ( begun ( ommiinitv foun dation The money will support an expansion of the Port land stibsi ription office, with additional space, staff and equipment It also will he used to support this season's pro dm tion of I he Rei ruiting (Jffii.irr 1... ...... I . t .1 'LL .1. . .....■ * fill* l (lit lh»*u» SpfMiol i—:—;—:—m-~~--— M cm] Urn' '• * • utt Kind , ■ ■ • . Macintosh Seminars! This t lass senes fouists on carefully selected features designed It your pnxiucUs uy enjoyment of the Mat K t:lass mas art small to ensure plenty of individual attentu n J !:. >urst Unlt'tM si t ij SpiM lols Show l of 0 ID & Save! MkruV ( Hard DiNks : )Mt> Navi > yt 19 vi.Mb Saw Ssi. > 199 i >Mh Save S $5i9 arc hclvi m the training taulitv Irom i'Um i J \ 2Advanced Registration i> required Handkxi Seminar Schedule I"!: ' ' > V 'v!i I1:': MS WorJ Pjpemaker I P.niamkcr 2 U.LH S hcviuiK) ALDUS Pcf'UaM'iR Inu^SiuJi. jrJ Sun-:::: Jul> 31 Mam 12 \ug' Mam \2 ■Vue K Iflum 12 Aug 15 IUim-12 Vpt M i'Aiir, i2 Aug 22 Htanvi2 Aug 29 Ilium i2 Vp!' HWil2 Vpt 12 Hun. ! 2 V|H 12 2-4 I rntur t*d Pr odui l % Usrn* t u :«j RAM ( Juirj;c \our Mac1 .’Mb SiMMSi.'.o.i 5199 lf^ (K ( LiscrlYinUT II '■ ‘ ‘ Cwns • . j n' - ■ j » r >1399 * I oqn him k Dedicated exclusively to Apple & related computer products the computer store, 6 Store hours M-F 10-6. Sat 10-5 • 61 West 8th. Eugene 543-145-* I i \ffik 'ij> A r, -.Junk <4 I r In. f 0 W'f p»ri\ RE? 0 AJRCONCMTIOHIP 0 THE BEST UOHES 0 THE BIST PRICES’ 0 A Starts m. r« jo » io-;»*■ u*t < J "WITTY AND DREAMLIKE. It’s a mar velous meditation on the paradones o "AN EXCEPTIONALLY RICH ROMAN rrA/rrs ff*, r 20 bt : oc 9 >0 - -w. Mai * ■:<* From AiojanilfO Jodorowsky creator o< EL TOPO ONE OF THE BEST FILMS OF THE YEAR. Sant* Sangre made me realize I was starving for a movie ol great, bold, bizarre images/' 1■*> - <. v.- t HALLUCINATORY MADNESS this might be the movie of the year ' H'-.h,., si m.., FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. SAWOl Nuhl Admiuion Ih S* |]/ Su W. M SO * Atfm $4 SuWiU (5> S] i p jO EXTUBVHonnZfl AdmTh $« 13 Su Ac 12 SO ' IUST. MURDJ R & DESSERT Al A PE TER GRt £NAWAV irs EVEN BLIILRON THE BIO SCREEN l A1E AT NIGH T! *• TmCOOK,THt THIEF ,lhWIFE&lltKLOVERi JBRTmTnE^^ Oregon West FITNESS 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 no initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located Bv Punning and Bihe Traits vka BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES — 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 franklin Blvd Across Irom Campus