FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • S0-400r( enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects Open 7 Days kinko's the copy center 860 E 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344-3555 256 f 15th 1 542 7975 S s ( How In Stock 13th Street Revisited ' )pen ‘hj<> 1 ? ft Mon rhuf 1 1 6 ,tf . ! t n &‘.hit 1 J H M< )\l )A> s I HK< )t (,H f k 11 ) \ N Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodle $3.95 / f)st,ws \r\t tn t <>t () fiiu CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT !r*l I 1 ith M i JH5J "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 202b Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene Oregon 97403 Birkensiock ON SALE! Two-Tone Arizona IL'W • : - available • Aflill? & t> » • v%ni!e & "ni Si?es 35 M limited to stock on hand through July Discover Comfort Discover the fresh new look of Birkenstock — sandals and shoes in exciting new colors and styles ■ — > 5th Si- Public Mark H i r k t* n n t o i k S f 342*6107 SEXY LEGS SEXY FIGURE SEXY BIKINI * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342-2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES GIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2165 West 11th 'specitic rules obtained at door Daily Emerald A & E • mini's} jihulo Is i>.ir1 to ft p.m. Theater festival opens Friday I hr lueene festival nt Musm i heater ki< ks nil Fridas July 20 vs ilh .i i.elebiation honoring (im rrmu \ed (add.si hniidt .it the I lull ( *■ 1111■ i tor thr I't-iforming Arts ( )ur Ftigene ( i• 11 ir<• I lir lust ol 1H pedormuiu rs ut The Kme .inti I will I ill thr I lull ( Am it i-1 s Silv.i i oni crl hall In tluv nielli with seating beginning amund 7 -30 ) ou 're ,i t .liiii/ Man, t luirhe Hrow n opens Jul\ 27 m lln (lull ( i'iiIim's Surt-ng I hrati'i Fidels lur both performam rs air available al all Hull ( enter In ki't i ml Iris ami I hr I lull I ruin Ho\ ( )tln r Calendar ( IIM 1 K I S • Hill him la 1!! ra.'li! pie. r I -lilt > a i : uhlr IrulU Sr.illlr. will perform .it Amazon Park 270(1 III! yard, Thursday hum o hi H pm as pail ol llu* ■ Os s tier musii in thr park series • Him , lair (.mid Times i alt ami Ha! i I. Seventh Asa- I hursday 2 I and ovei • More rime with People's ( hon e reggae world heal \\ l HV I hill 20 1 \\ I igiit As a I ridas . o to p in I a hep. an S . at the dour All ages shoss v\ith adult refreshments available • Rabbit t luui aioustK folk Mas 1.4th and Patterson Saturday (lover ( barge 21 and user • ( 'hr!,i Ness tun piano. Fifth SI Publn Market 200 I. fifth Ave Saturday noon to 2 pm I ter • i right wig with ( Beer Buzz and ! in kless roi k \\ ( )\\ Hail Saturday . 0 it) p m Admission is S , al (lie dooi \ll ages slioss . adult refreshments as ailalile • Das id lleltand ( rltn h.np mandoiello and guil.il Hendricks Park Rhododendron Harden. Sunday -1 to i p in free Sponsored by the Fu gene Parks Recreation and Cultural Serviees l)i vision I IS I l\ A IS • Bohemia Mining Hass (ontinues through Sun day in t a ittage l Irove I ood. e\hihits and outdoor at 11y it it's are teatured l or information rail 042 8‘iKa • Coburg Golden Years Festival, downtown Co burg. July 20 22 Parade, food, (.rafts. art and en tertainment f or information rail 08.4-7504 • Springfield Historic I s ants, downtown Spring held. W.ishburne I listru t. |ulv 20-22 events, lood and walking tour For inhumation tall 720 to77 • Ails festival in the Park River Road I ’.irk Fu gene. IuI\ .M. F.xhibits. loud, music . parade, pet ling /cio. For inform.ition c .ill 1588 in").’ • Filbert Festival. lsl.incl I’.ui .(in \\ H SI Springfield I lily 2 1-22. l oud, cminln music .mil c liilcfrcm's .ic Iivitirs • Springfield Buulet 1 estival id 1 \ \ si Springfield. |ul\ 22 do Carnival rides food .end c rafts for sale ft KIOKMIM, \ K IS • Simply Souvenirs, two one .nl plays will deal vs 11h the difficulty of coming to terms with the death of friends from Mils Arena t heater Vil larcl I lall I' of II lids dll d I and 27-28 at II p m l ie kets are $"> in ads,me e and $t> at the door Sin dents and sennits receive a SI discount for res creations c all tilt I Had 1 • South i'.nilic continues through \ug t at the Mainstage Theater. (Central Plaza. Downtown i u gene at 8 Id p m For information c all 081 1 It>8 • Pla\ leadings I ,uce (ommunitv < ollege Blue Door Theater ]uly .’It K 27 For information call ~d<> 2202 \ ISl At \K I S • An opening reception her tin- l'hulo/.one Cal lets s Annual lulled Photographic Exhibition, ■ill High Si Saturday at 7 in p m Works from Oregon photographists amateur and professional, ss ill lie featured 1 or information i .ill Ullti 27t>2 SAIPKDAV MAKKFI • Saturdav Market continues on the park blocks between Fighth Ave and Oak St I fanci-made i rafts food and live entertainment are featured between in a m and :> p m every Saturdav I ran/ Sanger and Friends ssill pla\ British Isles music at in a m Blues, rock, keyboard and acoustic music will be featured throughout the du\ free enters • Circus Vargas, the world's largest traveling big top c ire cis. is c uming to the Catewav Mall, Inter stale a at Belt Fine. |uly IB and 11 Three shows will be performed Tickets are from $8 5(1 to $17 50 foi adults and from $-4 to $1 t..r>0 for c Ini dren Coupons are av ailable for tree- child general admission at loc al mere bants For information c all 7400882. COMEDY • Jett Matthews w ith opener Mike Me Can. kow loon's. 2222 Centennial Blvd . n p rn \o cover comedy night 2 1 and over • Paul Alexander will open for headliner Becky Blanev as Kowloon's no cover comedy night con tinues Friday at 0 p in 21 and over LETTER PERFECT ... Graphics. • Paste-L'p Layout • SUlTt :< K> LRB MEMORIAL UNION 346-4381 Design Consultation PMTYTransparencies 9 00 5 00 M F