Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 19, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday. July 19. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 10
Oregon Daily
Hugene's historic Broadway
building is in the midst ot reno
vations that could bring sparks of
life bat k to the t itv's depressed
downtown area, s.iid developer
Mark Doonan
See story. Page it
The Kugene Festival of Music
Theater kit ks off Friday. )n 1 \ 20
with a celebration honoring ( an
ernor Neil Coldschmidt .it the
i lull ('enter for the Performing
Arts. ()ne Fugene (ientre
See calendar. Page 4
Senate approved a landmark t ivil
lights bill Wednesday night after
the Bush administration and
Demot rat it sponsors failed to
reat h a t ompromise plan to tight
job tlist rimination without invit
ing hiring quotas
"Quotas st hmotasl The issue
is job tiist rimination." ext laimetl
Sen Fdward M Kennedy. 1)
Mass as the Senate approved
the measure t> > ii4, over'threats
ot a veto.
All 55 Demot rats voted lor the
bill Kepublit ans voted against
(4 10 with one not voting.
White Mouse press set retary
Marlin I it/uatei. traveling with
President Bush in Anaheim. Cal
if said the administration u as
disappointed by the vote
'Hie measure is the top priority
of the t ivil rights movement in
( ongress this year and would
overturn five Supreme (iourt tie
t isioils.
Provisions in the bill range
from .i ban on rat ial harassment
in the workplace to punitive
damages for victims of the most
serious forms of discrimination.
Most of the t ontroxersx how
ever, t ame over a provision mak
mg it easier to t hallenge emplm
ment prat tit es whose eflet Is fall
disproportionately on minority
Mostly sunny Thursday, highs
85-95. Partly cloudy Thursday
night, lows 50s. Partly cloudy
Friday at times and very warm.
Highs 85-05.
Soaking it up
The Wert/. children. (from h-tt to right) Z-.u h. \/.lan .uni 11 v tr\ tn shiv t mil as tlie\ run ,ihr.nl nt the sprin
kler in tmnt ot the . \/7 Museum
Photo In Sean fusion
Successful start for Lane County Ice
/ nnvmg local arena diversifies Dy
adding programs and exhibitions
By Cohn Miller
\ftnr six months of business .mil ,t first season th.it met
with generally unexpected success, lame ( mint) Ice is pre
paring fur another leap forw ard next winter In offering sever
al diverse programs this summer
In addition to the standard tale ot pub I it skating hours. I .< I
sponsors i< n skating lessons tor all ages, figure skating and
hoc kev camps, and ice time rentals tor parties of any kind
I he 1*190 summei program will he at it' height during the
I.ane Count) l air (Aug 12 19|. when l.til wide nines Hrian
(irser and h ittv and Peter ( anuthers All tliree are figure skat
eis of international and Olympic acclaim These celebrities
and other freestyle figure skaters vv ill stage a spec tac ular extii
hit ion that vv ill last throughout the week
The hirst Annual Invitational Hot kev Tournament vvdl dsn
he part ot the I an festivities Sixteen teams Iroiu all over the
west coast will tie pitted against one ailothei in one of the
world s fastest and most graceful sports
This tall l td vvdl continue growing and offering more pro
grams to the public Public skating hours will be expanded
and revised, and .ill the hoc kev broom-ball. figure skating
and speed skating programs will welcome new teams and
This community-oriented apprise h is one that the direc tors
ot 1.(1 would like to see continue lacllitV manager dom
Halils emphasizes the fat I that l.t I is m business to serve the
interests of the people ot Kugene and Springfield
When the it e projec t was in its infant v their was some op
position from those who thought Id I would lirvri he able to
support itself linaut iallv Disgruntled etiuestri.ms were also
irritated bet ause li was their budding tfi.it was being used to
house the new it e rink project, and some believed their spe
t ial interest was judged to he second best
The success of the first season indicates that I.ane County
Ice has been embraced In the Kugene t ommunitv
"I've actually had a few of the equestrians come over and
I'hotn b\ s« nil f h.ttlfW
Heather Alien anil Celia I,elites nl Cumene. put on their
skates in the lounf’e area nt lane Count} he.
s.n how pleased they ,ire with Ihe change thev really like
then lieu pi.a e. Bahls said
I'he equestrians did not believe that the fat ilitv that was to
he limit for them would he good enough
I'nderlving all of the finaiu nil concerns, however, was a
feeling that the equestrians tradition was being < ast aside bv
tin lair Hoard and the Eugene community They became an
Turn to ICE, Page 5