Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 17, 1990, Page 8, Image 7

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    Daily Emerald
A & E
Die Hard 2: Willis and gang bigger and better than ever
By Brian Bloch
Emerald Assoc .ite f ditor
Mure .it linn. a I><• 11<■ r slurs
meaner bail guvs stronger
s|ii‘( i<11 effei Is I hi,ills a sequel
lh.it lulls outdoes 11s predei es
Dm II.ml J. the long-awaited
si*ijui,l Id tin* 1<IHH lilt I Ur ll.U't!.
is mil .mil delinitels ssurlli see
Movie Review
()m r again |ohn Mi < ’1.11u•
| linn r Willis) hulls himself in
the'wrong plait' at III** wrong
lime Hut this linn* he's in
Washington I)H ’s major intei
national airport lining liallh*
ss illi a 1 11 r 111 pI special fort es
unit that ss ill stop at nothing to
get ssh.it it svants
Header! In <iol Stuart (\\ il
11,1111 Sadler), the unit seizes
i onlrol ot the airport's 1 oinpu
tei guidance i.ontrols. 1 oininii
nil ations and landing opera
turns from a remote lor ation
The tower, unable to land
planes gross ing desperatels loss
on fuel is at the 1 omplete liter
1 s ol the tanat 11 al unit
Mi ( lane whose ss ite tlolls
(Honnie lkidelia) is on one of
the planes i iri ling user the air
Imirt must com ini i> tin* skepti
t al airport security of the ter
rorists' professionalism while
often stnglehandedly attempt
mg to save the lives of Ills \\ lie
and the hundreds of passengers
walling a hi >ve
U ith money as the motivator
the terrorist unit is try ing to in
ten ept a plane i allying (idler
al Ramon 1 speranza | franco
Nero), a forme! l atin Amerii ,iii
military officer being extradited
to the Tinted States for drug
tiallic Ling
The special I... unit
threatens to Ldl the passengers
by sending them plunging into
the runway il its demands
aren’t met Bee ause of the snow
and wind the planes must rely
lot,illy on the tower's guidance
to land With control of the
toysei. the unit c an alter inipor
taut navigational coordinates
sue h as sea level on the instru
incuts of the blinded planes
Mi ( dalle s I. A poll! e de
partmenl buddy Al I’oyvell
(Reginald Vellohnson) is line L
from the first mm ie. as is the
smut hounding l\ newsman
DuL fhornherg (William Ath
erton) |ohn Amos ((umi/ig to
Ament a | play s ( dipt (.rant
head of the ai my unit sent in to
help and Dennis Franz (Hill
Street Blues) is featured as the
< 4>ur1»"*\ photo
Brui t' H illis l.ikrS on .1 wholv n«*M b.ih h ol Imtl ,uu\s in Die Hard 2.
disiielieving captain of the air
pur! pul a i'
I hr script. ImmmI on Walter
W agner s novel <H \linulrs is
last pared, intriguing anil load
eil with ai tKin I he airport set
tmg lends itself c\r optionally
well to this kind ul ai tion film
tai more su than the skyscraper
featured in l)ir Ilard
I lirei tor Kenny I lari in and
producers l.awrence (airdun
joel Silver and ( h.tries Gordon
assembled a first rate i rrw of
* lilt* lilit lilt-in S|»»*c ml
Tlu,s i lass situ s I* k uses un carefully selected features designed to
increase vour productive ,\ enjoy ntcnl of the Mat K Class si/es
are snull to ensure plenty ol individual attention J hour sessions
UniutM \!l i| spf»c »nls
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.ire held m the training tacimv horn IOain-1.
& 2-1 pm Advanced Registration is requirec
Handson Seminar Schedule
In!!.' In Macintosh
Intro to Ms W. rd
Pagemaker 2
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Al.Dl S PcnuaMon
IttUitcSluJio and Scanning
JuU II Item-12
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Aug 15 10am-12
Sept I*) I (lam-12
Aug 22 Ktant 12
Aug 24 10am 12
Sept' Ilium-12
Sept 12 IGam 12
Vpt 12 2 4
| [ J f rotui »*ii I’ i oUui tv I ’’
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RAM (Jur^c your Mac*
GCC IVnsoiul IuscrPrintcr 11
\ta m $ Editor < Choict • 23 m«vn
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Dedicated exclusively to Apple & related computer products
the computer store, ft
Store hours M F 10-6, Sat 10-5 • 6l West 8th. Eugene V»3-H3*
A >m.~* *i4 if«*™
designers engineers .111(1 ('tt(‘( ts
personnel for the movie, .1 well
done job apparent in tin' final
prodm t
With the likes ot director of
photographs Olivet Wood (.Mi
ami \'iff'1. prodm lion designer
|ohn Yallone (Star I rrk I hr
\iiilinn I’u hurl toslnme de
signer Marilyn Name |77ie I n
tnurfhiblrs). film editor Stuart
Baird ((amil.is in thr Mist) and
stunt coordinator (,'ha r les
Pit erm \l)ir Hard, Ietn.il
Wrapon ~ |. thi' technical tram
m,ikes this movie hard-hitting
and visualK e\( iting
The stunts, explosions and
firelights are as real as the\
(time captivating and pulse
raising, espec mils on the hig
screen You'll he right there
\\ hen N!( (llane leaps onto mm
ing planes, dodges bullets and
most definiteU dies harder
t hen ever before.
Ziggy Malley to perform
• Hint's |.iin I'hursdav at ( loud
I Hut's Cafe <mt I Har. 175 F 7th
Ave 2 I <uui over
• I it kfts ,irc on salt' tor Ziggv
Mnrlt'V anti the Melody Makers
whu perforin Mnndav August
2~ in tlie Hull Center's Silva
(mu ert Hall FamiK Stand
opens lor Siarlev l it hets are
$19 fit)
• I antuzzi with guest
Onefullness Tuesday 9 to
p in (lonununity t Voter lor
the Performing Arts l it kets
are $-1 in advance. $> at the
door All ages show
• Kuduna Afrit an mariinha en
soluble. Wednesday. t. pin..
Westmoreland 1'ark Free
• l hu le (Tester. rhy thru
Wednesday 9 to p m l loin
munity Center for the Perform
ing Arts Fit kets lire S-t at the
door All ages show
• The \merican (lymnastics
Training Center, 885 McKinley
St l.ugene Is hosting a t arm
v.il featuring a barbel ue live
entertainment and an auction
| it I \ 20 2 If A barbecue < tin ken
dinner will be held each night
There u ill be a gymnasti> s
demonstration, ballet perfor
mance and mugii show July 21.
beginning .it 7 p m A hang
glider, nioton \ i le. trm k. turni
lure tools, bievi les, computers
and other items will be am
tinned off at .1 p m |ulv 22
The carnival will also feature
game booths and tood
• Bohemia Mining l)a\s juh
Hi 22 a parade, outdoor runs
exhibits and tood will be tea
lured at the festival Row River
Kd next to Best Western \ it
lage (Ireen in Cottage (drove
I or information i all *142 Bfitia
• South Pacific . )ul\ Hi Aug 4
Mainstage I heatre. Central Pla
/a. Downtown Hugene 8 ill
pin lor information call
• Plav readings |uly 20 & 27
Cine Cornmunitv College Blue
Dour Iheatre For information
i all 720-2202
A.S.E. Certified Technician
Tune-ups - Brakes - Fuel Injection
1*17 Franklin Blvd. Eugene,Or. 974*1 485*8118