Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS July Attractions Quick Cash' Items under $500 d not vnd with- tw paid issues Mil fun tor 'fee in the next two issues Business Card Special S20hns with " id minimum $22/ms with 2 ad minimum To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 )15 TYPING SERVICES [The WORD SPECIALISTS! * Graduate School Approved ' ► DisscrlatYonv'I'hescs.Vapci'* ► IBM Compatible.Disk ( onvc«h»on' ► laser Pnnting/Guphu s ► 1 diting, Kesumes CAROLYN _CINDY LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years e*penence Editing IBM Grad school approved ON CAMPUS Robin 344 0759 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free pi ok up/del i very Ronda 938 1892 TYPING UNLIMITED IBM i •• . .rot! 4850890 Barbara Land BIJOU T Hf AT Rf BUILDING no FOR SALE Comfortable Plaid Couch $20/obo 34S 9487 MUST SELL! 1 i ' • TV $f>0 AT&T cordless phones new $60 eat h TEAC stereo set with CD player and speakers evcoilent $300, Canon type w-iter $60 OBO Can 344 ‘>883 VCR Programmable Digital display Like new Great pit fun? $ 180 345 2714 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Musi ai Instruments Stereos Photograph11 Equipment 361 W. 5th no PETS While Cel Needs loving home Call 461 0584 MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! {Advertise dfiy item items under $500' jh.ii sale m the summer edition of tbel (Daily Emerald Classifieds Pay tor -..me I week .2 days' at regular rales and dj (the item does not sell withm the! week cali us and we Am r«* order d f<>f: • t ther ween i2 more days) Tor FREE1 {Single party ads only please Place ads at Daily Emerald Room 300 E MU UO Bookstore A The EMU Mam Desk or call us and charge it at 346 4 343 No Refunds No Credits ; VISA MC Offer I spues July 30, T p m HELP WONTED H5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS Can you t .. i 4»4 in drug raids for under $100'* Call for ■ I ‘ r 14 • : ■ GOVE RNMFNT SEIZED Vour area • 805887 6000 £*• s 198b Honda Reb**1 . *«' Bi t »> great1 $700*01)0 plus he'" el .*H Kyle 687 2394 2 Honda P,>rtn ’ a* cheap $125 83 excellent • 'i;11*>• • ■ $400 Cali Rick al 687 8133 iso BICYCLES - Bianchi Strada LX 21 12 speed ver/blue excellent condition $195 343 7170 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS Brother Electronic typewriter AX 20 Spellcheck, memory functions brand new $100 34 5 3458 MUST SELL* At a- 1040ST ;••• . . computer with printer ’ MB memory high res.'Uilioi' momt - MIDI interlace ready with program disks $/•■•' >t*<> Cali 344 5883 165 INSTRUMENTS Gudar Keyboard Bass lessons John Sharkey 344 5530 195 TRAVEL US Air ticket >• way f ;e * ’ r Dmgo July 26 $ UX) (bam >, $175’) 345 6725 anytime 205 WEEKEND GETAWAYS BEND CABIN Fully furnished country setting S.is ■ 11 $30 tw.• plus nights 382 3060 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE • the U of O Telefund needs you Earn $f>.hQut while working flexible !■»> ; and evening hours '..all 346 34.11 •• | stop by 2001 Franklin Bivd today ATTENTION POSTAL JOBS' MO $11 41 hour For applu ahon into an ,1.602 838 8885 f «t M 12164 ban 10 pm 7 days ATTN GOVERNMENT JOBS YOUR AREA' $17 840 $b9 485 Cai «i > 602 838 8885 F*i R 12164 ATTN EARN MONEY READING 800*5’ $32.000/year income potential Details i 11 602 838-8885 Ext BK12184 EARN $20 CASH tor parbe ipating in lour 25 mmole m terv-ews ($5 each) Each interview 3 months apart Must tie a mrent drug user (other than alcohol and tuba-. ■ but not usmg needles Absolute onfi denti t ty Please ■ White Bird Clin ic at 342 8255 and a--*1 for an appoint ment with Jeff "master THE POTENTIAL $80 K $200K ANNUALLY Plat: mg , redd t ard displays Commission on applicants Override on monthly payments t Monday Wednesday (713) 468 6440 9 a rn to 5 P rn CST HELP WANTED --1 Computer Graphics Lab Director Full-time position to begin August 20 1990 Computer ■ «iiit i.: s Artist Designer with "-liege .even h in-.? KlMiirus’r.itive t-xpenen- •• * lire-.l IB sM'i Mrn»»nl MFA • t equivalent ‘-end letter of apf » rer-.unie ' letters • *1 reteren *•. b slide.-' of recent won'.. :' A:’r. ti. Malcolm Dean Department of Media Arts. Pacific Northwest College of Art. 1219 S.W. Park. Portland. OR 97205 A; p.s.'.-i*/.. r.- be revived by ’ p rr. A ,u ■ ' 1 h- r 215 HELP WANTED H'» easier f» r , i, !*" • ’ . i» ■ . 342 2723 Summtr job inlttvitwt >.■ • ,• • • - « mg l.UOO Univervfy Onm? urns the telephone directories hires iw«i 200 %aif*i {■• gram Top earnings $5000 $8000 Gai' valuable e«p«M*»m «* ■ ad vorlmmy %.n»»s amt pubin '«tat>-v y t‘ i a pa go advertising * ' y * >u f campus telephone directory l oofcmg to* enthusiast'* goal ■ *r.•»r>?.».t Students for hallengmg well pay >>q summer job For more informabo • at* General Manager Doug Outy it 1 800 334 4436 SUMMER WORKSTUDY CARPENTER Work with Ad MiiMum j travtn ■ g e« hi bit program Must be summ*v Aorfcstudy qualified fie*tble v heduie V ?S/hr To build wooden ottos • ■ Shipping artwork amt related duties Must be e*penanced with pi.we* .*• , tools l " information and a; ; ot men! all Visual Arts Resm,!. es 346 3029 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW j Requires c ompute* eapenen •* ; . ,vv>ird‘Pe>t*H I i ■ ■ ! ■ < L ' o. i J< II 225 APTS -DUPLEXES Furnished 1 Close to i am pus 485 2823 Furnished units • r V M-. studi. i bdm- 2 $22 * t It! H ;• St r.sc • , at it S best Otflu«0 studios staffing at $250 Call m(triage* at .142 mW? ft* net! Mgmt ( ■ 915 (>ak #2 MILL RACE 01 SIGN YOUR «iWN SPAl f Will I sets I . 'dr." > ,.•• • > ; " **’ Race Quiet on site com op laundry 192 i Garden Ave Jen*.,r,gs A < «. Prop M .;*• • in 486 fc nth 683 2271 MILL RACE APARTMENTS 1806 Garden Ave 2 story 2 bedroom townhouses de signed for shared living Ideal «o* t people Ais available are 2 tied’ »>*n flafs Ea« h umt ha > ts own pnvate bat . any or patio On Site iaun }-y parking and flowered courtyard Summer 'ent ers guaranteed I ail ■« < up.i- cy $375 $ 195 (.all Gary to sew 345 7275 Jennings • (..«> 683 22 71 One bedroom . On -med S' mer rate) 1 bicx.k from the uone'sdy 606-2451 Quads Studios 1 bed' • ■ j ted n/oms. iO pets available now 34 3 4109 APTS.-DUPLEXES 225 APTS -DUPLEXES SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Alder Street 14 4 '*>•»*•■ Jonmng* & Co 68.1 4219 The Hilyard Apt* %. •• $ » *.'• N . -• M - »M M r.»rd#t M2 2XU 1 ’ • BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS ’/dud-.-v m •> tn laundry f2V>monlh 4M4 7393 t BLOCK FROM U OF O Fiifninfiml 2 pedroom apt Uu 2 moflthi cl, $3t0*mordh 4S4 2N 't 1 WEST 4lh APTS ; Eugene {>.»«•• »-.i *. p«rK at your back door from S W‘ > FMr e..- . pet-, M.I agtir hrth I 1 ' ' Benoett Mgmt v.i. M *• >-»* f.'tm Read 48 *> 6991 2 block* from U ol O t , .*’«<* WOOrmo Own,. ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ® I'Jj 3-D ® A 1-0 5e«eav«gan/a tUMna John Mo*meet 1 No one under ' 8 adrvuneO tM»«j U * ID ’TJahiTTrir the COOK, the THIEF, [his WIFE & her LOVER No one under It admitted1 I IOB3TERMAN fWOM MAMS JZU If APTS.-DUPLEXES IJ OF () 1 Hedroom Apurtmrnts Mil 1- 14th *» 14 t Tii i21\ >ir< 1 j funiishi'il I ‘Ml i 1 » ! rv l-.MU 1 HMl F.itlurson 18th fturm%h»nl} !H*il High 1 1 l\M.‘r 1 *;*i» High 17 1 , high 14 K iit< .ij*1 iIni nishi-ti i 2 iinlmom \piutmrnts $.*,l tilth >'■»!' J-Hh 1H44 K mi .ml 1 fm 111sht-iJ \ti |ii*|s Stinv\ ii h\ .i|i|Miinlmrnl Spyglass Associates :i4:> u ioiii lifiti-1 I III ?60 ROOMMATES WflNTFD Look my foi ; *• \ s.'io ; -in .u4 :*.4i ?»b FOOD & DRINK~ miner i rDCKiim Eugene % onii Ice < nam and f io/en Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES $1 25 Every Tuesday 19th & Ag.de >44 4418 Open d.itly 1« 11 pm rttii Willamette >4 3 .‘h.'l 295 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THF RAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASS A (it Jf AN IN I VAN VACTOR l M T Phone 48S 8921 AFFORDABU 30b SERVICES QUALITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Rate* f ree Estimates Cell 68 3 3408 Of 34S 229t Temporary health insurance . i .if ft'anonaMf' rjlen to days 36*» da, Ran 1 y R.KJkn 4R*> 086' H -t m *> ; m SOLVE THE PUZZLE One FRF. F OOF t shirt will he given to the first person to solve the crossword puzzle every Tuesday and Thursday during the summer' Come to the ODF olflce (3rd floor, F MU) to claim your CROSSWORD By tugcru Shefjcr r—i-r—r:—e-vm.—r—n—f'-'n—rc—r—r—1 ACROSS I Coarse hominy 5 I all behind 8 I right lul 12 Hodge podge 13 Pitcher s -.Ml 14 Pro 15 Difficulty 17 Teen follower 18 Crude metal 19 Small boy 20 Chris ol the courts 21 Obstacle 22 Word wilt) leal or rum 23 Inflexi bility 26 I nilosed glass con tamers 30 Kazan 31 I lour covering 32 Olive genus 33 Rutter up 35 Former i gypl.an VIP 36 Pileher Fernandez 37 Camp be.' 38 .wmmint) stroke 41 Old Pionch coin 42 ! wo lime 45 ('olummst Barrel! 46 ! nlisl U S Navy 48 Italian wine center 49 Slippery onu 50 Ovon setting 51 Bag or polo load in 52 Paid nonces 53 Shade trees DOWN 1 Now York Of l ondon district 2 Winylike 3 Boy 4 Group of seals 5 Hungarian composer 6 Dry and barren 7 Breach 8 Table VOSsoI 9 High dudgeon 10 Roman journey 11 Trading center 16 Play the lead d0 Missive from van Gogh9 Solution time 26 mins 2 1 Ship potty otlicei 22 Capture 23 Ump's cousin 24 Tako Romance' 25 Scala 26 Mongrel 27 Wont with Glory or Guard 20 Verity 29 Worked as a model 31 Hivor or Sea 34 sesame 35 I S'.wy fog slang 37 Winds around and around 38 Sour tempered person 39 1 ight. pink rtine 40 Pile:.let 41 I nan lo 42 Grand parental 43 School semester 44 I or!,! I". 46 The Around Us" 47 Pad ot IOU Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 r——■■■■■" j Butcher Block S | Deli ! I Free Delivery | I 484-9867 1 I new summer hours: * I Mon-Sat 11 am-10pm » 1 Sun 12-10pm f; S 500 Off j i a Sandwich i | on Sat & Sun | I expires 8/31/90 | | Where Franklin 1 1 meets E 13th 1 1._ J Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson P7 WANT '/ML 0\l * St NICt OtL' ’HOULDNT 100 UVCL y->ML E«St E.AV< , _- , RKRK hsVi 7 »».V, !0 Wi SCWW' HI W. KAtilD ; 'A , NiVtX . ■ ft :»•: N iViL 04 A . ■« z . A.'.ir 0 Riot A. g «.t TVID VOJ'