Memorial to be held A memorial s«rvi< e fur Name \ Parker, a I ’niversilv gradual!! and KMt' employee who died July •). will be held Thursday night at 7 at Mr kenzie Flying Service. ')()(>()() (ireenhill Road Parker. a flight instructor for \!< ken/.ie. was killed when the plane she was piloting ( rashed at a summer flying camp in Tnskegee, Ala I’arker worked summers at the camp teat fling piloting skills to disad vantaged high s( hold students WASTES Continued from Page 1 In the meantime t onstrin lion of ,m at i ess road to the Silva Orchards area on the east end ot the park should start the hoginning of August. \\ de\ said She said Silva is a i lean site and am problems that muv arise in other areas of the park would not ef lei I development there The proposed 0 " acre research park (ms com** tin dei fin- after tin- I 'niversilv annouiu ed that i liemii als from its laboratories were dumped there ,:o ve.irs ago The leseaii h paik is a i omhined projei t ol the University. I lie Cl tv of Fa i gene and I level opmenl Assoi iates. a Salt Fake t its linn The fourth and last of the assessment reports will he done latei this summer Wilev said Correction An ilie orret t date was given .tl the top of the front page of thr julv 1.’ I mrrulri \ 1 s*» due to ,» c omputer error, «tn entertainment t alendar from June v\,is printed instead fit Ihuisday s c.aicndar A revised t alendar < an he ton ltd on page H of this issue 1 fir lnu'rnlii regrets those errors, and apol ogi/.es for any int unvenienc :e they may have < closed Speaker to discuss anti-Semitism SI’I- AKKKS AN!) I.K( I I KKS ",Anti-Semitism in Vienna: Turn of the C.en tur> and Today" is the title of .1 presentation In Kgon Schwartz. Austrian horn professor of (airman and Austrian literature from Washington I'niversity in Missouri Hie lei lure will take plat e tonight at 7: ill ill Room 1 20 of the I .an ('enter Et als VOIJ 'M l I KS Ihe following volunteer opportunities are available through the Volunteer C'.onneetion. t.H I 0(100 • Personal assistant, two Imui' 1 week at the Ore gon ( aiimnission for the blind Head job-related and personal materials for a blind woman and drive her to the groi ery store om e every two weeks • Driver two to three hours a week ftu Spec lal Mo I>1111v Service Transport elderly or frail people to medical appointments Training is provided as needed • Swim and locker room aide lour hours a week, for Oregon Supported Living Program Assist devel opmentally disabled residents in preparing lor their sw im Iherapv and help u ith su im skills in pool • Campground host volunteers two weeks mini mum. tor Willamette National'Forest Answer ques tions and perform minor i lean-up and maintenance at a campground A free camping and expense al lowance is provided • Meals on Wheels drivers two hours a week, lor liXKI Senioi and Disabled Services Pack food and deliver meals to home bound seniors Volunteers use their own vehit le Mileage is reimbursed M1SCI1.IWl.OI S Prayer meeting will be held at the Newman (tenter 1850 Fmerald St . tonight at 7:3(1. All are invited to attend regardless of denomination Student Mass will be celebrated Wednesday night at U at the Neu man ( enter. !H.">(I Fmerald St For more information, call A4:r 702 I I TUITION Continued from Page 1 committed to going to school, he said 'But .1 lot of times they'll pa\ then tuition mid not be ,ible to bin grin eries for the month liaihn s i oik erns were ei hoed b\ \\ 111 mm (duev former student body president of graduate and proles sional students at ()SI (ainn said that main graduate students are people returning l<> si haul to .11 quire skills will help them silt vivt" in today's more competitive job m.irki't The tuition int reuses will hurt those students, and ulti in.iteh the econo ltl\ of the stale ( ore\ said liailev said there was .i strong showing' at the meeting adding that although the board has proha hl\ alreadv made up its mind to raise tuition the group made its point "I think the hearings officer went awav knowing we don't want high er tuition." he said Slubber! said he was impressed bv the students' presentations 'This has been tire most testiino n\ I've heard at .1 publu hearing in several veers." Stubbert said ''I'm going to do the best I 1 .111 to 1 unves the intensity ol the feelings about these issues I'm positive there will be some disi ussiotr b\ the board about the del ision Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Q >1 O A Q A Q Correct your ad call: 335 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ode offices loot mu UO BOOKSTORf STAMP COUNT! 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OTHER HALF FREE Not valid with any other discounts or coupons One coupon per customer Good through July 23 1990 1225 Alder St. 345-2434 Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434 GUT SOME COLOR LAST! $ 1 0.00 OFF Current Prices (limited to I () or more sessions) | Surr>m»r Hours I L._ SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 874 E 13th Ave • Upstair-, by Kinko s • 488 2323 Good thru July 31. 1990 SunShower Tanning Center \ yy, an- the sun s.ilon most c umeriiently lotated lor students ta< till\ and stall I mu h studs hituk betm-eii < lussrs wheneset you hast a little extra time sou tau take a JO minute satuliuti ami it las in our deeply soothiny sum tls Lit toy 11"' warmth am) sour t hoit t ol itnisit as you it yum that lust ions 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485 2323 Will I f • . ! M| WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS *■» • $ 15.00 Resumes Letter Perfect Graphics MJite UMJ f MU ODf Offices