Community Forest tours illustrate restoration Ubhb policies changed after 1988 forest fire By Alasdair McCondochie l: merjld Contributor The Willamette National l or est Service is rniidui ting tours to show the publit some ot the newest ideas for forest preser vat ion and restoration The tours take plai e four miles south ot Oakridge. at the site ot the 1‘lfitt Shads Beach tire, which burned u. I li t acres ot forest. It was the worst wild tire in the W illamette National forest sini e ltl 111 Many ot the restoration plans in effect at Shads Heach have come from publii input, said I’atti Rodgers, assistant publit affairs officer in charge of i on seri al ion edui at ion for t he publii in Willamette National forest. The tours w ill point out res ion efforts and illustrate changes in polity regarding management ot lores! lands, in eluding the New Perspective plan, a collaboration on ideas to presen e forests that has been emerging uationallv for the last three or tour years ()ne component of the plan is to leave large woody material at a (ire site rather than burning it as would normally be the i use "We mimic the natural pro cess that maintains prodintivi t\ Rodgers said By allowing the wood chunks to dei.oiu pose vital nutrients are re turned to the earth and a llabi tat is created tor many "crit ters.'' she said Besides the New I’eispedive plan, elements from othei res (oration [dans have been incur pointed at Shads Beat h. in eluding "connectivity in which connecting corridors ot trees are provided .is travel and migration routes tor wildlife 1 tie corridors are especially beneficial tot amphibians, rep tiles, birds and small mammals who mas he stranded by the large treeless areas left alter a fire Rodgers said some trees have been replanted and about Ua percent ot unwanted logs have been removed The planting ot new trees is expected to be tin ished by tall 1‘Jtl I. NV*3iS Photo l> v Sfdn f'utioit the Forest Svrvitr H/icm'i/ the site of the IfillH Shath Heat h the iit the Willamette \ational forest to imhlit tours tu demonstrate i houses in forest restoration i>olit ies Kodgei' said caring for the land is hall ol I hi* forest Ser v ii e's mission 1 he other halt is serving people l Itimatelv, li is with the people that we re deem our mission m its entile t\." she said "Our public is tar more aware ol and involved in our activities than ever be tore Rodgers said she realizes not everyone is happy with the new forest plans, hut that's .ill the more reason lor more pen pie to get involved, she said ( )ne sin h person who has he tome involved is Dennis l.ueik l.tleck .1 lores! ecologist and educator leads Shady He,it h tours to provide a learn mg experience lor the people on the tour I.lin k said the point ot the tours is to let people know that torest restoration polit ies are changing People who are concerned about the forests are encour aged to voice their opinions on the tour. I met k said Aftei all the work the servii e is doing is Firefighters battle blazes (AP) fires triggered In lightning last week had run simit'ii more than •l.iltto ai res ol Oregon forests In Mondav au thurifies s.iid Tlir Spring Unite lire near l a Pine grew to «Mf> .11 res Mondav while smoldering brush on the Warm Springs Indian Keserva (ion re ignited and consumed l it) a( res The (lorral Hasin blaze near John Day had de stoned HHti acres, according to state and federal fire managers. The Spring Butte fire six miles southeast of I .a Pine spread from Halt ai res Monday morning said Dave Morman of the Dest hutes National forest Morman said the tire was about 21) percent contained and 1 reus hope to have it fully con tained bv Wednesday He saiil about 4-t.a firefighters were hat tlmg the blaze Near John Day fire crews hoped In have llir BHO at n■ ('or ra! Basin fin* contained !n 1 UesdaV Jennifer Harris, .1 spokes woman for lln* Malheur Nation al Forest, said '>00 firelighters were battling the blaze while planes and held oplers dumped water and fire retardant \noth er J-tU firelighters have been 1 ailed in she said Harris said the lire has been difficult lo fight bet ause of strong winds and extreme dry ness Jim Steele, spokesman lor the bureau ol Indian Affairs, said 200 firefighters from tin* Bu reau of Indian Affairs, the Con federated lubes of Warm Springs and Jefferson County were working lo contain the i-fO-acre blaze 20 miles north west of the (sail Nee fall resort mostly tor them, tie said I t.ilk about how forests ( .line to tie atut the role of fire he said I ire does play a aunt her ot extremely important roll's, helping with the de\el opmenl ol habitat and i reeling a i n h variety ol plants and am mats their homes. I uei k said tile area varies m appearaui e In some areas 10(1 percent ot the forest is burned in others the file hopsi otrlied ai ross areas, burning very lit tie l.ui'i k said it is important to "broaden people x foe us to ward thi' forest Nervier I Ins tour is meant to help the piihiit understand what is going on. he said file Shady Beat h projei t is ,i good si.hi tm this hei a use it in forms the publli ot i liallgt's, said I.uhc k lo 11nd out more about the New Perspectives plan and touts, call Patti Rodgers at to 1-04 "ill lours leave from the federal Building. -‘11 Hast Seventh Are . on the second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of every month through t fctohel UO BOOKSTORE UTH AND KINCAID PH Ms-4111 MONDAY - FRIDAY AJO-MM \U >SOAN s |HK< H 'CHI KIDA'i ^ Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodle $3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT I 'fisfjirs \r\t it> of ( > mkstnrt' 879 I . I *th 2H\2 “25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 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