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N*'1' 't .ow#( level ' • » • • »nd able 484 1829 after ? 00 MILL RACE (!( SIGN YOUR OWN ‘11’A( | l,.«M*t'. -1'VMje'-. vt*M •tung M> 683 2271 MILL RACE APARTMENTS 180S Gatden A¥t> i’ -. i .u,h *3 7?*$ 39** .m v i«*f y u ->«* 34** On® bedroom $ Dne bedroom i; * 1 < ftdtttf S'KKX'H- • !•• »hn A.,i;i.,sl 31, option for all A y,».i,jt>le immedr itwiy tt.1 E 14th \t * U 6rtb 1 1.10 □uads Studios t '•»■ 1 rooms no pets avan/itUe nu* 34 3 4109 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor 1880 Ald®r Street it) -row tuf Summer iv.iil.ihiidy Stu dio* 1 and 2 bedrooms Don t be aught in (fie annual Tall ,.runch‘ 344 S696 Jennings 8 Co 883 4219 The Hllyard Apts 1 bdrm turn unfurn S27VS330 pets Manage- h’.i Hi yard 4 1 342 2.301 1 vy BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studios on site laundry (acuities J2SQrmonth 4ft4 7393 APTS.-DUPLEXES 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 BLOCK FROM U OF ( f uml«h*d unit* . Mu i bilrm. 2 txlrm $.' LOOKING HIGH & LOW 1 WEST 4th APTS » -i! you' b. k rfou; from S 485 69tf * ... S400 ft* 1 • ’ H t «v APARTMENT HUNTING7 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - • ART CINEMAS " ■ 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 ■ DISCOUNT 5M(.)W5 W. \ • A- l» s »*/.», • 00 9 •.*; • •- ». u-» « » LONGTIME m GAHTiXoilAN O&NNIS HOPPER i-KI HATTAHOOCHE ULKJLXL THF COOK, THE THIEF. HIS WIFE A her LOVER 4.KLCX 104.7 LATE NIG T FtHAL MOW TONIGHT - t jij IUMI uhe Gods Must Be Crazy IN .ate Night a dm Th S* S3 Su We $2 SO f' n 00 Adm Pvl« M WW«U ^ ® ft! 3-D ® A 10 avagarv/a Burring J• arxim IS adm»n«i1 wx^ri'* ■ 0 J >**B*r&** ****< the cook, the Thief his WIFE & HER lover M* on* und*r IS admitted1 l LOUS URMAN* ROM MARS frmgaaragiss APTS-OUPLEIEr U OF O 1 Bedroom Apartments i», i 1 | 4th IN h 1 HI 11 ((iiriiixlu'il , Hilv uil ihirmshfil! lH'il High *M> i Korry Umr l H* ■Md*?! i )M) I’altrrvtn l i ’ll High l 1, High 1N44 kin< ai*>, i'jviio U4 0«24 ffiixnrc WANTED UTS COM ABI T A T F '" Roommate wanted h, uv- Wr«' Springfield 263 CHILD CARE GET PAID TO HAVI- FUN 235 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THERAPEUTIC SWf DISH MASSAGI Jt ANINF VAN VAl TOR. I M T Phone 485 *927 AFFORDABlt 300 COUNSELING V Kaya Weinman MS COUNSELING i Women * «n%ur*~. mb*' iah:ps fooo 344 305 SERVICES QUALITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Hale* f »ee F stimates Call 683 1408 or 14S 2'29* SOLVE THE PUZZLE One F RF F ODE I shirt wwill be given to the first person to solve Ihe crossword pu/fle oveiy Tuesday and Thursday during Ihe summer * Corn# to the OOF office • 3rd Hoof f Mi/: lo ■ laim your prue CROSSWORD By Eugau Shej ACROSS 1 Bistro 5 l unalic 8 Spilled the beans 12 Trobok of "Joopardy1 13 Is. lor two 14 Jacob s twin 15 Bound 16 Break a Command ment 17 i gyptian vipers 18 Go into recess 20 Cruel lellow 22 cone (icy treal) 23 Captain s record 24 Clock feature 27 Mapped out 32 Past 33 I qijS 34 Pitching slat 35 Quit 38 < ienosis setting 39 Yankuo Doodle Dandy' 40 Ju// combo in strument 42 Mire 45 Quaking trees 49 Plane part 50 Dopey s pal 52 l ined up 53 (ion Hobert 54 Printing need 55 Ship ol 1492 56 finally movie 57 Slalom maneuver )8 Profound DOWN 1 Use Ihe phono 2 On I ho shollorod side 3 Hold slroko 4 Uncover 5 Elephant; foro runnor 6 Actress Meyers 7 I airs 8 Old sailor 9 Allocated 10 Siestas 11 Sudden 19 Inter national orq Solution lime 21 Actress MacGraw 24 - from the Madding Crowd" 25 Census question 26 Helped with a loan 28 Period procoding 29 Pathetic souls 30 Before 31 Comedian Aykroyd 36 Visions 37 Joke 38 Got larger 41 You I ike If 42 Pile her 43 Cleo s river 44 Actress McClurg 46 Historic canal 47 Nary a one 48 I rade 51 Swill h positions . „ _J Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson SU..V/1 BOX tASt. H\i L BIU