Community Rivers, lakes in area offer break from the heat Several recreation sites close by By Brian Bloch Frru'r.iid s 0 miles from Eugene. Itlue River l ake Is gist north of t’nugar lake alongside the (burning Mrkenz1e Riser llighss .is 1 .Mi abounds s\ it h ret real ion areas, das sites and i amp sites on route to these lakes The Mi ken/ie R is er is an ideal rvntersvns for fishermen and thrill seekers who brave its rough waters on lalts and drift boats After turning east in the Eugene area, the riser slieti lies into the W illamelte Nat tonal loresl. svith plenty of aracss along Highway Di(> This time ill year the Mi kenzie is rein lively warm for swimmers and boasts Spring Dhinook salmon steelhead and trout for anglers l.eaburg Pool, pist above l.eaburg Dam about .;() miles east of Fugene along liigtiway Lift, is also excellent (or swim inrrs and fishermen Formed from the McKenzie, l.eaburg pool is mm h like a cpiiet lake with boat access swimming docks and plenty of trout About i!() miles south of Fu gene near (.’ottage drove, are two more excellent rei reational areas Dottage Drove Dike and Dorena Dike .ire popular among boaters and fishermen, tint also otter pn tin areas and i amp grounds for sun bathers and day trippers ('ottage (.rove Dike is |us! south of ( 'ottage Drove while Dorena is a lew miles east ol the i it\ Traveling along Highway 58 southeast ot Fugene Dexter Dike about IT» miles, and Hills ( reek Lake, approximated 5(1 miles offer more all around re opportunities I ish ing hiking boating and swim ming areas abound along the route as well as incredibly si e on and quiet camping areas Also along Highway 58, about 1(1 miles southeast of Oakmlge are the Kitson Hot Springs When the temperature i ools oft at night the springs i an t be beat for relaxation I he steaming pools are tut ked right against the title! waters ol Salt ( leek just oft 11Ighwa\ 58, and are easy to miss Irom the road l ook for a small, gravel turn off and campground just before the springs or to be sate ask at Dink's Market jest outside (fakridge Id the uest along ( oast High ssas 1 2U is I era KiHgi' Kisser vnir. iibonl 1 ii miles outside I’.ii gene A rei re.ilion .ire.i with i ampsites. two boat ramps and Perkins Peninsula State Park make this a perfei t area for those who don’t want to travel very far If vou feel like traveling west there is of course, the beautiful Oregon (dust I lorem e is about tdi miles west of Kugene and lust south id that is the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, offering miles of wide open sand dunes for moton v i les dune buggies and A I V s I o the north are the si enit coastal towns of VYaldport. New port, Lincoln ( itv. ( aiinon Heat h. Seaside and Astoria I or those who don't have i ars or who .ire having trouble bumming a ride there are still plenty of scenii aieas in town Alton Baker Park and Skinner Butte Park, both located i lose to i arnpus along the U illamette River are excellent plates to stinK. unwind or catch a little sun Piles offer a host of paved bike and jogging Hails river ac i ess large grasss areas and a beautiful view of the cits atop Skinner Butte Ilikers w ill enjoy the trails leading up to Spencer Butte on the t its s east side and roc k climbers can shaipen their skills on the roi k t.u e just off the road leading to the top of Skinner Butte fishermen need not travel far for good fishing in some of the area’s local ponds I he Delta INSURANCE Continued from Page 1 i barges • Newborn nursers > are up to s '>oo \lsii some students m,i\ lie utile In waive coverage i! liter are carrying insurance limn llieir home countries The Hartford plan dues mil i m ei treatment in students' Inline countries Anolhei draw liai h is a redur lion in maxi mum benefits fen mental health i are A liru( him1 outlining c osls and benefits Ini eat ll polit v should lie available In the timt* l;m students registet lor i lasses on Aug -.I rhu lontrai t.s n itli All Ami'i it ,ui .uni I lii' Ilartlnrd art' loi one voar onk ( airran said Long range 111.inning for sin diuit health insurant:!' will di' (ii'inl part I \ on tin' Orrgon Stall* Hoard ol Higher r.dui ,i lion, n Inc li is examining tin possibility ot i realing a state wide student insurant e pm glam that would mi hide all tail leges and universities Insurance market fat tors will also influent e Student Health Insurant.e C'.ommittee planning during this coming year, he said W e see the market push ing toward things that students won’t net essarilv like to ward mandatory insurance Hades said Most othei i olleges and uni versilies require mandatory part it ipation in the si hind's in surance program St it kel said "That’s one thing I’ve learned from talking to other si hools about this." she said, 'll s pist rote it's mandatory Photo b» Sr an Pottor losh Horn ot Springfield i limbs the rock columns on the west side ot Eugene's Skinner Hutte Park, one of l.ane County's re< reation sites. Ilighwav ponds, located near Valiev River (! <• n t <> r off ('loodpasluii' Island Road, and the Highwa\ 'in ponds, oil the highway north near )umtion ( it\ ari‘ stoi ked through April with trout rhe trout fishing slows when tin- water gets \\ .irm. but i .iltish bl uegi II. ( roppie and buss fishing heats tip \\ ith tin1 weather Summer offers a unique op portunity for students not only to gel ahead in their studies but to take advantage of .1 truly unique area of the state LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • IAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • S-lo -ISC ! i — Yogurt — Get a medium yogurt for the price of a small — s1.20 Not valid with any other discounts or coupons One coupon per customer Good through July 16 1990 345-2434 1225 Alder St. Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434 I I I I I GET SOME COLOR EAST! $ 1 0.00 OFF Current Prices (limited to lO or more sessions) SunShower Tanning Center IXSEI ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIAL S 8 '■) E 13th Ave * i > >1.1 c Ktnko ■> • 485 2323 Good thru July 24 1990 SunShower Tanning Center \ staff lunch study break between classes whenever you have a little extra \nu i an take i 20 minute vacation and relax in our deeply southing ds t n \ the warmth and your < hou e of music as you regain that luscious 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko's • 485 2323 VMM H Msrr >i WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS —m-* \