Community Country Fair offenngs eclectic By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Contributor Musical entertainment of all kinds, vaudevillian perform ances. a wide variety of foods and nearly three hundred booths featuring many types of arts and crafts will highlight the 21st annual Oregon Conn trv Fair, which begins Fridas in Veneta. The three-day event is "an absolute celebration of life." said Margo Schaeffer. Publicity (loordinator for the fair "There's something for ev eryone whether they're live or ')r>.'' Schaefer said With eight separate stages, including a children's stage and a circus, the entertainment will be non stop Kverything from inusii and theater to jug gling and comedy t an be seen from the time the fair opens at 1 1 a m. until it closes at 7 p m This sear, the c:ire us will tea turn si\ groups or individual performers, including The Ids' in^ karamozov Brothers .mil Tom Noddy .md His Bubble \lagii There will bo two shows daily 1 p m and 4 p m There w ill be about 50 booths offering food. Schaefer said, and people will be able to enioy everything "from the most decadent foods like gelato dipped in i hocolate. to the most healthy , like a carob-cov ered banana Along with the entertainment and the food, the fair features a ('(immunity Village and an I n ergy Park The Community Village will include a variety ot booths, events and demonstrations In formation will be provided on and over pay half pi n o ( hildren Turn to FAIR, Page 8 Eugene takes part in Goodwill I rek By Pat Malach Emerald Associate Editor Residents of Kugene will gel ,i chance to t.ike pari in some of the PIOO Goodwill Games opening c ions .is the 1' S H.i 11k 1 ‘>‘1(1 Goodw ill Games Irek comes to town Monday morning As part of the preparation foi the opening-d.iv ceremony for the 10*10 Goodwill Games in Seattle coming up later this month the trek will leave from Spokane )ui\ It and end up in Seattle fur the welcoming (.ere moils' ot the (lames lids 2 1 Runners traveling I miles and i \« lists tackling JO mile legs will cover the 1000 mile trek earning a talking stick' which holds messages from president Hush and Soviet I’res idciil (iothai lies I he messages ssill he read at the beginning of the games I he talking stic k is made ol two pieces The top piece is an 18 11n h high wood statue ol an American eagle and a Russian hear c arsed in the native A met "I’ll*" {k>t11>in tnilt nt tin1 talk inn stii k is a i edai iml that u ill hold ii|i to separate naps carved bv artists trom ditterenl Northwest i ve \ 111 • * r n a n tubes ! rngene's ceremony "ill be gin at 0 a in at the l.ugene iiram h ol the I S Hank at H I 1 Willamette St iaigene athletes u ho W ill be partti i[> s I MK( )l < ,H f K11 > \ > ' Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodle Soup $3.95 l f)**t*)ir \r\t to l i t > fit >< >k >tt CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) f I ilh U < EMPLOYERS ARE TALKING ABOUT US. Hen- i', what just one business leader had to su\ about eiviliun ■ areei opp