Birkensfock Discover how healthy and comfortable your feet can be in original Birkenstock foot wear And discover the fresh new look of Birkenstock — sandals and shoes in excit mg new colors and styles FOOT WISE ii? BIRKENSTOCK muhi Ibiza 5th Street Public Market 2nd Floor Open Daily 10-6 342-6107 V &/nFJUi fwufl UT M SO - SUHWOwllQO T\K WCDU SC 4 KJDS Atw*r4|2 • *-*r #»4 r mom 7 « t*»r# r * rwf»f s r ifOMfs • rx »f sr pacts' « 3 r «*/$ r r soon 7 00 9 00 • W> !!•' 4 00 A STOHV Of WARMTH HUMOR AMO COURAGE AN ILLUMINATING. DEEPLY MOVING EXPERIENCE t *i~m ]r] * "Hollywooda w*t feature film about I tha AIDS apxfemic * la a major ache*re ment. an important i hiatorical docu I mrnl played out in I affecting human LONGTI ME COMPANION n*Al WifK’ ♦*/ *, ? « • M«! 4 V- [U1 GARY Ol OMAN • Dl NNiS HOPPE R L 1 *« c md* Ni*n# a Kontan W * N»o but b* raid" 11' r> c tm-y wrt tv* to » m«r»UI rrirtutar trote*^ o* cv» • oaf wuufrfy I'' ot y n b* tough • b*cA And • b*c»n« * b«ro lor Mwond trn« HM33flai ffJOSS&razI:! WilAi'l STARTS FRtDA Y. jUi Y 13 **/■«, */• QIALLY UjUCUL I QIALLY UilCLNj QRLD- l UST, MURDER A Of SSERT Ai t UfRGHf I.NAWAY noon uKM'twwMiul IHt COCK,THt THIEF, "'WIFEiSl111'LOVER C <«Twi%q SAW7 A 'lAt*»W| T»o * f» Vc« ti'icisitut: P*F. ^ THMM W W* 13 3MB] 1 j^)|XT«l«V«0«nZfl 0 ^iMM* IfU lvnJ4Hl J«^^^dnTMI»d^tojrtnjjrov^r^ Adm Th *3 So *>• LUST. MURDt R ft 01 SSI RT Al A Pi UR GREENAWAY ITS EVEN BEFTERON THE BIG SCRE EH l ATE AT NIGHT! T,,f COOK,1,11 THIEF, H,'W1FE&,UKL0VER DBS t K ULAN \ Mi At t.V. LEGS FIGURE BIKINI * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL: 342 2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERN 2165 West 11th ‘specific rules obtained at door 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located fi> Running and B'he Trails "S8" BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES — 6am 1 1 pm 7 Days a Week 085 1620 147S Franklin BUd Across from Campus University University alumna killed in crash Nam \ Parker. .in KMl' employee and l ’diver sity graduate died Mond.n in a plane t rash while participating in an Alabama < amp that taught piloting skills to underprivileged teen agers She was 40 Parker, who earned a ba< lielor of arts degree from the 1 diversity in Pl7t> in political si lence, had also attended graduate si hool W hile an un dergraduate. she worked in the KMC's food ser v ii e facilities and was a janitor working week ends in the KMl' up until she left for Alabama for the summer After taking classes at 1-ane Community Col lege's flight si hool Parker completed her pilot training at Mi kenzie Hying Serv e e in 1'IHH She bei .uni1 a flight instrui tor there shortly after wards In the summers of 1P8H and l'lft1) Parker a lilai k woman, was an instrui tor at the Negro Air men International Summer flight Academy in Tuskegee. \la .1 flight program for blai k teen agers who .ire seniors in high si hooi. The i rash occurred on the first day of this year's session, right after takeoff Parker's passen ger, a young male student, was slightly injured The I AA is investigating the cause of the aci i dent "She'll he mill h missed." said Adel! Mi Mil Ian. KMl' director "She was a well known, well liked member of our staff She was a real individ ual.' ' lanet Malones , office manager at McKenzie f lying Servii e. said Parker was an excellent pilot and instrui tor know n for her professional flying as well as tor her rapport w ith her flight students "When the kids left they were more friends than former students." Maloney said Parker s funeral will he held in her native Chicago Plans lor a memorial service in Hugene w ill he annoum ed Monday Plant engineer dies of heart attack ( Jill l liii \ .1 l’h\ sitial I’lant engineei vvlitj developed main nl thr I imcrsilv s energy sav ing systems died Monday til a In art altar k I le ys as let I lai y was instiumi'tital in ill* y eloping a return system in Klamath and Ihiestis halls, which will llltilliateh save the t 'Diversity more I hall SI mil lion in healing i osts over the lifetime ut the buildings said Inn lohnstini. the plant \ cnei g\ managet and Many's assis taut In addition to being dedtcat ed In di>( riMsiiijj the I 'niversi t\ s energv consumption. 1 dm \ was well liked and respected b\ those who worked w ilh him (ohnslun said ' ( Id! helper! us grim .is m workers, he said “ I le encour aped and supported his suhor dinates I lat \ worked lo pel federal funds to begin the energ\ sat ing work on the campus build mgs w bn h the 1 'niversilx re i elled III Htflli l lai \ s work also earned Inin tin* St.lit* of Oregon (Inventor s Knergv Award in 1‘IHH lie was working on improving the methods for supplying (.hilled u.itet to I'nixeis11\ buildings when he died I le is sun ix ed In Ins \\ ife Kusemarx of Kugene. his daughter l.eslie Nix of O.ik land, Ore and his mothei Kditll ill San Pedro, l laid ,\ graveside sen lee for flat X xx ill he held I i ni.i\ morning at 1(1 a m at Rest Maxell Memorial Park, fifth Willamette St Psychology peer advising office now open I hi* psvi hologv |)i*t*r iidvisini* olfii.r is open summi'i term Moml.n through I'huistia\ 't ttl ,i m In 1 ill p m in Room 1 -111 Sir,mh Et als W«*slr\ ( entei I'riurr .mil Meditation (>ath rring v\ 111 In held Frid.ix it H m .i m .it lie- Wes lex ( enlei 1 J Iti Kllicdlil Deudlim' for submitting Id ,ils In the l.mei.ild hunt desk I Ml Slide .100. is noon thr du\ before publit .ition I t .)/■. run thr dnv nt thr event unit'ss thr ei'ent t.ikes film r before noun Xt dices o i ei enf.s with .f donution nr etlmis sum i li.irge will lint be .it t opted ('.t lupus events mid those schetluled nemosl thr publii •ition ihitr w ill hr mM‘ii pnnrits The Kmeralci reserves the right to edit notices tnr grammar mid style Summer is finally here! Get ready for the Outdoors • Sunscreens • Poison Oak Remedies • Allergy Remedies that work • Moisturizing Lotions • Natural Insect Repellants • Aloe Vera Gel - groat (or sunburns • Crystal Deodorant Stones - composed of natural mineral salts, kills odor-causing bacteria better than any other deodorant Guaranteed to last one year. Sundance Natural Foods 24th & Hilyard Open Daily 8am-11pm 343-9142 • Sunglasses that screen Ultra-Violet rays • Hats - caps, straw, Western, brims, sunhats • Shorts - bright, exotic patterns • Swimsuits - soft fabrics, tio-dyed & in bright colors • Lightweight Clothes - Including CHI Pants, Non-Sweat Pants, Drawstring pants • Bionaire Air Ionizers - filters out smoke, dirt, dust, etc Sundance Mercantile 2441Hilyard Open Dally 10am-6pm 344-0450 *15.00 Resumes Letter Perfect Graphics Suite *00 f MU ODf Offices 686-4*81