Forum r tur first step IK REUNIFICATION WAS TO MERGE THE ECONOMIC. NOW, WE HAVE BRAND NEW MARKS. M ■> YESTEBDK/.WE vjere poor in EAST GERMANY Y r TODAY, WE’RE POOR. IN WEST GERMANY, TOO' v 7/ T't: 44i.'7*ffh Ut//V f i? Nt* uVtr«k* *«va Lives outweigh womens' rights By William Moore Her heart started belting when she was less than a month old. and s\ ill continue doing so until the end of her life By the time she was a month old, she had a brain, eves. ears, mouth, kidneys, liver and um bilical cord Commentary Bs the age ol a mouth and a halt her brain w as produr mg deter.table brainwaves The first movements ol her body and limbs ocr urred then as well al though it will be another three months before her mother no tices movement She moves through hei warm, buoyant world with a delightful. eass gfai e ill what has been desi rifled as the "in uli‘m wait/ She responds to a wide arras of stimuli in cluding pain touch cold sound, light and taste She gets hit i ups and sin ks her thumb She wakes and sleeps and gets bored with repetitive stimuli Although she is a living growing human being, the i hild pit tured above has no rights, no choice, no control over'what happens to her hods In spite of legal "safeguards in practice she can be killed le galls up to the moment of her birth In the w ords of Dr A AN Liles. professor of fetal physiol ogs National Women's Hospi tal. Auckland, New Zealand "This then is the fetus that sti bium and indeed we each were. This is the fetus sve look after in modern obstetrics, the same baby sve are caring lor be fore and after birth, who before birth can be ill and need diag nosis and treatment inst like any other patient " This is also the fetus whose existence and identity must be so i allouslv ignored or oner getu alls denied bs advocates of abortion Information and quotations above from i)r Liles’s book, \ (.Vise Against Abortion l)r |erome Lejeune. svoriel-re novvned genetic ist and protes sor of genetics .it the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. ri-< »■ n11 \ tes litifii during the Tennessee tro /ell embryo i use I'he follow mg cm erpls translated from French arc from the transi ript ot (flat trial (J I believe that in your opin ion the fetus is a human being7 A It is not tm opinion It is the teai lung of all the genetii s that 1 was given There's no doubt it's a human being be cause it cannot be a chimpan zee being, so it's a human be mg (J So you oppose abortion? A I dislike to kill a member ot mv own km. no doubt And beside that I'm a I rent h doi tor; I have sw orn the oath ot I lip poi rates and Hippocrates lour hundred v ears before the ( tins tian era made an oath that thou shall not give poison, thou shall not procure abortion That means that the size ol the pa tient does not matter a patient is a patient That is the Hippo i ratic oath Q Ho you regard an early lui man being as having the same moral rights as a later human being such as m\self7 A 'toil have to excuse me. I'm verv very direi t As far as your nature is i oncerued. 1 can not see any differeni es between the early human being you were and the later human being you are because in both i axes. \ on were and vou are a member ol our species What defines a human being is it belongs to our species, so an early one or a late one has not i hanged from spei ies one species to another species It belongs to our kin That is .'S' > ^ S' LETTER PERFECT Graphics • Typesetting • Design ( onsultation • Paste-Up/I avout • PM! \ Transparent ics . .... .... 3-W -U8 1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Now what? Oh God Ernie! Navy ants!