Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 12, 1990, Image 1

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    -it ■ • r
‘ **“!0 Eugene, Oregon Volume '
TTuaj^ J^.|m i2.; !1°ID
Oregon Daily
I'avlor’s Tavern. .1 well-known
University hangout ,it the comer
ot Kith Avenue and K in< aid St
cdosed its doors Tuesday night
The bar had featured the talents
of Robert (!rav and Kagle Park
The warm. sun in weather and
light ( lass loads tvpica! of sum
mer term give students a chance
to get off campus and enjoy some
of Kugene’s unique outdoor offer
Whether you To ,1 returning se
nior squeezing in a feu gradua
lion requirements or a first-term
freshmen von won't have to trav
el far to enjo\ m enie riv ers and
lakes in and around the Tai
gene Springfield area
See sturv. Page *>.
Nearly three years and $B million
in the making, a study of how
past Hanford radiation releases
may have affer ted the health of
downwind communities is being
released Thursday.
The Hanford Knvironmental
Dose Reconstruction Project is
using computer models to trv to
estimate doses of radiation that
residents of 10 nearby Washing
ton and Oregon counties re< eived
from nuclear-weapons prodm
tion work
Things will cool off a little
Mostlv sunny today with tem
peratures near 90 and variable
winds at 10 mph
UWifI ; l
1 t1 -'i
I ’niversitv students. tat ult\ . staff and < umuwml\ inemheis join striking workers to observe thr sis nnti an
niversar\ ot thr strike against thr Morgan Xu oin door plant in Springfield Wednesday at tor noon l.ater. thr
group in1 nt to tin• residence ot l.rro\ I’asquini, Morgan Xitolai manager. amt planted crosses in his lawn
svmholi/.ing the plight ot the striking workers
Photo hv Sc,in Poston
Health insurance plans ready for 1990-91
Changes made in both
costs and coverage
By Catherine Hawley
I iealth insurant i- plans fur
international aiul domestic
.students have linen negntial
ed tor the HIOO 111 school
year and are awaiting ad
m i n i s t r a t j v e a p p rn v a 1
ASI’O in presidents kirf
Hailey and Sheila Shekel
said \\ ednesday
I or the first lime, interna
titin.il and dumestu students
at the 1 'niversily will he i in
eled under pulil ies provided
bv two separate insurance
companies although both
new polii ies are similar and
priiv. ide al must ident ii a I
coverage In the 1 OHO 'III I’m
dential policy
"These are the best, must
w ell resean lied plans w e
i a n offer to students , "
Stic kel said
All Amerit an Life Insui
ante, based in Woodland
1 tills ( did . is i arr\ mg next
year's insurant e plan tor do
mestii students I’lie All
Amerii an plan has a maxi
Ilium benefit ot $ 1 iO.OOO. an
improvement over last year's
$110,000 i ap under the Pru
dential plan, Hailey said
I lie All-Ament .in plan pro
vides the same benefits as
Prudential although the All
American plan will not cm
ei injuries int lined in ( Huh
Sport act iv it it ■■
The annual premium tin
students in the All Amen
can plan is estimated to tost
between $ ilttl and S . it) a
definite figure w ill be wail
able in two ur three ivi'i'U
iilli'l tin.il i (1111t.ii t ilrt.nis
an- worked out. lluiley said
I hr aninial premium tin the
l*rtnit-i11i.ii plan was si."'
It s not much oi an in
crease when you consider
it's tlie same benefits with .1
cap that's SldOJHtU higher."
Itailey said
Other advantages ot the
All American plan mi hide
•An a ve i age I li e day pro
cessing time for i hums
• A toll 1 lee ph' i: a - : m mliei
tor i hum sei \ ii e
• World-wide Id t ov
• A ini loss m' gain prm i
sum v\ Ini h means student',
i urrentlv insured umlei the
I’milenlial plan will he i on
sulered i outinuously i ov
• (last* management sen.ites
<1 claim utili/ation i mn
mittee will examine individ
ual claims alter they re.u h a
i i is I ol about $ 1 (MM III to de
termine it less expensix e al
I el tui I i ve t rt-at me lit s a re
at ailable
As with the Prudential
pol ii v tlie \ 11 A merit a n
plan does not cover dental
or optical care l'hysii i.m
x isits, laboratorx and \ rax
servii.es. uipalient hospitali
zation outpatient surgerx
at upuni 'lire presi riptnms
ami r:hiropractii rare will
continue til he covered h\
All Amerii an
In ilrder tii provide i inu
age for international sin
dents the i tmetsilx is )iiin
ittg an insurance consortium
Prudential All American Hartford
198990 1990-91 199091
(international and (international only)
domestic students)
Annual premium
Maximum benefit
$200 per person
Payable at 70 percent
tor first S 10.000 then
at 90 percent to limit
$500 $550 test)
$200 pd person
Payable at 70 percent
for lust S10.000, then
at 90 percent to limit.
S370 $390(est)
$250 OOP
None if hrst
treatment is at
Student He nth
$50 per claim it not
Payable at 100
percent lo limit alter
Benefits for pre-existing condition?
Yes Yes Yes
Substance abuse and mental health care coverage?
Yes Yes Yes
Dental and optical care coverage9
No No
operated In Tin’ I larttord In
mu.iik i- ( smipans. til I l.irt
Iur<l . (nun Mori1 than
a i (Hit) internalinnal stu
di nts studying in the I mini
States .ire i overed In I l.n t
funi s [inlu v
rhe llartlnril provides a
V ,11 (Mill maximum henelit
Ini an annual premium esti
mated til rust between $1711
and $ i’ll) International stu
deni' ue required to pur
i h a s e hea III) i n su ra nee
u lull at the I 'ms erxits ; thes
mas choose either the Mart
lord polii \ or the All Ameri
( an plan
Tlie Ilartlord insitr.int e
plan olfers a lower deduct
ible than last year's Pruden
tial plan Students will pas
no dcdui tible d their lust
treatment lakes pl.u e at the
Student I lealth ( ‘enter they
will pay Sat) il first treat
ment occurs elsewhere It a
student goes to the Health
( enter and is relerred In a
a outlier ( are pros idei h u
treatment, the student must
pas .1 S3;T ( n payment tee
Hie dedui tilde applies tu
e.u h i hum students make
under the 1 l.irtiord plan
In addition to the lower
premiums and the higher
benefit i ap the ads milages
to the I larttord plan ini lude
• Payment of 100 percent of
all i barges beyond the de
dm tilde
• I’.esi rlptmli ( ■ S er.lste , :
creased to 'ill percent id
Turn tu INSURANCE, Page 3