Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 10, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    Wesley movie night
Weslev ( enter Bible Studv
will lie held Thursdav .it 'I
.1 m .it the \\ esli'v ( entei
12.iti k me .lid Si
Et als
Weslev \ighl Does to the
Movies will meet Wednes
dil\ lligllt .it ' .it tile U eslev
(lenti l I Hi k mi .nd St
Y< li t N. 1 l-.I.KS
I lie follow ilii* volunteer
opportunities m- avail.ihle
bv 1 .tiling the Volunteel
( linnet tune (>H 1 oiiuu
• (,oll tnurnev event <nde
three hours on Saturd.iv
In I \ _'M I. u the I -.me ( ountv
Keliel Nurserv Fundraiser
Sell raffle In kets or vv.iteh
golfers .mil post |heii scores
.it i oldest holes on the
i oill SI•
• front desk assistant three
hours a week tor tile lie
gene Sprlngheld t onvenlnm
and Visitoi ■ Bureau (Ireet
v isitors and give them tour
ism information answer
• female drivers thiei
hours a week tor the Depart
ment ot I Inman Kosouri es
\ oluuteer Program Pit k up
teen aged and vmmger girls
.md transport them to .in m
t t'st 11 n• i.111\ support group
• Kincrgeiu v servile volun
teers flexible hour*- for the
I ..me ( mint v I feparl merit of
I ’ll 111 it S.ifetv ( house from .i
variutv ol volunteer options
III the Se.ui h and Kes< ue
program. unhiding moon
t.iill iesi ue sf i p.itrol,
mounted posse emergem \
r.tdio i:omillunli .ition or vva
lei se.ui h .md resi ue
• hniiition.il support volun
teer IV hours .1 week till
Shuntj in ( )r. gun, Ini (filer
supjiort through peer i nun
seling to people who an*
I IIV positiv e oi hav. ,i dim:
nosis of AIDS and to their
friends and lumilv I raining
is provided
Deadline toi submitting I t
a/.s to the Kmerald front
desk l\ll Suit, ton IS
mum thr il,i\ before puhlu a
linn I t a/s run tlir i/ai nt
llw event unless the men!
takes pi,u r helm, noon
\, it if rs at m ruts \\ ith a
donation nt admission
i barge u ill not hr a11 rplrd
I arnpus meats and those
si hmliileil nearest the puhlt
i at ion dale u ill he guru pri
orit\ Hie 1 rnerald reserves
the right to edit noli, es lor
gr.inini.il ami st\ le
Earth First! gathering under way
KW'iN. Man! tAi*) On a cool, windy
morning in the shadows of Ifi• • snow-lipped Mad
ison Kanin- tin environmental mimp I .nth I irst'
began its annual gathering today with slate. lot al
and federal authorities planning to keep a low
ke\ watchful eve on the week long event
Some inti members and supporters were ex
peited for the Round River Rendezvous lot ated
miles south of here in the Beaverhead National
forest It is the I 1th annual meeting of the organ
ization know n for its militant appro,it h to defend
ing nature
Members were buss over the weekend pre
paring the site V stage has been erected with
bales of hax and a sheet of pKwootl anti a station
aix bicycle will be used to power a generator to
operate a sound svstem
l ents dot tin serene wooded hillside as i.urth
1 listers pat bed the essentials on their hat ks tor
the quarter mile jaunt from the parking lot Ban
ners appear tied to trees designating the regions
the t .nepers < all home
Karth I trslf membei John l.ilburn of Missoula
said workshops on a x.metx of environmental
suh|e< ts vs 111 he held on the opening davs of the
gathering as partu ipiants begin arriving from
ai ross the I nited States and ( atl.lda
Hill Haskins, anolhei organi/.ei from Mis
sou la said the only problem em oimtered so fai
has been obtaining the net essarx number of port
able toilets A Butte firm that had agreed to pro
\ ide the dex 11 es i hanged its mind at the last min
I he man was obviously frightened and ex i
del it 1 x fiad fieen threatened. Haskins said
(Jltic.ers fiom the Madison Counts sheriffs
offiie. the l S forest Servile Bureau of land
Management and stale Department of lush Wild
life and I’.uks will he on hand as observers and
peace keepeis authorities said
We will he fairlx low kex watching from
afar said )ai k de (iolia a spokesman for the
Heas it he,ill forest 'One of the thing* we it1 go
mg to tiu I* Irving to keep people apart it thes re
not Iriendls toward oath other We hope th.it lo
< a I folk* in Madison Counts ssill go about then
business, and ss lien the week is over people \\ ill
go home
Robert Killing. 1 orest Servii e lass enfori e
ment officer said he’s not expecting anv prof)
lems bei anse Karth f irst! historii alls has not i re
ated trouble near its meeting sites and "there’s no
reason to expei I tiles ss ill this time
They're iust a group of people who have
handed together lor a common cause." lie said
That’s svhal makes the 1 anted States great
"We (lass enlon enient) aren't going to do
anything abnormal or irrational We’re not going
to harass those people in anv wav. shape or
However. Lilburn said lie suspei Is tindercos
er officers ss ill be t in dialing at the gathering
Siores of local residents showed up on
Mart h to tin a hearing ill funis on the Karth
I list' application for a forest Service permit to
hold the rendezvous Mans of them spoke against
the permit
The I Jens er based Mountain States Legal
foundation also sued m federal court last week lo
stop the meeting, arguing that faith first! should
be barred from the forest because it advocates il
legal acts of sabotage against developers of the
nation's ss ildlands.
I S Dislin t judge ( diaries foveil of Helena
lebulfed the lass suit Thursday, saving the Forest
Service had acted properly in granting faith
! list1 the permit tor its gathering
An appeal of Lovell's ruling arrived at the
‘till I ’ S (breuit < ourt ot Appeals late T ridas and
lodge Alex Lozinsky refused to intervene m the
case, the clerk * oltii e said today The judge said
opponents of the meeting had failed to make a
substantial showing of harm” or of a likelihood
of ss inning their suit
I ill* I ill t Hit'll' Spi'C l(ll
tiff '-«■ ► w.tj i iti r
Thus class series fi h uses i m iarelully selected features designed t.
increase \ mi rroducli'.itViSi enioymcnt o! the Ma» k Class v.a ••
are small to ensure plenty of mdmdual attention . hour sesn , s
lJni|it»t v 11«j Spi'i Oils
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MicrnVl Hard I>isks
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aw iK“ki m Uiv iratnui>; i.iumv irum iuam-u
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Haiitlson Seminar Schedule
I eatur t*0 I’r oUui U jjj
KAM ( Iiar^c sour Mat *
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