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Quad* Studios The Hilyard Apt* 1 BLOCKS FROM AMPUS 1 WEST 4th APTS »’ block* Itom U of O 245 REAL ESTATE ATTN GOVtRNMt MT HOMt S 60*’ 8 )« SIDS »•« GH U164 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ■ ART CINEMAS ■ ■ 492 E. 13th • 696-2458 ■ DISCOUNT SHOWS M- t' ’ ■*«« % ^ HOST k HC •SOON' **,*sr ‘ i - LONGTIME [k] COMPANION ; GARY (X D6^AN OkNNI*. HOPPER W (CHATTAHOOCHEE ■ a Santa '.m ' - ■’*«• »*>• ’ • ’ ^;w4:fRMyAn:iai»< ^ 1 I Of A4m THSaM W W»H IIOO Adm TH Sa V4 W*»H ® t'J] 'J-D ® A > 0 Sdatravagan/a Warring j«d>n Hot meal ^ »* .<»■*» HjIi" ••«** *•< ■•••j t « ■ The Gods Must Be Crazy II Com*«a tOBSTtRMAN f *A MANS j tic Night idm Th St »3 Su We 12 SO ftPTS.-OUPLEXES 11 (>l () ihl ! l 14th 9F»7 IIdyard |furnishei 'Mi 1 i rn\ Line 1 180 Patterson 17 1', High 1881 High 1 Bedroom \partmenls ’ill K 18th ffunmhnl) i) *i » Hilvard I 147 Aider 1 17(1 High IH44 kirn aid i furnished) 2 Bedroom \partments 1.* , } 1 ‘Ith 1H44 him aid ifunu difd! i 14 I 14th 1948 1 lams So |>t-h Shown Ik appointment Spyglass Associates 14 ', W I Oth Mil, 1 I It) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING An essential part of your college survival Let me help you through this difficult, but rewarding process. ACT MOW OM BEHALF OF YOUR FUTURE Brian M. Heater 343 4082 485 6200 ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED LtTS COHABITATf"' ?6S CHILD CARE GlI f’AtO TO MAVt TUN 285 FOOD & DRINK ru*j»*'■»*' '• HOT FUDGE SUNDAES St 25 Every Tuesday Wi & Aqit. ?95 MASSAGE & BODY WORK TMl RAPlEUTlC SWf OISM MASSAGE Jl ANlNE VAN VAC TOR l M T Phone* 4AS «927 AFFOROABLE joo COUNSELING 4 Kay# Weinman M'. * COUNSELING 301) SERVICES QUALITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Rate*! I ■»« l siimaici. SOLVE THE PUZZLE On# F Hi l ODE I shin «n>HI b* given l«> Ihe In si person to solve The c Kt%%word puzzle every Tuesday and Thursday during Ihe summer1 Com# lO Ihe ODE office (3rd floor I MU! to claim your prue' CROSSWORD By Eugene WM ACROSS 1 Spell txxjnri 5 Drama division 8 I dible starch 12 Wide mouthed pitchor 13 I! s "hell 14 British '.troeti ar 15 Mei ess companior 1 7 (;eiomhde out 36 To Hr, 3/ Chopping aids 38 Suited 41 Johnson or Cliburn 42 Skunk s defense 43 Mr; ahoul town 48 (Contest 49 Hoad >j'h> 50 I the sheltered side 51 ir ' i* 52 Sou el 53 Slight D< )WN i colleague 2 Pointed tool 3 Won! with green or jacket 4 l overs meetings 5 On vacation 6 scan 7 Fncroach 8 (-at s cradle need 9 Barren 10 i i.irden portal 11 An.igrarn ol Rome 16 Mi m month 20 .ends P - chock Solution time 25 mins 21 Mam down 22 Jewish month 23 Norse tale 24 l a/mess 26 Maxims 27 Sturdy trees 28 t nave the stage 29 Cmc m nati team 31 Cherry 34 Is filled with longing 36 f- u tional sailor 37 Ballad 38 Wild f i><) 39 Advantage 40 A • usm j 1C'h *w COliOQ 41 M. Ji»y 44 around the track 4b C. ;rri; 1,l cheer 46 1 > t r c »ng desire 4 7 Desk i •' ■ j) SHOW THEM JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS professionally showcases your experiences and skills for potential employers RESUMES $15 Suite 500 EMU 3464581 9-5 M F Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson f I'AR NO'Kt ROW \ rut ovutR i\uru , at. m susvtt R \ , IMIT OO V liUtrv,' [ TVtlKA, UiM TKL •>> . ‘V iOU HAD UP TUI ’* A‘/\k K>j i> ttANT to DO EVtWTM H<5, T> - f ‘. 1 XAH.D Vk MORV. S*' VHV RU^AiN *1 *j an tit? wmx I'M k Qt-LZi.2. AD 1 LL j ' v> . A MAs A P¥0 i