( ommunih Officials wait for site decision Olympic committee announcement not due until the end of November By John Clarke Kupresentalives tmm II,i\ uard I iold won’t Iimi out until November il l.ugene will be the site of llie !*t*i()h mpic trac k atui field trials Representatives from M\ pus siI)I<• trial locations i".ivi* (hen presentations before the Olvm pic Trials Site Selec tion ( iom mittee to bid lor the c ham e to host tire 1 <1*12 ()lympic Trials l ugene’s Hayward field was among the si\ c hoic es whie h me luded Ihirliam. \ ( . Sac ra niento. C.a 1 i I . K no\vi 11 e , Tenn . Seattle: and New (h leans The dec ision will he made public at the end of Novembei after a larger Olympic conven tion discusses the committee s recommendation. We all thought it would take the committee hours to i tMi it their dei ision. sa ni (.ars I rigueiro. the repiesenta live tm Hayward Field and .1 member ol the l trefoil I rat k (-lull It w .is remarkable ()nl\ altei a half hour the iiei ismn was made, none of the six bid tiers 1 oil Id believe 1! ITiguuiro said he didn't know how the i.ommittee had voted, but he felt confident that Hayward I leld was a strong 1 untender to be chosen as the site It's hard to tell. I'rigueiro said Hut I wouldn't trade m\ 111.11 e lor am other bidder's plat e I lax waid Field is 1 learh an exi client -ate The I 'uiversi t\ of Oregon is planning an ail dition and the field has al leads seen the (flympii I rials ol PIT'. 1‘trti and 1980 along with mam other national ton k es cuts I'rigueiro said the six lot a lions seemed to I,ill into two i ategones experienced i om imiiiitii s tli.ti have hosted tin i• \ *• 111 before and nurnlinni tow ns eager to prove them selx es One group s presentation uses a hex . tr\ me out " ap proa ell lie said These bidders lr\ to persuade the i ommittee that monumental media < ovei age will compensate for then communities' ine\per ieiu e staging tin- ti inis 1 he other group uhu It llavuard field is in. goes tot the more sure 11re tai tn s I rigueiro said We i mu on (rated on the fat I that trials and national trai k events have been held here hnlore and that we have exponent e in these sort ot ex nuts The i ointtiunitx that is even tually t.hosen to host the trials i an ex pei t i m red ible profit and promotion I rigueiro saul It s amazing he said II lai gene Is chosen there will he a great ten-dax part\ New language center to open in winter By Daralyn Trappe A Japanese businessman has donated s Iuu.uuo (n (lie I’m Vfrsity lot ,1 new language Stlldl ( elite! in Fat ifii I hill, to lie upon for usf l>v wintei term Hit) 1 Osamitsll Yatnuda has do n.ilfil ,i total ol S tun.linn tor the renter which will replace the language lab that students are i urrentlv using in the basement ot Friendh I hill I he i entei v\ ill ini hide three dillerenl labs a llbi,ill hill u ith _’H infill id tial stations .ill uith audio and video t apabiI ittes. a i iassiooin lab where language courses i\ ill be taught and Mai inlosh lab equipped u ith several i mu p liters In addition to the labs, the center Mill have three i lass rooms m ith video and audio ca pabilities an audio visual pro duction room, and a main ot tii e tutorial i enter Tile renter udl serve several purposes said Russell Tomlin, associate professor ol Iniguis tic s and ai ling head ot the I )e partmenl ol l ast Xsiaii Fail guages and l iteratures It Mill be used as a language leaching center lor students. ,t teacher training facility and a Clip out Oregon Daily Emerald coupons for big savings! * AVINDCRIANP * Got* I E OB PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5-Uintn AIL GAME SWORA £VIUtU YYITHNICAELS GAMES ADMISSION 1 SO SIH STREET PUBLIC MARKET EUGERE • 683 84S4 pi.ii e tu i iiiulm I ri'si'.in li in second language learning and ti'ii( hing. in' s.nil rlu> current language tub. w h ii.h Turn I i n described .i‘. mil ill dal*' owl I\ 11■ 11i 1 jlt> will In' closed Mlhough tin' new center is being developed through ilnrui linns by businessman Osamitxu V.mi.ill.i the l.lpilliese langil.lge will nnl he emphasi/ed ill el a ill other language. Tomlin said I he new language t.nntei w ill he ill sen it e In all lan gliages he said 'l amaila w ho heads ail ac i minting tirm anil seieial i m poralions in Tokyo, hei.ime in teresled in \niei ii an universe ties through a friend. VJisao Makino. who is a professor at Sensliu 1 invefsil! in Tokyo. Makmo Is iniolveil ill an ex i hange program al the Amen i an Knglish Institute Vamada has also be( mne involved in student exchanges In paying expenses (ill several Japanese students III study ill ttlr Inited St,Hus s.ud I hendore l\diner ,n t itiy* dt'.m ' it the i aillege ut Arts .Hid Si H'lli I'S Although lti‘ has mu!*- dim,i lions tu uthiM Aineru an iiuim-i sitms tin- S itKl (hih In- has giv mi tn tin' I duvi'tsiiy is his must generous gift t imilin said I hi'sf donations .ire nut las deductible in lapan " lift said "so it s vt*i\ unusual Ini .111 111 dividual to do something like Ihi. f lot [ini at mils generally make sui li diiiiations Aside from li),' i onipiiters given hv A|i|)le Yamatla has been the sole contributor to the i enter A dedication ceremony is ex peeled to take plate u hell the i eiitei is 11 lushed I’t>mliII will ,11 I as I o dllet tin lit the t elite! along with David ( iirlaml. a romance languages instructor and director of the foreign language resource con lei 50% OFF Selected u of 0 Sportswear Im hairs N\\ 1‘atshirts. 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