Daily Emerald Editorial Let Supreme Court abortion ruling stand if Cov KocnH'i (Ini'Mi l veto tIn* bill, Louisi .mo mav sunn have the strictest almrtinn law in the country Since the l .'.S Supreme (inert s ruling on the W'rb '•/cr vs Rcprodiu ti\ r Health Servit es case, many states have tried to pass some very restrictive abortion laws This fall. Oregon nun be facing some of its own abor tion law challenges So tar none of these attempts at restricting legal abortions has passed l p until now that is In a last minute attempt to push an anti abortion bill through the Louisiana State 1 egi.slature the Senate reworked a Hag burning measure into an anti-abortion bill Sunday evening previous drat! of the trill which banned all abortions except those to end preg nancies that endanger a woman's life, was vetoed last week in the governor and the Legislature < mild not muster enough votes tor an override. The legislators were obviously desperate to pass some kind of bill restrir ting abortion betore the session ended It seems tli.it many of these stair's are trying to pass anti-abortion bills just to challenge the lU7.t I' S Su premo Court ruling in Roe vs Wade. Perhaps instead of trying to overthrow an already existing decision, these states should work toward ways of preventing pregnancy and creating lietter programs for helping women rear and support children once they are born. The decision to birth an child or to abort it in volves many considerations. Economics play a large part in the decision. When legislators contemplate dif ferent means of outlawing abortion they don’t seem to look at the whole picture. The United vStates has one of the worst support sys tems of any highly industrialized country for low-in come parents. While many European countries allow abortion, they also provide excellent medical, psycho logical and monetary support for women with chil dren. By providing these services they express to their citizens a true value for life. These values have nothing to do with religion but with a deep respect for human life On the other hand the United States offers little as sistance to families in need Medical benefits often will not cover the cost of prenatal care and delivery. Aid to families does not even cover the cost of rent on decent apartment Food stamps might last three weeks out of the month With ser\ i< es like these it is no wonder that many women chose to have an abortion instead of a child. It is time that our politicians got off the anti-abortion bandwagon and tried something new, something as simple as supporting the life that already exists Uov Buddy Roemer made a smart move when lie vetoed the anti abortion bill that i ame at mss his desk last week We hope he will continue this pattern and veto the new version. Attention should not he fen used on women having abortions, but rather oil how to create a system where women will not want or need to have them Oregon I toil* _ _ Emerald V () H..x »!<*» t ufri>« . Oregon The Otf-.; t D.« v £ mo raid '•* published Tuesday and Thursday during the Sum tuf by I ho Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co as the University of 0?«*g ■ fcu Greg •••• DaMy pubi>- abort begms **lh She fan ih»* hm- n j t*»d •• .ji*;**■1 Je'-fiy the Un ve’iit, a !h v-. .... « the ?r, ... . f .. . i .{ .ft.ii u « I '• .1 ’ ' l hi A - • .»tt*d i ’ • ' The I merald private property The unlawful 'em -wii o» use of papers •*. pros ecutaffo : . tA Editor a -■ v*. ’ . . ■ New*. Managing Editor ’ Editorial Editor i f Aa Graphics Editor ‘ t Night Editor A ■ .. Associate l ditors Entertainment !- s : Student Govt Activities Community : i* K* t t * Staff Photographer . • Advertising Sales . 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Production Graphic Services 346 4381 tS IT OKAY TO CAUSE P6MHPV REMOVIN&THE ( fwr psb©5-.. wrwoR wrrwour W&NTAL HOnCE*}. jmmmf 1/ KMMU*’ / SUPREME COURT OL **VKX 03333!= Case of merit In response to Daralvu I rappe s art it 1c un Students fni the I t hit ill lreatnient ofAni nutlsfO/)/ |uly t| let it he known that Si I A mil pursue our request to have I )i Hu hard M.irriK i:nS researi h protocol re examined (ontrarx to what the artic le stated mu request is not a 1 fraud c hatge ralhei it is a phw tor Ihriversitx and lo cal ottu ials to uphold the ver\ siientilii standards that the\ i Irtim to maintain. \ thorough scan h of tried it al ahstrai ts revealed dozens of studies that in our opinion, "i.loseh approximate Dr Marroi i o s i urrent proposal 'tel Ins protocol that was suh nutted to the Institutional Am mat l are and l'sc Committee i homed that no sin h research existed II Dr Marroi in's protocol does in hit t i ontain false in formation, the proper sanctions should lie imposed It it does not he should have no worries It IS not a question of repln a lion hut one of scientific merit and mtogriH I odd llausman si I A Omitted f or some reason, one para graph of m\ t ommentan "Ho mosexualitx not a moral is sue K )i)l Julv t) was omit led I he gist of m\ argument was that tiecause a person's sexual oriental ion doesn't at tei t i it her pet iple it doesn t make sense to think ol it as .1 moral issue I raised the follow ing possible objection: "Will'll two men or two women st.irt tout hing or holding hands in publii . th.it does affet I me it makes me sit k and so now it's .1 moral issue bet a use it's at let ting other people In mv essay I provided a counter argument to this objet lion l aifortunateh . it did not appear in the published ver sion Here is the rest of the ar gument It's hard to know where we draw the line between behay mis that affect other people, and behaviors that don't l or example, it might make von siik to think about wind some one’s doing behind closed doors So then what a person does m the privar v of his or hot own home does atfei t you in a way Hut most people would say that that's not really what yy e mean by "hay ing an offer ! on someone else t )n the other hand, most people would agree that punching someone in the nose definitely is a case of having an effect on someone else " What about public dis plays ol affection that make some people sick 1 111 not sure but niy intuition is that that case is a lot closer to what someone does behind closed doors than it is to punching someone in the nose because this paragraph was omitted, readers might have in terpreted llle as suggesting that the argument about 'affet ting other people posed a substan tial problem tor my y ieyy I don't think that this is true at all Deborah I risi.h I’sy i hology _Letters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters contain ing comments on topics of interest to the University community Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the character of others Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than -att words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submit ted . The l'man)Id reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style Letters Affects people Honestlv, don't wo have the right to expet t that efforts to present or defend a controver sud position should amount to something more than merely stating, "tins is true because I s.n it is true 1' Yet. that is es sentially the line of argument advanced In Deborah Frist h in her attempt to show that homo sexuality is not a moral issue She tells us that if a person's behavior does not attei t anoth er person then it is not moral behavior Hut. when confronted with her own counter example of homosexuals holding hands in publit causing another per son to feel sii h she is unable to s.iv il that beli.n ior uitei ts other persons in wav whit h counts as moral She merely re sorts to her unsupported i laim that homosexuaiitv is not a moral issue Yet by using her ovv n del mi lion namely, that a behav ior must have an offer t upon others to be regarded as moral, the only possible t mu lusion is that homosexual behavior is moral, unless, ot i ourse. she is refer ring onh to totally personal