Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 05, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    live Mim. • Oregon Wintrir-.
lin rrdil'lr I Jiff if. • Afliving An I'a.iivr.
An f. .f "four (jtiirn • (hildrtns1 Ait fata*
Over 100 (.rails Bcxxhs
Ar.J l:*(rylhir,g Under ihe .Sun*
July 6.7 & 8
In I ugcnc a! Allan Baker Park
A/dn^ ihe Willamctlf Kivrr
Maude Kerns Art Center
(503 ) 33V1571
Fri — July 6
12-2 The Traceys
2-4 Paul Prim e
4-ti The Benefactors
ti-fl Kuchina
Sat — July 7
12-2 Mark Alan
2-4 Don l.alarski
4-ti laiose Change
(i-H Mure Time
Sun — July 8
12 -2 I .a /.no
2-4 Riffle
4-ti Vicki Brabham
Howell's |a// Duo
A & E
Daily Emerald
Charlie Daniels Band leads list of events
The legendary Charlie Dan
ids H.iml will shake tin* I ..ini*
( mints I airgruunds tonight .it
7 with its uniipre hlt'tid of
country musit and mi k n roll
I H ki*ts lot tilt- i oiliert art*
available at (II |or s and all
I it kntuiaster outlets in the lai
gene Springfield atea
• \\ ilh a host ol food, w me and
entertainnienl. the annual Art
and the Vineyard festival v\ r 11
kit k off ! rid.is in I iigenc s \l
ton Maker Mark Nine hands and
performers, art exhibitions,
food, beer and some of Ore
gun's best wines will be tea
lured through Sunday Sug
gesteil donations are $2 foi
adults. Si I for i hildren 1H and
under and $ri for families I 01
more i nforniat ion. i al I |ulie
Hardman at Mi I'>71
• I’ark Concerts Springfield's
Willamalane Mark will host a
series of i oni erts beginning to
day at 0 p m through August
•l Middlin' Sue and I 'in le 1
and Inhume will be featured to
night On July 12. Riffle will
perform I lie i tint erts are tree
•Print** Phillips Koval Blues
tonight Ifantl at The Unite May
ern 211 Washington St Cover
is S 1, 2 1 .md over
• Blues fain tonight at (loud
I lines dale .mil Hill I " i I
Seventh Ave 2 1 .md ovei
• (ins Kussell j.i// key I >■ i.i n i i t
I rida\. noon to 2 p in .it Filth
St 1’iililn Market, 2‘l() I 1 ifth
Ave Free
• Shtikuhuku .mil Transisler
I rid.is II 10 p in WOW II.ilk
20 1 W f i«hth Ave Admission
• Fvan Parker Duo with (.reg
(iondman S.itiml.is H p in
l' mtarian Oh on li. 17 7 tot li
• Black Koses reggae li.ind,
S.ituriliis New Max’s, .’ill I
1 till Ave $ I i over. 2 1 and
• Peter Thomas classii al gin
tarisl. |ulv II. noon to 2 p in .
I dll) St Public Market 20t> K
Fifth Ave
• Park Oomerts The Fugene
Parks Kec reation and ( ultural
Servi( os dis ision is hosting free
blues, bluegrass and classical
concerts in various parks
throughout the Kugeiie area
I be i oik ert series begins July
1 1 and runs through August 2 1
m A ilia/.on Park. Westmoreland
P.uk and Hendricks Park ( on
t.u t Patiit la ( aisn k al (>H~ li.itl 1
for more information on dates
and times
Tile 10*10 Oregon (hiuntrv
l air runs |ulv 1 i-15 in a mead
ors l<h .fled 1 1 miles west til F.u
gene .fifing Highway 12li near
Veneta (I.itr prices .1 rt■ $ft Fri
day. $8 Saturday find Sr Sun
da\ advanr e tii kfls am SI less
t'.ff It (lay (Ihildren under 12
are free and llftise Vi ami over
ret elve In kels lor half prit e
Advance tickets are available
at the i:\1l' Main Desk: House
ol Kt't ords. 27)8 K l:llh Ave .
WOW Hall 2<l 1 W Fighth
Ave , Halladeer Mttsif . 2!tti IS
I ilth \y e and the Kei ord (iar
den 1157 Willamette St Ad
vane e tii ket purchases include
<1 free Inis rule to and from the
lair from the Fane County Fair
grounds 7'iti W 1 1th Ave
Nine stages featuring a wide
variety of musii and entertain
ment, ( rafts and unique foods
will be available at this popular
annual event No dogs or pub
In ramping will be allowed at
the fair site
• Free concert woodwind
( handler musi( . today at noon
in the Hull (filter l.obby. One
Fugene (lent re
• "The Fnknnwn Mozart"
comert. Friday . 5 p m Soreng
Theater Hull Center Tickets
are $7. S-l for students seniors
and children under 12
• Fmpire Brass Ouintet Friday
H p m . Silva ( 'oik rrl I la 11. I lull
( leu I cr lit kets art* SB. Sit. $17
.Uld $211
• Sieve Owen |ti// Quintet j.i/z
i .iliiiret I riday t) p in In 1
a.m.. Kick's Lobby It.ir. Fugene
Hilton. titi K Sixth Ave 1 ree
• "Oregon Originals" a con
cert ot new music, from Oregon,
Saturday .it noon in the Hull
Center Lobby Free*.
• Pednderecki String Quartet
i h.miller music. Saturday. H
p m . He,ill (loncert I la 11. 'Mi 1 L
18th Ave Tickets are $7. $13
and $ 1 a.
• Bach’s "St. Matthew Pas
sion" Sunday. 8 p in . Silva
Concert 1 lull. Unit Center
Tickets are $H, $13. $17 and
• "Oregon Biennial 198!)"
works of art by Oregon artists
in a variety of styles and pre
sentations opens Sunday at
University Museum of Art.
1430 lohnson Lane. 1’he muse
urn is open noon to 5 p in.
Wednesdays through Sundays
through August 2t> Free.
• "Sun Photograms" photogra
phy In artist Karen Keifer
Boyd. Sunday, noon to 2 p in .
Fifth St Public Market. 2‘I0 L
I iflh Ave Free
* I ill* I (III III t* 111 S|)|,(II|I
M<» nil Imp
N«mt ► *nij l*i»
This i lass senes focuses on carefully selected features designed li >
increase your productivity \ enjoyment of the Mai K Clays si/es
arc small to ensure plenty of individual attention J-hour sessions
arc held m the training taulit) I rum lOam-11
& 2-'1pm Advanced Registration is required
I lantfcon Seminar Schedule
Inuulothe Mjuntosh July 10 Run 12
PifU'Mikc: i(2pjr, vnes' July 11 1‘ Mill-12
Imro to ihc Mioniaui July 17 10am 12
liUTO lo MS Works lulv 17 2 ipm
PlgcVikcf U(.2 pirt *•«' luly IV Hum 12
inlro lo M!< Works \ug 1 Hum 12
IJniut*r \llij Sjmm lots
Show l’of 0
ID & Save!
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‘ mmr nr noun 4 octwocwn r 4 me Best uovks 4 me bcst pacts' 4
r In
NflMy 7 00 » 00 • Sun M«t 4 TO 15
| Hollywood1 • fleet
leafure Aim about
I Am AIDS epidemic
F le • me for acheive
ment. en important
I hiatoricai docu
I ment played out m
I atfecting human
/ A) Son Mat 4 30 ^-1
lr f>* h® cam# home a
Kctmt Mar ^wo bu<n®
ouukJnt tl >r ar<d N® oumdnl
*CT9®t So frwy mt! torn to a
m«nLg ifrsfitolLr
instead oi ! to go!
n*^«c! instead cd .art- V go!
br^iaify ^iU«mcJ o( g<Yr>g r
S® lough! bai* And h®
b®cdn® a h#ro tor r» wound
■ j •**« * • .A N» >..r t • A
■jvi.m-.M-.il in. .^11-1.1. .:..,if.T-7rrnrn»ia.n»B.7av.T»yn
M r 'VO^HMindudM
tHE 6®0S M«St|
be cmtir
Here is what just one business leader had to say about
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Military experience provides many benefits
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