National Nuclear cleanup jobs abound WASHINGTON (AP) The government is looking fur .1 tny\ good men rind women to help i lean up radioai tive contamination .it its inn weapons plants over tin' next III years The job is i hnllenging. yx ith plenty of tilin' outdoors And offii nils guarantee .1 i areer lor pist rilninl .on i ollege si ietu e student The Department of Inergy s,ud it will take r,() pen ent more money and live e is mans people ns previously estimated to i arr\ out .1 five year 1 leanup plan at the waste sites "We've got to convince the people ill the 1 alleges to go and look at this ns the i areer n! the future. said 1.00 Duffy head ol IM)I s 1 leanup offi( e "It's an exi iling 1 areer. .111 in terestmg i areer. one that is involved with new tei hnnlogy He said there .ire a! least ltd00(1 job open mgs and .in annual budget in billions 1 it dol I ars Duflv said some HIM) students graduate with si ience degrees ear h year and most ion II line with I heir si ud ies He said the department intends to do a better job of publii izing the benefits of work iug .is an environmental si lenlist seeking bet ter way s to i out.on and dispose of radioai live waste "Kiivironmentally. they are going to be out there in the wide open spaces of the West the sage brush, the rabbits and the elk and the antelope be said In a typical day he said, a si lenlist yvould "go tu work in lilt- morning in .1 |eep [lulling .1 I mat go fishing lor awhile, pic king up sam ples of fish trapping some animals and taking them I mi k to the laboratorv As the department tries to lure workers into the field. Duffy said it will face the same image problems it fai es even da\ "Technologv does not alivavs interest e\ erv man and woman." he said "Distrust in Department of Knergv past is a proh loin The fai I vou’ve got radioai tiv it’, is a ma lor prolilem. Duffv said the lai k of si dentists and ade quale technologv are the biggest hurdles to i leaning up weapons plants that have dumped high level radioai tivitv into the soil and vva ter "We've got a problem. he said "We have a major program initialed tor 11 si .11 vear pi'll) ol approximately SJ n billion and we don't have the capability to support it The government now estimates 1 lealiup rusts for Pin I 1‘1'li will be S.1M t> billion, near ly lit) percent more than the $P) i billion [>ro jei ted last fall The (amoral Accounting Office predicts i osls w ill total Slit) billion to SJOtl billion over the life of the to v ear project “Tire worst thing we can do is go out and throw money .it this program and wind up with a si andal in three years that will damage both the department's credibility and the abili tv to i lean up our sites Duffv said Jurors rule out racial bias \K\V Y( )KK (API \ blac k youth who w as killed in .in .llt.u h In .1 white gang in Bcnsonhurst yyas .1 victim ol mistaken identity not r.n 1.1I bias. a< i ording to jurors who cleared one mob membei ot intentional murder and disi rimination the jur\ Tuesday failed to resolve a second murder charge against |ohn Vento. 1 in what has been routinely dose ribed as the lai ially motivated attac k on Yusuf Hawkins lurois interv levved after the verdic t said prosecutors and jour nalisls had overemphasized the role of rai e in the slaying whii h occurred Iasi August in a predominantly white lowei middleclass section of Brooklyn and inflamed racial tensions throughout the 1 11 \ \Ye all felt this was really more about mistaken identity, said juroi I er I .e\ in If I law kins and three other lilac ks had gone to the same sec lion of Hensonhurst on any other night these peo pie would not have been involved in an ini ident." she added "Race was used feu identification only, agreed juror Judith Schwartz, a teachei It they had heard a bunc h of Norwegians were coming to the neighborhood looking for trouble, they yvould hay e ac ted the same yy ay If the only reason they attacked (Hawkinsl yyas because he y\as lilac k that would have been disc rimination.' she said According to testimony .it the trials of Vento and trvn other ycuing men. the whites believed that a group of blue ks and llispan us y\as coming to start a light over a woman who had been in volved with one of tile yy lutes Instead, the whites set upon the ll> year-old Hawkins when he came to the Brooklyn neighborhood to look at a used car that yyas for sale The* jury 's four lilac k members agreed that race did not moti vate Vento and most of his companions "All they had to go on yyas some blacks and Puerto Ricans yyere coming to the neighbor hood." said one. Kenneth Spears, a transit worker Spears said some members of the mob may have been rac ists. but added. 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