Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 05, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Forest Service defends permit
HELENA. Mont (AP) Next
planned gathering in .1 Montana forest In mem
hers of the enviroiiinenl.il group Kartli 1 list' will
be easier to control under .1 permit issued In the
Forest Serin e. an assistant t S attorney argued
"Without .1 permit, the Forest Service says
the impai t on the environment would he even
more unpredictable." said Bernie Hublev I lie
concentration of this particular group mitigates
the impai t on the environment
Hublev argued before t' S District Judge
(diaries I.ovell. who indie a ted he will decide later
Hus week whether the forest Service legally is
sued .1 permit allowing Earth First! members to
gather in southwest Montana's Beaverhead \’a
tional Forest
The Denvei based Mountain States Legal
foundation and 77 other groups representing
rant hers, loggers, miners and ofl'-road vehicle us
eis say the Forest Service should not allow Earth
1 list' ill the forest because of the group's alleged
advocacy of "monkey wrenching" illegal aits
ol sabotage against developers nl the nation s
"We know who these people are. we know
what they want to do said William I'end lev an
attornev tor the foundation "They (the forest
Service) do have an option, your honor they
can shut down the forest they tan keep Earth
First! out
I.ovell took under advisement the found.1
lion's request for an ordei barring the forest Ser
vit e from issuing the permit
Several hundred Earth First! members from
ai mss the i ountry are expected to begin arriving
this weekend for (tie week long Found River Ken
dezvous about 27> miles south of Ennis
llubley said the forest Servile not only fol
lowed the law in issuing the permit hut also de
cided it would he in the public's ties) interest to
have Earth First' members meeting at one con
trolled site
It thi' permit was denied. Farth I list' itiem
hers could legally meet at assorted spots through
out the forest as long as eai h gathering had -F> ot
fewer people he said Madison l ountv Sheriff
Fee Kdmislen has said it would he much harder
to polu e scores of small groups as opposed to one
large gathering, lllihiev added
He disagreed with I’endlev’s contention that
Farth First! has liistoru ally mi ited violent e
against forest users such as miners and loggers
I he history of F irth First! has heen one ol
i ivil disohedieiu e away from the forest he said
" ['his group does not have a documented history
of doing these, types ot (illegal! activities in the
i’endlev argued that Farth First! encourages
tree spiking, the spiking of rnotorr \i le trails ha
lassment ot survev trews destruclion ol logging
ei|uipment and other ai Is of sabotage lie present
ed copies ol pages from ail Farth First! puhln a
lion th.it contained detailed nislrut lions on these
'When we look at the Farth First' manual
w hat heroines very i leaf is that they do'not mere
ly tolerate these ai tiv ilies hut also 'instrut I and
engage hi them, ' he said
1'endlev said the permit was issued illegally
herau.se Farth first' members may he lawbreakers
and 1mm a use the Forest Service did nut considei
damage that might fie caused to othei forest re
sunn es. sin h as a nearby timber sale
hovel! agreed that tree spiking old other ac Is
ol sabotage were serious t rimes, but asked I’end
lev for evidence that those attending the gather
ing planned to i oniinit sui h ai ts
"If they were going to rob a hank downtown.
that would fie a had thing, hut where is the ey i
deni e they would do that Fovell said
1’endlev said he had no evident e that illegal
aitivities would occur at the gathering hut said
"what we have is evidence of what they have
done in the pas!
No initiative to re-name King Boulevard
oi conservative activists seek
ing in c hange tin- name t>l Mai
tin blither king Jr boulevard
Jms Jailed a second tnni' in pul
an initiative on the hallo!
The Portland (hty (louiu il
voted in April PIH'l to rename
1‘nion Avenue alter king
prompting opposition Inun Ko
salie and Walter 1 hiss
In their tirst effort the t ouple
and their supporters gathered
more than 5 1 .OOP signatures toi
an initiative to allow the public
to vote to i h.inge the name
Hut the measure was never
put on the hallo! beeause the
i ourts ruled that the name
i hange was an administrative
ac t not a legislative one I he
public cannot demand a vote to
change an administrative act
through the initiative pro< ess
The couple's effort to put a
similar initiative on the ballot
failed when thev laded to sub
mit the required 20 tai2 signa
lures l»\ a p.m Tuesday
I he new mitiath e r hal
lenged the entire street-naming
process The public would vote
on t‘ver\ change. (ruin human
l'Uin into tlm future II it hud
passed , Portlanders would have
voted on the king name
i hange
rile I hisses insisted during
the campaign th.it rai e was not
a tai toi They said they w ere
upset about the vva\ the tats
( .mined renamed the street. not
that it honored the late i is d
i ights m tis 1st
I loss ever ( Its (intuit il mem
hers said the debate would di
s ide Portland and bring the i its
bad publit its Mans w ho sup
ported the king name telt the
Musses were directly attaching
a hero
Hull) groups are relieved that
the tight is over and that the
Musses and then supporters
t,uled In gel enough signatures
I hes prohahls rail out ot
steam said Betts Roberts, a
former judge and co-chairwom
an of the campaign to keep the
king name "1 also would like
to think the i iti/etis of Portland
hecame wise to their bigoted
purposes and ssnuldn I work
with them and sign their peti
I ii ms
('oimnissii mu Mikr 1.1 mil»«-r>4
said Portlanders rnalizrd tli.it
the i.itv proi i ss was nut tin’ is
sun I.imlbri 1; noted lti.it .1 lisnl
Inn \s tiiln supreinai is! v lsitrd
Port lit lit I to li'iul tin' 1 ampaign
his support I ttiink most Port
landers thought the I hisses
U i'l l’ l.H 1st
Run I Irnuton. i n i tl.ilrman ut
tilt- HI.n h I '(tiled I runt, said
Portland must st,i\ . 1 ti-rt to any
signs ot mi isl attitude . I In said
king su|i|nirturs did not lake
tliu I hisses sin inn h at first
\\ 1 • Hunt to sIi*i• j».' I II I 11
don said ' Thrv aru a put lei t
a van 1 pin nt v\ I la I happens vvhrn
you go to strop
Roberts aitivr in Oriigon
polllii ■, Ini ill veals ri'llirm
hors tin- Musses tioin visit's ago
u Inm tlirv ran an ant 1 1 omtlHi
mst iioukston- and vvtirn Wat
tor I loss briefly h.is i.hairman
nt tin- slati’ Kepubliean Parti
stir said tlirv probably would
surlai.r again.
I til’ llu.s.srs Will* til’l l’ U til’ll
I .111 ivrd ’’ slif said I just br
lirvr they're going to tin here
u lion i in gone
Chronic fatigue linked to depression
SliATTI.i: (At‘l Chronic l.i
11mii- syndrome, often referred
to as the ' yuppie flu. appeals
lo be more i losely linked to de
pression than to a virus. I ni
versity of Washington reseun h
ers say
A study published in this
week's journal of the A merit an
Medical Assoc iation found a
greater rate of depression
among those with chronic fa
tigue than .1 control group But
it found no evidence that the
patients were infected with the
Kpstein-Barr virus, originally
tabbed as the ( ulprit behind the
Our of tlx* si ieitfists stressed
Tuesdav that the stud \ should
not diniinisii the seriousness ol
the fatigue svndrome
' This is ,i svndrome assot i.it
ed with hio( hemii ,d ( lianges m
the hrain." said Dr Wayne
baton, one of the investigators
in the study and a UW proles
sor ol psvchiatn "Its a ver\
real physical disease
Chronii fatigue syndrome is
characterized b\ sudden pro
longed weakness, musi le pain,
headaches, loss of concentra
lion and other symptoms that
i .in |MTs 1st tm iimiitlis .ind i'W'H
Visits It h.is been labidi'll the
V lippic till Ins ailsii it Is uttim
(liitKtiosrd in vomit; |imh‘ssiun
,ih t\iirkiiiji in t,ist [i.n rd i itirs
Then* urn nn spur dn ligurus
on him many Arncrii alls am at
till ti'ii w itli llir llivsti'l lulls
Ttir t W study was desinni-d
tu omasum and trai k I hi- [inss
mil i- id tin- Kpstmn Harr virus
in dti i hriinii fatigui1 suttrmrs
\mi‘ ut tliissr said tin1 illni'ss
was su had they worn uiiahlu to
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