Daily Emerald Editorial Rogers’ gaffe again embarrasses county The debate on the local nuclear free zone issue has shifted from the city council's agenda to the county commissioner's office. On Tuesday, by a 3-2 vote, the commissioners voted to approve the first reading of a proposed amendment to the county's 3-year-old nucle ar free zone ordinance. The commissioners are attempting to revise the language of the ordinance so that it conforms to the ex isting city NKZ in effect in Eugene. The amendment would limit tin* ordinance to "prohibit design, devel opment. manufacture, production, maintenance and storage of nuclear weapons and their components." The current mandate not only bans nuclear weap ons and their components, but also delivery systems A public hearing is scheduled for the July 25 commission meeting, along with a second reading of the amend ment . Casting the negative votes at Tuesday's meeting were the unlikely pair oi )err\ Rust and Hill Rogers Hut while Rust cast his vote based on his beliefs, Rog ers is apparently afraid of a possible lawsuit by Eugene Peaceworks. which contends that revising an ordi nance through a counts -wide vote is outside of the commissioners' authority Peter Sorenson, a lawyer working on behalf of Eu gene Peaceworks. submitted a letter to the county sug gesting the illegality of the commissioners actions re garding the revision of the nuclear free zone ordi nance Rogers stated at the meeting that "i( we adopt this (the revised ordinance), Eugene Peaceworks may go out and get a real lawyer instead of Peter Soren son.’ ' Rust i barged Rogers with slandering a private citi zen and abusing his position as chairmen of the county board Rogers responded bv stating, "I will say what I want to say It's admirable that Rogers believes in free speech It's unfortunate that he thinks it only applies to him self It was Rogers who had the environmental maga zine Forest Voire removed from the county courthouse a few months ago because he thought it didn't belong next to Timber, the industry's magazine. He didn't bother to check into the legality of his actions barest Voice has since been allowed back into the courthouse It is Rogers, also, who does not believe that county employees should be allowed to have earnings deduc t ed from their paychecks for donations to environmen tal groups Chairman Rogers' constituents in South and East Pane County should be concerned His verbal poke at Sorenson is the latest in a series of gaffes that under mine an elected official's boundary Although lie voted correctly on the ordinance amendment, it was for the u rung reason “Look! We re finally getting attention from the White House!" Campground good answer for homeless In lilt* past three weeks since the closing of the Opportunitv Shelter local homeless activists have worked hard to make their po sition known and then von es heard They've set up demands and stuck with them keeping constant pressure on i ountv and < its governments Recently it appears the advoi ates are foe using their energies on getting the < 11\ to revoke Us Iran on camping in public areas The c it\ had pre\ iously dec lined the re quest based on concerns about health and safety regulations and state laws governing public c ampgrounds While there is validity to the c itv's i.on c urns, there is still an immediate housing problem that needs to be solved The c ountv is working on expanding its alreadv existing family shelter and developing low-income housing but until the work is complete and there is adequate shelter for these people ue need another option The obvious solu tion is opening a temporarv campground for homeless families ('.ranted there are main problems in voiced in opening up this kind of camp ground It would need to be staffed 1!-4 hours a ciav This c mild be done on a volunteer ba sis bv members of tbe community . oi the c itv could hire stall people The c ampground would need to be equipped with the same services as most re creational campgrounds: running water, showers, toilets and garbage service. While these servic es might be complicated and ex pensive to operate they would be an abso lute necessity to keep conditions sanitary, espet iall\ with a lot of children around There is also concern that, once the campground is opened, people would flock to it and I'.ugene would become a niece a lor the homeless This problem could he- less ened il tin- campground is open only to homeless families. Money seems to he the biggest obstac le to opening the campground. The city and countv would have to use monev that has al ready been set aside lor other homeless housing projects to set up the campground At this [joint it would he money well spent. Homeless families need a place to stay and maintaining a campground for the summer would he more cost effective than operating a shelter tor the same period ol time. Ottering homeless families a sate place to camp while long and short-term housing plans are developed and constructed would reduce the immediate* problem oi housing homeless women and c hildren. With greater comiminitv involvement and volunteer work, a caretullv supervised campground could be just the solution the i ity and county have been looking tor. Letters GTF complaints \\ itii regard tu (hr lilting ot (hr enrollment i .ip .mil tuitmn xxaix rrs Kt>( rntlv (hr (haduatr Teaching I allows federation at (hr t nix rrsitx has received .111 unprri edented numhrr ot i uni plaints hum graduate teai lirrs who havr lirrn told that thex do not qualitx lot summer tin lion waivers (the so-railed "sandwich"I because the\ did not have lull at ademii year teai long appointments tor PlM't'tn Manx CTI s believe that a spring term appointment xx ith a contract tor the following tall term entitles them to a stimmet tuition waiver I-anguage in the ai aileiliu year fee hook seems to support tills be I let It is ironii th.it the thiiversi tv. committed to an academii mission, appears im lined to or conser\ alive with approval ul tuition w aivers to .1 ( nt 11 all\ important group of modrstb paid m holars and teai hers hut is willing to grant tuition waiv ers to .1 group (student athletes) whose mission is generally considered to be non academic l ire Oregon State Hoard of Higher [-.duration has declined to 1 onsider an oln ions solution to its funding problems, name l\ allowing the I'niversiK to drop from the i’aeifir 10 bon terem e Athlete s rear lies out and touches the < iti/.enrv ot this state 111 a was that academics does not If fall were* to come with no green and gold glit.’. to entertain Oregon sports enthu siasts. maybe some among them would realize that the funding c risis in higher educ a tion is genuine Maybe some c,f them would begin using their ideas .inn then votes to Hint a solution so thev could once (igain s,i\ "How 'bout them Du. ks1' Diane Kau om Just as easy lu the timber industry artii le [Om-: June 28], logger Sam Hale believes that the timber i ontroversv is a matter ol prior ities. and is quoted: "1 don’t think we should destroy an in dustry that is over a i cnturv old just to save a bird.” I'm not in favor of protecting endangered species to the detri ment ol everything else but you could just as easily say "! don't think we should destroy a spe< ies that is a thousand y ears old just to save an industry " Or "1 don't think we should destroy a planet that is 4 billion wars old nisi to satisfy our own greed It s really all the same, isn't it’ It's nisi ,i question of priori ties lames Drew Computer Si ienc e Wrong as a right Thank you, Deborah Frisch, for your commentary on homo sexuality (0/)f. July ,i|. Here is my response. You're assuming that there are no "moral absolutes." It's up to each person individually and to society to decide what's right and what’s wrong Well, if this is the case, you're right and it doesn't make sense to ask whether homosexuality is right or w rong Or drug abuse ' Oi rape:' Abortion? \nimal abuse? Murder7 Suicide? ()ur soi lets has defined, gen eralK what is right and what is wrong and those w ho step out side ot tin- i irt.lt* are labeled "deviants " Hut who is to say that what is right for one per son is right lor another? A lot of people think th.it it s OK to commit suicide That doesn't affect anyone else, right? Or drug abuse? If an act causes only one person to stumble, feel pain, or puts ob stacles in their life, then it is a moral issue. Homosexuality is biblicall\ a sin; it is a conflict of interest, and it causes people to stumble. We are a confused people when we try to justify wrong as a right Charles Armsbury Eugene